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Multi-Class Cards

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Which class do you think will benefit the most from the multi-class cards? Highlander Priest ftw.

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25 minutes ago, Blainie said:

Highlander Priest ftw.

Inb4 I play Reno Jackson with Auchenai Soulpriest on board.

The classes that together with priest (i.e. mage and warlock) will often have unviable discovers. Priest will have discover from mage, and together with Kazakus, there will be more viable archetypes, not just dragon priest.

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I'll reserve my judgement for when the full set is known, because so far the revealed cards have been quite underwhelming. Discovery over three whole classes is way too hit-and-miss to include such sub-par minions in a constructed deck. (Just look at the crap you get playing 'Burgle' effects at time.)

This leaves Kazakus, and he'll definitely see play in Reno decks until Reno rotates out. Time will tell if he's flexible enough to create a deck around him without Reno.

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2 hours ago, Keizoku said:

I'll reserve my judgement for when the full set is known, because so far the revealed cards have been quite underwhelming. Discovery over three whole classes is way too hit-and-miss to include such sub-par minions in a constructed deck. (Just look at the crap you get playing 'Burgle' effects at time.)

This leaves Kazakus, and he'll definitely see play in Reno decks until Reno rotates out. Time will tell if he's flexible enough to create a deck around him without Reno.

But until standard rotation, I really think that card is powerful enough to carry RenoLock to higher tiers, maybe BL Tier1/Tier2. Deck is already sitting at a high curve, and a potential to last long enough until that curve is reached, and a powerful 10 mana spell can be just too much for opponents.

And after then, RenoLock will be a real threat for those who play wild, as it has already lost some important cards in last standard rotation and they are available as well. It could be a nightmare.

Again, I may just be overreacting.

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39 minutes ago, FanOfValeera said:

And after then, RenoLock will be a real threat for those who play wild, as it has already lost some important cards in last standard rotation and they are available as well. It could be a nightmare.

I'd agree tbh and, at this point, I'm happy I only play standard :p

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We'll have to see more. The discover is only good to show off the concept.
Might end up giving some heals to warlock, or straight up better removal for priest. We don't know if we gonna have Cross class spells. Other than Kazakus.

off: See if this tool gets to a similar level as Bionicle phantoka and mystica, where they literally released something worth of a half set as one. Far off comparison but I hope it got a possible point through.

Edited by Frontrider
Kazakus has no id

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37 minutes ago, Frontrider said:

Might end up giving some heals to warlock, or straight up better removal for priest. We don't know if we gonna have Cross class spells. Other than Kazakus.

Renolock with Priest healing, lovely.

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2 hours ago, FanOfValeera said:

And after then, RenoLock will be a real threat for those who play wild, as it has already lost some important cards in last standard rotation and they are available as well. It could be a nightmare.

Again, I may just be overreacting.

Since I play mostly wild, I can say that renolock isn't really powerful or a big threat, and I think that Kazakus won't move it to tier 1. It will at best be around the top of tier 2. Some other pro-reno might pop though, but Kazakus alone won't make the deck extremely dangerous.
Legendaries are very rarely gamechanging cards, as they can be run only once.

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1 hour ago, Blainie said:

Renolock with Priest healing, lovely.

Well, through discover they sure to get that. That single discover card will give them priest heal time to time.

And If I look at Kazakus, We might end up getting combined effects. 
priest: copy,summon dead minions,gain armor(?)
warlock: damage everything, summon a dude (and something else)
mage: draw,transform , freeze minions

Maybe you'll be able to summon a huffer as a paladin?

On healing I'm more concerned about accessing druid/shaman heal as a rouge. Since there is no healbot anymore.

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50 minutes ago, Frontrider said:

On healing I'm more concerned about accessing druid/shaman heal as a rouge. Since there is no healbot anymore.

Do you mean that rogue is getting too much heal? Feral RageHealing Touch or Healing Wave among other options.

51 minutes ago, Frontrider said:

And If I look at Kazakus, We might end up getting combined effects. 

Combined effects are guaranteed.

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2 hours ago, Blainie said:

Idk man, shadowstep Reno for life. Well, at least until he rotates into Wild.

This combo requires both cards, so if you draw only one of them, the combo won't happen. Those discover cards I mentioned earlier are much more consistent, and with Feral Rage you can even trade.

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2 hours ago, positiv2 said:

This combo requires both cards, so if you draw only one of them, the combo won't happen. Those discover cards I mentioned earlier are much more consistent, and with Feral Rage you can even trade.

