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By Anemic
Since 7.3.5 I have gotten some decent gear and have been using SimCraft to see what the average difference in the two talents. I simmed them with the Mangaza's Madness belt combined with. Sephuz and Soul of the High Priest, and with and without 4pc t21 (because some of the gear that breaks tier is 15+ ilvl better). So far with my 4pc, sephuz, and FotM it simmed *55k higher than Twist of Fate and any combination. I assume the sim procs Sephuz every 30 sec, which is kind of unrealistic, but I was shocked the dps was so much lower using ToF and FotM.
Any thoughts on the two talents? Does anyone use FotM? I have started using it and generally average 1.5m dps without BL and north of 2m with.
Here is my armory link, not sure why it shows my haste much lower than it is in game. In game w/o buffs its 43% ~15,500 or so
*(edit: originally put 500 it wasnt 500k, checked my Sim logs and I was mistaken with my lock sim. Priest sim was 55k better, sort of negligible but worth debating the talents maybe)
By Exploit
Hi everyone,
I, like many others, are trying to maximize DPS for their respective classes, mine in particular being ret paladin.
In general, it seems like there are several sources of information for dps for each class.
Icy Veins Mr Robot Raidbots (Simulation Craft) Warcraft Logs Each with its own set of criteria as to what determines high dps. And I find inconsistency when bouncing between the different sources. I want to understand what am I missing when it comes to each. I will lay out what I currently understand, and would like some feedback as to what I may not be considering in each as well as some advice as to what other options I could be exploring (resources) to further the insight into whats applicable for my current state.
Icy Veins
For Icy Veins, in particular, the stat weights, are mostly vaguely determined. From the ret guide:
If I am reading this right, its Mastery >= Haste > Ver >= Crit = Str
Mr Robot
I use the addOn and I subscribe for the Best In Bags function. When I plug in my information in, the site recommends that I go with my 2pce t20 and balance around my legendaries with a focus on haste pieces (haste gems are emphasized).
Stat weights as listed in MrRobot:
MrRobot Stat Weights
From what I am seeing, Crit is most emphasized, and the one crit gem + ring crit enchants were originally recommended by MrRobot here. Also another notable thing here is haste being way behind crit's potential.
RaidBots (Simc)
For RaidBots, I use the addOn, and play around with various items I hoard, and use the stat weights functions. Generally the feedback I get here are to stick with the current gem setup and with regards to stat weights, emphasize at my current setup with crit. It also says I should drop some of my high ilvl pieces (935 head, and 960 chest) for 4pce (915 head, lfr 890 chest)
Gear simc:
Stat Weights:
Vers -> crit -> mastery -> haste -> str
(versitality first?)
Warcraft Logs
I mostly use Warcraft Logs to check what the top dps players (ret pallys) are hitting and what setups are they running. I don't want to specifically link player armories in here, but upon some investigation, you'll find most are just stacking haste
I understand stat weights are relative, however it seems like everyone has different priorities, one says mastery, another vers, another crit, another haste?
Help me understand.
By Terkan
Hey, so I could really use some help with this, I'm lost trying to understand the logs and I feel like there's a lot of stuff I could improve on. Any tips or pointers at all would be really appreciated. I hope this log is of a usable kind:
(Mine is Qraul, the only DH in the group.)
And really, if anyone would be kind enough to bother, I could really use a "teach a man to fish" scenario here, if you'll pardon the analogy. I've been meaning to learn to interpret and improve from logs but it has seemed like a kind of daunting thing to deal with.
By Fodia
When I started playing again after several years off, I chose the wrong weapon/artifact chain for my Ret Paladin. I choose Truthguard instead of Ashbringer. So I am at 105 with Truthguard now and I was told by Bliz several levels ago that I could swap weapons at some point although I was not told how or when. I don't use Truthguard in play now just a normal weapon and seem to do ok. What must I do?
From Blizzard - "I understand you are contacting us about your starting artifact weapon! I know it would be frustrating wanting to use Retribution and the Ashbringer and getting the Truth Guard by mistake. I made this same mistake on my Shaman. I was anxious to get the Doom Hammer and didn’t realize I was required to use the Enhancement spec. I do have some information to share with you.
The bad news is, once an artifact is selected, there’s no changing that. Luckily, you’re not stuck with this forever. You’ll need to go through some of the story line with the Truth Guard, but once you hit level 102, you’ll be presented with the option to pick up the other 2 artifact weapons. From there you will be able to use any one you’d like. ^_^"
By Omikami
Hey guys,
I'm new here in the Icy Veins forums and would like to request your assistance.
So this is my Mage haven't been playing Legion for a long time (around 2 weeks and a half), been trying to start rading so I would like to improve my DPS, I'm running GS.
What I would like to ask you guys is if you could check me out and see what I could improve, it's been hard to get some more gear now since it's hard to get into groups, plus my pawn addon seems like its kind of bugged which is kind of confusing me about gear/stats. I know my stat priority for GS Build but nor sure about stat weigths for it.
Hope you guys can help me, thank you in advance !