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Stat Priority - Balance; question

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Why do the bis trinkets list mastery trinkets but the stat priority says haste? this makes getting trinkets confusing to say the least. Also is there a list of bis trinkets instead of just the two?

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You have to understand that saying that haste > mastery does not make mastery completely useless.  Which leaves rooms for the trinket proc to make a difference.

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The guide actually says

Critical Strike;
Versatility >= Mastery.


That makes even less sense that the mastery trinket proccs are better.

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On 10/27/2016 at 5:28 PM, HeavenPierce said:

Why do the bis trinkets list mastery trinkets but the stat priority says haste? this makes getting trinkets confusing to say the least. Also is there a list of bis trinkets instead of just the two?

The trinket BiS list was correct prior to 7.1, however, word of mouth is that mastery snapshotting was removed in patch 7.1 so Stormsinger Fulmination Charge is not as good as it use to be.  I haven't seen any patch notes stating so, however, many have reported that mastery snapshotting is gone.  Naraxas' is good because it deals instant burst damage and mastery just comes with it. 

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