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[Sargeras][A] <Praetorian Guards> (2/7M) T/W/Th 9-12 EST Looking for Raiders!

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 About Us:

We're old. The guild was formed prior to the release of WoW (during open beta) and has always been a consistent presence in progression. We value individuals looking for an environment in which they deem comfortable to play in, and engage all members in that environment. This is our home, and has always been. Majority of our members have been playing the game together for many years, and engage in activities outside the game together. This is a community of like minded individuals.We're organized. This means that the guild is organized around a constitution and offices, not personalities. We distribute power between multiple offices--the GM is far from omnipotent.


Raid Times:

Tues/Wed/Thurs 8-11pm Server (9-12pm EST)


Recruitment Needs:

We’re currently in search of some quality raiders to help bolster our ranks for EN, ToV, and NH. We have a high need for a healer (priest, druid, sham) as well as  DPS (DH, enh sham, warrior, DK, monk). Of course, all exceptional players will be considered. We believe in working as a team, and exceptional individual performance help progression in raids. We care more about your current play, such as: attitude, raid knowledge, boss mechanics, class knowledge, gems, enchants and flasks than your past accomplishments.


How To Get In:

There are a few ways to get in! If you currently reside on Sargeras message anyone in the Guild at any time and then get in touch with an Officer or Prefect.


Battle tag: Epsi#1342 (Guild Master)


Or check us out at www.praetorian-guards.com! (will redirect to discord)


Thanks for taking the time to consider us!


***Note: If you are on a different server currently and plan on finding a new guild we do offer a cross server trial before you decide to transfer.***

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PG is perfect for casual tinkering to hardcore mythic raiders. We have people in here who are chill enough to run around Darkmoon Faire and collect battle pets with to people who can progressively and consistently down harder and harder raid bosses. Also, even I'm not a main raider, the leadership will take the time to analyze my logs with me from the normal/alt runs and make me a better all around player.

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Please note that your comment, @PythonArms, is technically just bumping since it adds no new information to the post. There are new rules on bumping, which can now only be done once per 3 days if no new information is being added.

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