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Enhancement Sham look for advices

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Hi guys, how you guys doing ?

Here is my problem, i'm currently playing Enhancement Shaman, my iLvl is arround 855, and to be honest, my dps is... shiet. 
Here is my armory ( http://eu.battle.net/wow/fr/character/archimonde/Weeckaid/simple ) so you can see i really focused on keeping the right Mastery/Haste ratio.
So in every fight (more or less) i'm around the 200k dps (which is totally crap), and i don't really know why.. I doomed the icy veins guide to death and pretty much worked on my "priority rotation thingy" and i still have a dps worth of crapbag.
So if you could help me finding what i'm doing wrong (oh hey btw, i've failed my artifact upgrade stuff so it might be part of the problem). I'll link aswell some logs so you can torture your soul and try, with any amount of kindness you have, to help me and finding a solution :)
Here is the full raid log : https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/v4GRwAQr1LbXgxzd/#boss=-2&source=3
and here is my logs on nythendra ursoc and drakes, which is for me the most significative bosses to work with !
Nyth : https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/v4GRwAQr1LbXgxzd/#source=3&fight=1&type=damage-done
Ursoc : https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/v4GRwAQr1LbXgxzd/#source=3&fight=3&type=damage-done
Drakes : https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/v4GRwAQr1LbXgxzd/#source=3&fight=5&type=damage-done

Thanks you again to give some time of yours to try to help me (and i'd like to apologize for my frenchie english) :)

Edited by Weeckaid

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Your armory link doesn't work for me but I will proceed anyways. 

Trinkets are very important, look for the ones from first boss in MoS, 3rd boss in dht, last boss in arcway, and ursoc. 

Pepper breath beats Mastery food on single target fights and scales off Mastery because it does fire damage.

I don't know how bad your artifact is but follow the one posted of icyviens as close as possible and try to correct it to such now. Might be even worth resetting your traits if it is as bad as you say.

The ratio of Mastery and haste no longer exist. Stack that Mastery as high as it will go with haste being your second stat best stat. 



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