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[Draka/Suramar][A] <Code of Silence> 2/7H

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Code of Silence has been a guild since then end of B/C  we have been raiding on a off again since then we are trying to be come more of a raiding guild this xpac. We would like to get up 25 man raid team so we have back ups when we start doing mythic raiding.

Our raid Schedule is tuesdays and thursdays 8 to 11 est. We only have two nights as of right now but will be looking at a other night if we are doing progression bosses. We would to see you on 30 mins before raid so you can get be ready for the raid.

Raid Progress

The Emerald Nightmare (7/7N) (2/7H)

Trial of Valor

We are looking for all classes and specs

Any questions add me to battletag Unx#11503



Edited by Unx

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