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How to counter mill rogue ?

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So you open up hearth , you see your missions and start a game in ladder . you get matched up with a rogue and by turn 10 , 9 of yours cards are burnt to ashes. 

Mill rogue its a strong deck , some streamers played it ( kripp) which increased its popularity , its really good at milling and keeping rouge alive through coldlight oracle , antique healbot , gang up , shadowstep and vanish

I've had a few victories against these decks but i felt like it was mostly due to the bad draws my opponent had or mulligan . Is there a way to consistently win or at least increase your chances of winning or countering the deck without fully devoting a deck to counter it  ? 

The only thing I have seen working well against it so far is loatheb because of the increased spell cost , spell bender to counter gang up ,sap and etc and counter spell for gang up , shadow step , vanish and etc . 

Some interactions that might work in your favour are : Dr boom The boomboots release their deathrattles when they get vanished or when they vanish but cant return to their owners hand(?), lorewalker cho to clutter up their hand But it also helps the rouges to mill you too, I want to say nozdurmu too just because it limits their time to think of their best action but it also gives the same effect to you and the stats are bad and the cost of nozdurmu is just too high

But the problem for me is that loatheb is just one card and the secrets can be baited out,Dr boom isn't really a counter , lorewalker cho and nozdurmu is a double edged sword,( I have none of the legendaries said above )

Any advice would be appreciated . Happy laddering

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I'm really surprised you have any concern about this. Mill Rogue is the definition of a meme deck. 

Its removal is bad, the wincondition is very slow and it actively helps you to win. That's why it's unpopular, and even the Wild mode version is still a joke.

Just play anything that is not going to do 8 turns of Hearthstone. Apply pressure and even a mediocre offense will get the job done. 

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It strongly depends on what deck you are using. Usually "wasting" spells if you are a (heavy) control deck is acceptable. If you are a face deck, your mission stays the same, but you get free draw.

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1 hour ago, Swagseer said:

Is there a way to consistently win or at least increase your chances of winning or countering the deck without fully devoting a deck to counter it ?

Play an aggro deck. Play your deck as if it was an aggro deck, even if it isn't one.

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Mill Rogue is one of those decks that makes it OK to play a Fiery War Axe just to go face. Play whatever you can. Playing a card at below normal value is better than burning one completely.

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It's only a huge problem for the super control decks that need cards on board to waste their spells on (Priest is a good example).

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You never can beat it. If you saw a rouge mill enemy, forfeit in the first sec. Trust me. You will lose vs a Rouge Mill.
0% chance to win and 100% chance to forfeit.
Sad but true

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