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[Illidan][H] <The Backup Plan> 7/7H LF Core Raiders

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<The Backup Plan> (7/7H) is looking for core raiders for Heroic EN farm and Mythic EN progression.  We aren't a "hardcore" guild but we do value our time and would like to progress through tiers in a timely manner.

We raid from 8-11 PM (CST) on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Currently we need a mixture of everything; Tanks being our main priority while Healers are a close second. DPS are more than welcome to inquire but spots may be limited especially if you aren't flexible. (i.e. unable to tank or heal if needed)

If you want to raid with us, all we expect is that you show up on time and have a basic understanding of how to play your class. We don't dictate consumables, talents or specs if you can push adequate numbers. Gear is not an issue! If you want to raid but don't have the gear necessary to do so, we will help you as long as you are consistent and reliable.

Outside of raiding, we're constantly running Mythic (+) dungeons, leveling alts, grinding WQs/AP and/or hanging out in Discord. Most of us are in our mid-twenties and while we may act juvenile sometimes, we're all about having fun and progressing through raid content.

My Battle.net is Strength#11285 and my in-game name is "Strength" (US - Illidan) -- Add me if you are interested.

Edited by Strength

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Be careful, you can't bump more than once a week. If you update the opening post, then simply write a note in it.

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  On 10/21/2016 at 5:50 PM, Damien said:

Be careful, you can't bump more than once a week. If you update the opening post, then simply write a note in it.


Sorry, I didn't know that. I'll keep that in mind.

<The Backup Plan> is still recruiting! We're now 7/7H and recruiting core raiders for Mythic EN.

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