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blood dk in dps gear

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Ok. was in a raid ( not lfr ) and seen a blood dk in full dps gear. he was kicking ass. didn't seem like the healers were having a problem healing him. was wondering if anyone has tried this and if so what are the new stat priority and weights. obviously you cant stack dodge/parry with a full set of dps gear. oh and the dk's name was deathvamp http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormscale/Deathvamp/simple

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While I'm not incredibly familiar with endgame Blood DK gearing, I do know that ideally, you don't do this dps setup unless you are, like that DK, heroic geared. To my knowledge, doing a haste/crit setup before then trades a LOT of survivability. I love dpsing as a Blood tank any day, but even I have to make sure I'm not killing myself to do it.

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If there isn't a lot of physical damage going out and you have the stam to take magic hits, then yeah, you could use a good chunk of DPS gear with maybe a few pieces of tank for a little physical avoidance.

And like Elro said, probably shouldn't do this unless you have a good chunk of gear and know where the damage is coming from on a given fight.

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Well, if you can sort of outgear an encounter or a whole raid, then you ofc can (or even should) go with full dps gear. The DPS gear from deathvamp is really really good, so it's a normal choice to go full dps geared in such a raid. It's always a question of "am a still healable". Every class can "outgear" mobs, but death knighs might even be better than the rest, when it comes to outgearing. While a death knight isn't necessarily the best tank choice around, this will change if he has gear which is much higher than the gear from the instance. Even a 522 ilvl geared death knight can tank whole throne with dps gear (with some nasty damage spikes, but should be healable, if healers are similar geared).

Edited by SirenX

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We have a frost DK in full upgraded 522's who can and has tanked for us on 10N in full DPS gear, all the way to the end of the instance, with nothing changed at all. It definitely doesn't take amazing gear. It just takes being smart and knowing how to use your abilities and cooldowns effectively.


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The only two stats blood DK's really need are Stam and Mastery. higher ilvl gear will have more stam no matter what spec it was meant for, and some dps gear will still have enough mastery to allow a dps dk to easily tank LFR's and normal raids. and even a few of the heroic fights.

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