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[Korialstraz][A] DragoonKnights 2/7 LFM for a guild raid group

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We are DragoonKnights, and we are trying to Make DragoonKnights Great Again. We are a guild which at one point in our former glory raided very frequently.

We are a guild full of friendly and helpful Americans trying to restore our former glory in Korialstraz. We are looking for good spirited individuals which are looking to be in a raid group, we are currently raiding every weekend. The first raid will be held Friday nights at 9 o'clock server time, and also Saturday nights at 9 o'clock. In DragoonKnights, you will find very well experienced players which are very helpful to all which need help. We are not looking for any specific class, we are just looking to build our guild up so we have an active and funny environment. However we are looking for players which will be the right level to raid, however here in DragoonKnights we do not turn anyone down(as long as they get here legally;)) We accept any level, any race, and any class. So, please help us return to our former glory. thank you veryb much we are expecting to hear from you.:)

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