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[Skywall/Drak'thul] [H] <Corrupted Destiny> Recruiting for raid team

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(H)Corrupted Destiny guild Skywall/Drak'thul US realm?

Corrupted Destiny IS one of Skywall's oldest and largest standing guilds - very active with a large player base! We’ve always got something going on: mythic dungeons, normal runs for alts, Island Expeditions, Warfronts, Incursions, Transmog runs (aka 'Chu's Shopping Trips), Raiding, Brawler’s guild activities...  Even random activities like fishing at Darkmoon Faire while standing on water and wearing a fish head side by side!! All adult guild 18+ years old. 
Raid-wise we are 9/9 N Dazar'alor and have members with 9/9 H experience. Our raid schedule currently is 5:30pm PST (8:30pm EST) to 9pm PST (11pm EST) Thursday and Monday. (Subject to change as we try to accommodate more members).

We have an active FB page and Discord server that is up to date on ALL game info as it happens, and of course fun stuff... as it happens as well!

As always, we are recruiting. Looking for raiders (healers preferred but all are welcome), casuals, in betweens, anyone who is looking for a guild! Do NOT be intimidated to ask to join us even though you are not level 120! Come and join us! We maintain a ZERO drama policy!!

Come experience the reason a guild as old as CD continues to stand and stand strong year after year after year! Come...... and get.... CORRUPTED!!!

Chu#12466 - Wanheda#11925




Edited by Chumani
Lots of behinds to kick! Come help us!

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Hai Raiders! Come on over and get corrupted with us! Recruiting raiders and members currently! What are you waiting for, its time for mythic EN, join us! Come.... Get.... CORRUPTED!

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Just updated this thread with our current info. We are currently recruiting for progression raid team spots that have opened up and as always anyone who wants to join a fun active guild! So come on home with us and lets have fun! Main post has been edited to reflect current status! Thanks!


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Just updated thread because WE KILLED ANOTHER BOSS in H NH!!! Also to let you know..... someone in our guild just won a free month of Wow time and 2 others won a substantial amount of gold by participating in our Herb Drive we held to make raid cauldrens! Yea, we roll like that! What does your guild do? Wanna get..... Corrupted?

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Hai raiders and wow players n slayers! Chu here, inner nerd is all out today! Wondering what you guys are waiting for? A new raid? Better weather? A new cheeseburger restaurant? CD's next Mogoff?? Tonight is monday and our alt raid night! We are running normal NH cause thats how we roll! Come roll with us! Don't you wanna get..... CORRUPTED??? We announce our events in guild before and after...... here's the announcement just out for the next event..... CD's Mogoff!!!!



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Hai raiders! Chu here! Just wanting to shout out to you that we are STILL looking for you! All of you! Raiders and non raiders! Our 2017 Mog-Off event is currently going on and rewarding a free month of game time to the winner! We are 10/10 Heroic Nighthold currently! Shout out to mah gurls in guild! We have quite a few female gamers ! Tired of the childish harassment from gamers of the opposite sex? Come get corrupted! We are mature guild that are like a family and we do NOT tolerate any of that! So what are you waiting for? Come see for yourself! Here is my newest video showcasing a few of us girls! Enjoy!



Edited by Chumani

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Hai raiders! Chu here.... my inner nerd is hangin all out today! We are still looking for you! Ahead of the Curve on everything.... Calendar FULL of raids/events that we do! Lots of casual player 'stuff' we do! Lots of 'raider' player stuff we do! Stuff! We do cool ingame STUFF! We want YOU to join us and do more 'stuff'!! What are you waiting for? We will leave the porch light on for you! Enjoy this video! I made it for all the entries in our guild 'Mog-Off' contest! This video is a memory for them! Cause we do 'stuff' like that! Come..... Get.... CORRUPTED!

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Hai Raiders! Chu here! Wanna shout out to all who are looking to come home to Corrupted Destiny guild! We are farming N/H Nighthold on Mon/Tues nights..... Thurs/Sunday are Mythic raids - currently we are 5/7 Mythic EN currently and about to move into Mythic NH! Come with us! Join us! We are so worth it and waiting for you! Recruiting is open so.... Come.... Get.... CORRUPTED!


Edited by Chumani

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Hello WoW players! Chu here! Wanna throw in an update real quick! Not only are we 5/7 Mythic EN..... we are 1/10 Mythic NH!! All other raids are on farm currently! We are still looking for you! Recruiting Mythic raiders and casual players as well! We offer a full array of events from mog runs, special guild events with prizes to mythic raiding! Come and see for yourself! Everytime a new member joins the wings are plucked from the back of a murloc. Now you know why you dont see any with wings! We will leave the front porch light on..... Come..... Get..... CORRUPTED!


Edited by Chumani

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C'mon down kids, you know you wanna come join our group of people who like playin' together! C'mon....alt night, mog runs, Me, Chu, us making fun of Deni...it's fabulous. Hit us up!

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(H) Corrupted Destiny guild on Skywall/Drak'thul is recruiting dependable consistant core team raiders (DPS)! And anyone else who wants to join a fun and alive guild!! We currently are 9/9 Normal ToS and 4/9 Heroic ToS. Progression Raid schedule is Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30 to 8:30 pst. We use mumble for voice chat.  We do other raids, mythic key runs and transmog runs for everyone on other nights! Lots of events in guild that award game time, plushies, gold and more! Corrupted Destiny guild has been around since the beginning, it is one of Skywall's oldest guilds..... we have watched them come and go while we keep going and going strong! We are like a family here regardless if you are core raider or not .... everyone is a core guild member.... everyone! Come on and join us! What are you waiting for? Come..... Get.... CORRUPTED!

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RECRUITING FOR CORE RAID TEAM! We are looking for dependable and consistant core raid team members, preferably melee but ALL are welcome to  inquire and encouraged to do so as well! Mature FUN guild semi casual raid schedule! Plus we have a Chu! Do you have a Chu? Everyone needs a Chu! Chu is fun, Chu is all knowing.... Chu is absolu...... errr wait.... thats me, sorry.. Oops! Well... yea we have a Chu? Come join us and lets get CORRUPTED! Chu#12466



Edited by Chumani

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Hey I have raided with you guys before as a pug, best runs ever too! I am interested in joining your guild, going to add you on bnet! Can't wait!

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On 7/22/2017 at 8:58 AM, Chumani said:

RECRUITING FOR CORE RAID TEAM! We are looking for dependable and consistant core raid team members, preferably melee but ALL are welcome to  inquire and encouraged to do so as well! Mature FUN guild semi casual raid schedule! Plus we have a Chu! Do you have a Chu? Everyone needs a Chu! Chu is fun, Chu is all knowing.... Chu is absolu...... errr wait.... thats me, sorry.. Oops! Well... yea we have a Chu? Come join us and lets get CORRUPTED! Swiper#1939/Deni#1743


Come on and get Corrupted!

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Still recruiting raiders and non raiders! Currently looking for heals and melee dps for core raid team! Must be dependable and consistant! Give us a holla and come get CORRUPTED! Chu#12466

Edited by Chumani

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