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Feral - Simcraft and Stat Weights

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Hey all. I'm super confused by the stated stat priority on the feral druid guide vs what I'm seeing when I run my own simulations.

The guide has: 

  1. Agility;
  2. Mastery;
  3. Critical Strike;
  4. Versatility;
  5. Haste.

But my sims have: Agi > Vers > Crit ~= Mastery > Haste


Where's the disconnect, and which should I believe?




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Right below the stats guide, its the text which explaining it.

" Keep in mind that this priority is only a guideline. Under no circumstances should you forsake large item level upgrades just because the piece has less Haste (unless it is a piece of jewelry). Also, do not fall into the trap of stacking nothing but Haste. As with all classes, the values of secondary stats rise and fall depending on how much you have of them. "

Mastery is of course the most important secondary stats, but you can have TOO much of it. Stats need to be balanced :)

Edited by Temphiis

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The guide is correct for the most part.  To start with those stats are your primary, but as you scale other stats become more important.  That is what Simcraft does.  If you swapped out your gear and gimped your mastery in favor of some crit and run the sim again you would find mastery would be weighted more. 

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Thanks for the replies. I'm just a little concerned because I'm literally the only druid I know that is gemming/chanting for versatility. Most top ferals I see on the armory are going crit. 


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im so confused between mr robot n icy veins im hoping icy veins stat priority is up to date but weight wise robots way off of icy veins so should i be enchanting gemming crit or mastery my mastery is 50+% already 

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I'm confused, too.  It seems no source agrees and I'm not really familiar with how to run sims and don't have hours to sit down and figure it out.  I consider myself a pretty bright cookie but Mr. Robot and SimCraft are both over my head and even SimCraft's own guide doesn't match the current engine.  I keep hearing "sim sim sim!" but that really doesn't help me... and nobody seems to have a straight answer.

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My understanding is that currently, you need a balance of all secondaries (except haste). So whichever of Crit, Mastery or Versatility is lowest, is probably going to be your best stat. This is what I read on guides early in the xpac and I have reason to believe this is still the case, as whenever I sim my character, versatility keeps becoming stronger. The reason versatility is coming up on people's sims (and is not reflected in static guides) is because versatility is harder to come by currently than mastery haste or crit. Stat weights on any guide is going to be at best an estimation for a specific gear level - actual stat weights will change depending on your gear.

On a side note, simulationcraft looks scary to begin with, but it's actually very easy to use. Download, import character, go to options, select 10k iterations (and any other options you want to change), go to scaling and tell it what stats to scale from tickboxes (i.e. agility, crit, versa, mastery, haste), then just click simulate. 

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