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    • By Skulleater
      Hello there!
      I started playing WoW again after 4 years of inactivity. Obviously everything has changed in that time and I didn't even know where to begin. My friends pointed me towards this site back when BFA released and I always used this site for guides in WoW because I really didn't have the time to figure everything out myself. 
      I always laughed when doing the tortollan quests. Loh is just an easy name to use and manipulate. And because me and my friends kept making fun of the name etc, I decided to dust off my abandoned (and empty) youtube channel and start making videos again. I worked on the video for weeks but it is just really hard to get some early views. People just don't want to watch "newbie channel videos". But maybe, just maybe some of you might enjoy it either way. 
      If you watch the video and feel the need to say anything (positive or negative) don't hesitate to do so. I will also try to be more active in the forums here because I don't want to just use this place to promote a stupid video I made haha!
      Take care and thank you.
    • By Datcoopguy
      So little context of this video we were having a smooth raid but then we kept wiping to dumb stuff and little things and suddenly our raid leader snapped and suddenly started bursting into song while leading during our progression and get this we started downing things. Some pretty moments in it.
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    • By Toxdoe
      About Us
      <SIMPLE> is a guild that is just that - simple. We like to keep things simple and easy, playing casually while striving to down challenging content whether its pushing high keys or downing end game raid content.

      We can be considered as a casual raiding guild, but still strive to compete amongst others. Not only are we looking to get more active raiders, we are looking boost our ranks with more active members whether they want to raid, push M+ keys, or just want to hang out in an active guild/discord.

      Mal'Ganis (US) Horde

      -Raid Schedule-
      Tues and Thurs 930pm-1230am CST

      -Current Needs-
      Exceptional Healers of any class.
      Exceptional DPS. Preferably ranged but will consider any class that shows interest.

      We expect raiders to know each fight before we attempt it and to adapt to strategies we improvise on.
      Raiders are also expected to know their class, rotations, etc.
      While we do provide consumables, raiders are expected to come to raid on-time, and prepaired.

      -What We Offer-
      We offer a simplistic setting. Members often participate in PVE and PVP content. Our guild chat is a place to speak your mind and occasionally will contain mature language and topics.

      Our raid members enjoy free repairs/enchants/gems/consumables for raids.

      Please contact in-game Djmg, Fystacuffs, Jestu, or Tox. If none are on. Feel free to send in-game mail.
    • By Gotodengo
      Who are The Gang Tries Raiding: TGTR are capital M mature people who love raiding (though it will be a good while before we dip our toes in the mythic pool) doing m+ dungeons and witty banter. We are a tight-knit guild who have filthy senses of humor, care about each other and ruheally enjoy downing bosses and getting geared.
      Activity level: We are in Discord daily, raid Thursdays (8-10pm) and Sundays (7-10pm) CST and have at least one group of mythic plus dungeoners online. Alts are the norm and welcome. We are developing PVP teams, pet battlers and will soon have our first pure socializing type event.
      Bring the deeps: We are casual but we want to start carving our initials into the foreheads of the big bads. We have some fleet fingered 500-750k dps single target and multiple millions aoe members and we are looking for more. If you heal like Velen himself (or want to) and/or make Germany's Leopard 2A7 look like a kitten, we will make room too. Come be a fat carp in our puddle. If you just want to hang out and shoot the, ahem, “breeze” you are also welcome.
      Social environment: We're social, funny and despite the salty language, pretty ethically minded folks. LGBT friendly (we have, and welcome, all kinds of genitals and what you want to do with yours is none of our business) non-ageist (unless you are sub 25, then we are virulently against your youth and vitality and you should get off our collective lawn post haste). We’re kind, we believe in taking care of our people and getting that wow specific kind of high that comes with raiding, high level mythics, pvp battles and finding shiny new transmog.
      Want to see if we fit: https://discord.gg/NqrZjVJ or add me zewife#2998 for a chat.
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