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[Enhancer] Maelstrom Management

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Hello fellow shamans,

I am unsure about my Maelstrom management during Bloodlust phases. 

When I am about to cap, but my Boulderfist/Landslide is running out, is it worth it to keep up the buffs, but lose the 25 Maelstrom or do I rather avoid capping at all cost, and accept that I won't have Boulderfist/Landslide up for a few seconds?


Bonus Question: 840 Eggshell, 840 agi/mastery or 835 Shockbaton?

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As for the trinket issue I am gonna assume that it's a serious question (though it should be the most obvious answer ever not to sound rude) and answer eggshell as it one of our best trinkets for enhancement and that stat stick till you get momento or bloodthirsty instinct. Keep your shock baton though for elemental.

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Alright, thats what I thought.

The trinket question was serious. I already have the bloodthirsty instinct and was unsure about the second trinket. till now I went with instinct/stat stick, but I will swap the stat stick for the eggshell then.

Thanks for your reply :)

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For trinkets I'm gonna have to recommend appendages over eggshell. 12s buff where they attack every 0.75s and they can proc stormbringer. Eggshell is not nearly as good. Instinct/appendages all the way. Obviously you can't just magically have a 100% chance to get them, and other trinkets will be your best option until you get them, but do try to get them asap. If eggshell is all you have that's fine, but it should never replace appendages or instinct.

Edited by Halfwit

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