But, memes, man :(

Of course, those are way more consistent, but nothing is more fun than Shadowstepping Reno, C'thun etc.

Well, maybe my Mage deck when Reno first released. Double Echo, double duplicate.

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Just a question, even though all the cards haven't been released is there a reason to pre-order this expansion? Honestly apart from the dragon priest cards I don't really like any of the others .. Since Reno will cycle out in Jan Kazakus doesn't help ..

Why is blizzard making all classes like rogue (stealing stuff)?

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7 hours ago, peekaboo said:

Just a question, even though all the cards haven't been released is there a reason to pre-order this expansion? Honestly apart from the dragon priest cards I don't really like any of the others .. Since Reno will cycle out in Jan Kazakus doesn't help ..

Why is blizzard making all classes like rogue (stealing stuff)?

Well, stealing (and crime in general) is the theme of Gadgetzan in WoW, so I'd say it just fits the theme. 

You still have enough time to preorder, so I'd wait until most or all of the cards are revealed. There is no need to rush.

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Thanks I don't follow/ play WOW so no clue.

I wish Blizzard would reopen Naxx adventure and GvG packs for purchase. I would definately get those at the current (MSOG) pre order price.

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On 17.11.2016 at 11:43 AM, peekaboo said:

Thanks I don't follow/ play WOW so no clue.

I wish Blizzard would reopen Naxx adventure and GvG packs for purchase. I would definately get those at the current (MSOG) pre order price.

I do think about this sometimes, since I completely avoid Wild. I would probably do the same.

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Even I avoided wild , only played a little while (crafted piloted shredder/ mad scientist/ haunted creeper) because I was reaching uninstall level tilt vs Shaman in Standard.

It sucks when I go and check all the stuff that I have missed (mainly the card backs)  simply cause I started so late. Now TGT packs will go soon and I just want to get everything w/o having to dump so much time/ $ into getting them.

As far this expansion goes I don't think much is going to change apart from more Priests on ladder.

Blizzards HS design team thinks balance means make 1-2 classes with decks that require the IQ of 10 to play. I miss the Patron decks (watched the Blizzcon 2015 finals, so satisfying)

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On 20.11.2016 at 1:32 AM, peekaboo said:

I miss the Patron decks (watched the Blizzcon 2015 finals, so satisfying)

Patron wasn't exactly healthy to play against though - needing like 60+ HP to survive a 1-turn attack was a bit much. 

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I meant after the warsong nerf ... Hell 60 in turn ill take vs shaman nowadays .. I don't think ill ever play shaman unless they get some dragon cards .. 

Just saw Savjz reveal of the Jade Shuriken .. Why do I get this sinking feeling that this expansion not going to affect the meta .. 

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15 hours ago, peekaboo said:

Just saw Savjz reveal of the Jade Shuriken .. Why do I get this sinking feeling that this expansion not going to affect the meta .. 

I mean, the Jade decks could end up being super strong. It might just take some time to actually come up with a solid Jade Rogue deck! I'm down with any new Rogue deck though. I'm bored to death of Miracle, Dragon etc.


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3 hours ago, Blainie said:

I mean, the Jade decks could end up being super strong. It might just take some time to actually come up with a solid Jade Rogue deck! I'm down with any new Rogue deck though. I'm bored to death of Miracle, Dragon etc.


Huh, something fresh you say? What about a mid-budget C'thun rogue? Surprisingly works quite well against shamans. There are a lot more cards I want to include in the deck but don't have them (as it's NA), which means that you will get to practice your deckbuilding skills as well! Now if that's not value, I don't know what is.

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7 hours ago, Blainie said:

This is appropriately fresh. Will use. 9/10 on freshness.

Only 9/10? Then you might be interested in other wares, such as weapon rogue or this thing that has way too much synergy (thanks to Paracel for suggestion), both at 50% winrate (total of 6 games). The new cards will definitely be a nice addition to those decks, especially the Jade cards for the latter deck.

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5 minutes ago, positiv2 said:

 9/10? Then you might be interested in other wares, such as weapon rogue or this thing that has way too much synergy (thanks to Paracel for suggestion), both at 50% winrate (total of 6 games). The new cards will definitely be a nice addition to those decks, especially the Jade cards for the latter deck.

You're welcome. A Beast Pirate Murloc Dragon N'zoth C'thun Yogg Burgle Reno Rogue is always a pleasure to mention, to play and to watch as well.

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