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[Mal'Ganis][H] <Iron Storm> (3/7M) LF DPS/Heals!

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Iron Storm is recruiting experienced, skilled raiders.

All classes & specs are being considered.

Current Progression
7/7h 3/7M 3/3N

Raid Schedule
Tuesday 6:30pm-9:30pm CST (Server)
Thursday 6:30pm-9:30pm CST (Server)

>Detailed Information<

Who We Are
Iron Storm is a Mythic raiding guild. Our raiding is done on a very light schedule. 
Currently, that schedule is 6:00-9:30pm Wed/Thur, Server (CST). 

It is expected that members will share in the task of analyzing their own performance and the performance of the raid as a whole. Members should be deeply aware of the mechanics of their class and be able to adapt to the fluid nature of the game.

Iron Storm employs a loot council method of distribution. 
Our goal is to intelligently award loot for both exceptional contributions and also in a manner that most benefits the group.

Important information
Our intention is to progress as far, and as fast as possible on our light schedule.
In order to keep competition and skill at the highest level possible, recruitment for our team will remain open.
We will constantly be accepting applicants to replace anyone who is parsing under 50% on a consistent basis.
So if your specific class is not listed, but you are a very strong player, please contact an officer, or fill out our quick application on our website.

If you do not have recent logs, you must attend at least one heroic alt run with us.
Ability to maintain an average of 50 percentile on warcraftlogs.com for your spec/ilvl throughout the tier.

>Paid Realm Transfer Requirements<

Attend at least 3 weeks worth of raids with us.
Parse 80% or higher for your bracket for weighted damage/healing on Warcraftlogs.com.
Follow proper mechanics, and show that you can be relied upon to perform fight specific mechanics.


If you like what you've read about us so far, and are interested in joining our ranks, please head over to our guild website. Once you're there, take a look at our "About Us" page, which explains more about how things work in the Guild. After all of that, if you are definitely interested in joining, feel free to drop an application (preferred) OR add an Officer's BattleTag and we can set up a verbal application.

>Contact Information<


Website: ironstormguild.com

Thank you for your consideration in joining Iron Storm!

Edited by Tormak
Battletag Changes

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