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[H][Tarren Mill]<Invictum> 1/7M Recruiting!

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The Guild was born in september 2016 together with the launch of Legion. The leaders of the Guild has known each other and played with each other since vanilla and got some high level experience from raiding in their backpack. We're an englishspeaking guild with players from all over Europe.

Focus & Goals:
The focus is mythic raiding on a high level but with a healthy raiding schedule. Playing with people from different corners of Europe and to enjoy the game and having fun while still being 100% serious.
The goal is to always push ourselves to become as good as we possibly can, climbing the ranks as high as we possibly can and to clear all mythic content as fast as we possibly can, while only raiding 3 days a week.

Guild Management:
The guild is lead by a council of 3, where the Guild Master is also the main Raid Leader, but having assistance from his 2 officers.
Using Loot Council/Master Looter as loot rules to always make sure gear goes to the right players to make the guild stronger and to make the progress faster.
The raid team will contain of 2 tanks (and 1 of the dps as a decided back-up tank with a well geared offspec), 5 healers and 15-16 dps. This is so we always have different options depending on what encounter we're facing. We want to be able to swap players in and out if a fight requires so and we don't want the raid team to suffer if a specific player/role miss a raid. The plan is not to have the same players on the "bench" for all encounters but to try keeping it as even as possible while still doing whats best for the guild when it comes to progression.

So how does things look right now?
As you know by now, we're a newly formed guild trying to build a core raiding team with focus on high level mythic progression. We've been working on getting the right classes, right players and right personalities since day 1 of Legion. At the moment we got 15 raiders in the team and has started the progression. 7/7HC & 1/7 Mythic Emerald Nightmare down at the moment.
We need our raiders to have patience and understand that a new strong guild doesn't form over a night...It takes time to build something great and thats what we're trying to do here!
Our main focus will be The Nighthold, where we hope to have a complete team that has got to know each other and are ready for pushing some nice ranks.

We're always looking for exceptional and dedicated players, so the recruiting of players will always continue, meaning we're always recruiting ALL classes and specs to improve our raiding team.
At the moment we're mostly in need of 1 Holy Priest, 1 Retri Paladin and 1 Warlock.

* You need to be at least 20 years old (We could make an exception if you seem like a really good player, but we'll never accept someone under the age of 18).
* Your personality is really important! We don't want any crybabies that does nothing else but complain. It's really important that you know what progression is all about and that you're able to take constructive critisism in a good way and using it to improve your gameplay.
*We want the people in our guild to be able to have a life outside of WoW while still taking their raiding serious, so the attendance requirement is set at 80%. If you can't make it to at least 80% of the raids, you shouldn't bother apply.
*Showing up to raid unprepared is a big NO, NO! This means that we don't care how expensive the flasks, pots, foods, enchants or gems are. Do you wanna raid with us, then you show up with the best of buffs you can give your character.
*You must have done Mythic (or Heroic as it was called before WoD) raiding before and progressed during an active patch. We want players that knows what it takes to progress on the hardest of PvE content.
* You need to understand and accept that you might have to sit out during a raid encounter sometime because the raid leaders wants different players/classes in on that fight.
* You need to have a microphone and headphones and be able to speak and listen on Discord during raids.
* We will also require that everyone reads up on the fights we're about to progress at before the raid. You should know what to avoid and what to kill, the raid leaders will only tell you how and when stuff are gonna be done.

Your trial period:
If your application is getting approved you will get a spot in the raiding team as a trial. This means that you will join us for some encounters (probably those that we got on farm) to show us how good you are. Your trial period will keep going for around 2 weeks before we decide to give you a spot in the raiding team or if we should say byebye. During your time as a trial you will not have the same chance on loot when you're joining for raid. This means that if a raider needs and item that dropped from a boss and you also do, he/she will probably get it. This is so we don't give away to much loot to a trial that ends up leaving or getting declined.

How to apply?
You apply at our website: www.invictumwow.enjin.com

Raid days:
Wednesdays 19:00-23:00 (Server time).
Sundays 19:00-23:00 (Server time).
Mondays 19:00-23:00 (Server time).
Sometimes we might start earlier or continue after 23:00 and even put in an extra raid day, depending on how things look. This will probably only occur if there is new content or we're close to killing a boss before reset.

Contact for more info:
Wokow (Guild Master/Raid Leader) BattleTag: Dugehick#2483

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