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[Skullcrusher][H]<Asgaard> (7/7 HC) Looking for all roles

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<Asgaard> is a progression oriented raiding guild located on Skullcrusher-EU (Realm group includes Al'Akir and Xavius).

We are currently 7/7 in Heroic, and provided we can find the right people both skillwise and socially (we value the friendships and commeradery our guild has created, and want people who share our ideals and wishes for both progression and friendship), we will be looking to push into Mythic difficulties.

About us: We're a group of friends and family members who have played and raided together in various configurations since Wrath of the Lich King and even before in some cases. Our age ranges vary from 18 to 40, but we expect everyone to act maturely and friendly at all times. We're a healthy mix of males and females, so if you're a woman raider you'll find a comfortable place in a non-sexist environment. Many of us also have children, and understand how sometimes you have to plan around that.

About you: You're an adult. Either by age, or by mind set. You bring a good sense of humour, good mood, and the will to push through even the "dark times" of raiding, when we're banging our heads against a seemingly impossible boss. You gem and enchant your gear, and you bring the consumables you'll need for every raid. You like to push yourself and try to get better each time we do something, and you're accepting of people failing and learning. You're also super awesome and lovable.

We're currently looking to bolster our core group of raiders with a few more key DPS roles, some of whom are wanted to have off spec healing or tanking roles ready to go on nights where we're short for real life reasons.

We are specifically looking for hunters, warlocks, shamans, death knights and priests, but generally we are looking for all classes to strengthen our roster.

We are first and foremost looking for the player, and the class and specialization secondly.

Add Abanitus#2158 in game for a chat if this sounds like your new home in WoW!

Edited by Fabra

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