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And this is POST-Balance Changes?

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I just cannot stomach the Standard ladder right now. Is it just me?

Is anyone who is play MR Shaman really enjoying it?

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The ladder feels weird. I do not enjoy it either. I decided to take a big break, after dropping about 6 ranks playing priest and a troll reno freeze mage list :D

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I'd like to comfort you with an expert opinion that "it's just a phase, like puberty, we'll get through it", but it's really not a short-term thing. I also didn't really get through puberty despite being almost 20 years old.

The game is sort of forced to be Curvestone and heavily tempo oriented by Blizzard's decision dynamics. Not really much healthy interaction was brought in by Karazhan, and some initial support to spell theme with Cabalist Tome and Yogg was a plan to disguise some dudes behind it - Arcane Giant and the Portals cycle. Might as well just play dudes instead. We have unfair decks that can only be punished by good old beatdown, because Loatheb is not around, and beatdown decks so resilient and so good you can basically beat them only with an unfair deck. The only thing that I like that's new is Secret Hunter, but ultimately it's the same Tempo thing as ever - free mana, undercosted creatures, cool removal - just in a slightly more healthy shell. 

The balance changes were healthy, now you get to play some nonsense you wouldn't shell out last month, like, you know, Rogue, or Paladin, or Freeze Mage. There is some incentive now to play level 3 decks, the ones that's good against stuff that's good against Shaman, because instead of two really punishing decks you really don't want end up facing you now have one that still sucks to play against but now you can actually win against it. Too bad your chances are capped at 50%.

And the Level 2 seems to adapt just fine. Mage is decent. Warrior is 20-minutes-game-long decent. Druid is good if you play Jungle Moonkin version. 

I'm a filthy Shaman player myself and I can't say 100% I'm enjoying it all the time, but it is definetly not the easiest deck anymore and has some play to it. Resource management is hard. Also I don't play against this much of Shaman, even though I'm Rank 5 and here is where everyone is supposed to play for the win. And it's not like every Shaman is already Legend like it was in 20ies of the last month. 

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I am really enjoying it.  As an avid player of miracle rogue, I can drink all the shaman tears I want.  Like there is no more aggro shaman, and zoo is almost non existent.  It is so god damn amazing.  Like all I see are mid range shamans, slower dragon decks, druids and control warriors, all of which are very strong match ups for miracle rogue. 

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I haven't played much so far tbh, but I managed to jump on and steamroll from rank 17 to rank 9 with Discard Zoo in a few hours, so that's good at least :D

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I'm not too much of an expert but it really seems like there are a lot of decks that are pretty good counters to MR Shaman. Me personally, my Menagerie Secret Hunter and N'Zoth Thief Rogue have pummeled MR Shaman. Plus once tunnel trogg and totem golem cycle out, that's gonna be a big hit to shaman.

I actually like the meta right now. While luck is still a factor, I think strategy has been upped since the nerfs. There are a lot of viable decks, forcing players to adjust different strategies. It's not like early 2016 (right before Standard dropped) when it was Secret Paladin all over the place.  

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Funnily enough, after playing a bit more now, I'm finding taunt shaman to just be an absolute nightmare. Still using Discard Zoo, I absolutely destroys shamans unless they are playing the taunt variant. I cannot deal with it in any way, even with a perfect hand. Once they drop that Earth Elemental, 14 heal, whatever, it's game over.

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