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Demon Hunter DPS help.

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Hey guys,

I have started raiding with my Havoc DH and find that I am struggling a bit, so I am asking for some advice if possible. 

Here are my logs from our recent Xavius kill: 



Since my DPS is so low the past few weeks I am seriously considering to changing classes. I would do this if I hadn't spent so much time already on my DH, it would be a shame for it to go to waste. That being said, it also sucks to be in the mid-lower DPS range of the raid.

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Is it really that bad, 0 replies? I have made some tweaks on WA2 to track both momentum and fury which has helped a lot, last night at dragons I was pulling 265k average which is quite decent compared to previous results. 

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5 minutes ago, Rawsons said:

Is it really that bad, 0 replies?

Demon hunter community isn't very large, number of good demon hunters is maybe 10-15%, number of good demon hunters that know how to read logs maybe 40%, number of good demon hunters that know how to read logs and are willing to give back to the community maybe 5%, number of good demon hunters that know how to read logs and are willing to give back to the community and that actively browse Icy-Veins...like 3 of us. So....ya, sorry bout that.


Xev is a bad fight to look at for pure analysis, so I'm looking at normal Nyth since you died on Heroic Nyth.

Momentum uptime is horrid. You spent all of Blood Lust and Meta with no Momentum up in addition to just really low uptime.

You capped out on Fury like...almost always.

Chaos Strike/Annihilation was timed with Momentum fairly well, the rare times that momentum was up.

Throw Glaive was almost never timed with Momentum.

Missed a cast of Chaos Blades.

One cast of Eye Beam is weird, you either never use it for ST if you don't have the gold trait for it or you use it on CD with the gold trait - either way it was misused on this fight.

Chaos Nova...3 times...why? If this was Mythic I would say it was for the MCs but on Normal Nyth, wasted casts. Nothing to stun and worthless spell to cast in terms of DPS.

Consume Magic...again, nothing to cast it on....so ya, another 3 wasted casts.

Missed a cast of Fury of the Illidari


Biggest issues are the Momentum uptime and Fury capping, second to that are the wasted casts of abilities that shouldn't have been cast, then the missed casts of abilities that should have been cast on CD, finally the correct timing of skills w/ Momentum being up.



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Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I actually added the tracks from the havoc guide just yesterday before a raid and now both momentum and fury is correctly tracked, so those should be improved. 

We will do a full clear next week and I will post new logs then, hopefully for the better. It is really hard to be honest, I have been thinking about changing classes but I am against it for 2 reasons:

1, I simply love the movement of the DH, playing any other class now is just weird without the double jump etc. 

2, For AoE fights DH does extremely well, I am constantly top 1-2 in Mythic+ dungeons. Only the raid that needs to be figured out :)

Also, with Legion starting a new class is extremely time consuming. Being a semi-casual raider with only a couple of hours of play time a day makes it challenging to play one class, let alone 2. 

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Completed 7/7 normal yesterday and it was surprising, mainly due to two things:

- Correctly tracked CD´s

- I had the Cinidaria the Symbiote drop which is a huge dps boost.

No logs available at the moment, but I was 1st-2nd in DPS on all fights basically, with equally geared people.

What I still struggle with however is understanding how the cap works and how I can prevent running out all the time. Many times during each encounter I face myself standing still because everything is on CD and I am out of fury. 

Any input on this? 

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