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    • By repodude
      I'm pretty good with weak auras and even some lua code but i cannot for the life of me figure out how to make this weak aura.
      heres the basic function i want:
      Prototype Personal Decimator - only fires a missile when you are at least 10 yards away.
      I want the icon to show when I am <10 yards ( too close) to my target to remind me to back up. Once i am >=10 yards, i want the icon to hide.
      it sounds simple but i cant figure it out
      can anyone help me figure this out please ? :)
    • By Enqua
      I have a question: For the ascendance / gambler build the haste stat is on top of the priority list. Our trinket priority list shows that a static mastery stat increase via a trinket is higher on the priority than a static haste increase.
      How come? 
      Regards, Enqua
    • By Adamant
      I recently obtained several high item level trinkets for resto, but since healing isn't supported on simcraft I have no way of telling what to use when.
      I have a 930 Amalgam's Seventh Spine, a 910 The Deceiver's Grand Design, a 905 Sea Star of the Depthmother, and a 910 Bloom of New Growth
      I'm currently using the grand design and sea star, but am wondering if any of the others are better than the star.
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    • By Teradan
      Hey all,
      most likely something similar has already been asked but still I thought it cant hurt to make my own post.
      Basically I am a Blood DK (https://worldofwarcraft.com/de-de/character/malganis/deathadan) and I am wondering which trinkets I should use.
      Right now I am wearing a Feverish Carapace (Goroth, iLvl 900) and the Reliquary of the Damned (Desolate Host, iLvl 925).
      Yet I recently acquired a Darkmoon Trinket Immortality iLvl 900 and I am unsure of which trinket to replace. Any Ideas?
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      any help appreciated
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      So what are the bm bis trinkets ? 
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