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    • By ygzumc
      Hi. After reaching %33.3 Crit cap. What's your opinion stacking versa or haste.i go with versatility right now have %23.63/%11.82 versatility %16.71 haste %37 crit.i know i have little bit more crit but its good stat
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      Hey dear fury friends,
      i always used Azshari Salad, as my buff food for the tempo buff. Now as mastery pulls ahead of haste in the stat weights, i asked myself whether i should just use the Nightborne Delicacy Platter for a flat mastery buff, while maintaining around ~27% Haste.
      I read the guide from Archimtiros, and i think both buff foods are fine, but do u switch your buff food at a certain point? Or is it depending on the encounter (single target vs. multiple targets)?
      Greetings lacriminal
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      Hey, so I've recently decided to main a BM hunter for the rest of legion and was just curious if there was some helpful tips out there (I've been reading up on the guides/forum posts but trying to see if I'm doing ok).
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      i probably specced for mostly single target and think I've been doing fairly poorly for AoE damage compared to other people around my ilvl. Although I know to use multi-shot to refresh beast cleave I probably spam multi-shot more than the 4 secs needed, don't really use dire frenzy effectively, use titan's thunder basically whenever it's off cooldown, don't really know when I'm meant to be using aspect of the wild or whether I should be using beastial wrath in AoE fights. Should I be using murder of crows in AoE fights as well or is it just a waste of focus?
      For single target I think I'm doing alright so far (only recently got the legendary boots so not sure how much the kill command cooldown should affect my rotation). Still don't really know when the best time is to be using aspect of the wild but I was basically doing the same as the icy veins guide. My opening sequence is usually something like Murder of crows, beastial wrath, titans thunder, then just kill command, cobra shot, kill command cobra shot etc.
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      Thanks for listening to my rambling and hopefully thanks for your reply.
      P.S. It's probably more of a personally choice or situational choice I guess but should I be talenting myself more for AoE for mythics. Example, one with the pack, volley, aspect of the beast?
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