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[Icecrown/Malygos][A] <Draconus Noir> (1/7 H 7/7 N) LF healers! And tacos! And giggles!

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UPDATE: Recruitment has passed on to the guild master, Starstruck! See her for any details.

What We Have to Offer You:

We offer great female voices in Mumble. We do not offer concubines. We do offer puntable Gnomes. We do not offer Gnomish mail-order brides. We do offer really bad mama jokes. We do not offer mamas. We do offer DJ Jmoney singing "Red Solo Cup" after new boss kills. We do not offer earplugs. Bring your own. This is recommended.

We also offer guild repairs, a plethora of raid-relevant, valuable items in the guild bank for half the price of AH value (to both hook you up, and keep gold flowing into the bank. We also have them available for free in several situations). We also offer a steady progression for you (we're knocking new bosses out in one to three nights, when we're not dragged down by abysmal pugs, which we're usually good at avoiding). Membership with DN will give you comraderie, out-of-raid guild activities of a wide variety, community, and plenty of laughs.

Draconus Noir is a guild that has been around (with two breaks taken throughout our 12 years of existence on the Icecrown server) since classic WoW. We are now rezzing the guild, and have room for a couple of new raiders. We will not recruit you for the bench. These are always core raiding spots.

About Draconus Noir

Draconus Noir is a 10-man(ish) Alliance raiding guild on the Icecrown-Malygos server. DN is comprised of a mixture of oldschool hardcore players with server-first competition raiding history, and new blood that has turned into great, skilled raiders. DN formed in 2005, raided through classic, BC, and part of WotLK before getting shelved. We ressurrected during Dragon Soul, and cleared challenge after challenge in all tiers of Mists of Pandaria.

We're fully confident that, after filling in this core raid spot with a skilled and situationally aware raider, we'll be knocking down bosses through the end of each tier, and return to some more hardmode action before the tier ends.

Raid Needs
Two healers (Priest, pally, or monk)
Warlock (Any spec)

Also taking any of the above who'd like to use a geared tank alt/offspec for backup tanking if needed.

Raid Times

Friday: 8-11 server time (CST).
Saturday: 7-10 server time (CST).

All raiders are expected to be available for invites fifteen minutes early. We want to pull at the raid start time, not start filling at raid start time. We go for three hours, with a ten-minute break at the halfway point (1.5 hours).


We do have expectations of our core raiders, simply because progression will not happen otherwise. So, if you are consistently late for raids, or miss raids with no warning or explanation, we are not the guild for you. If you expect to be carried instead of carrying your own weight, we are not the guild for you. If you spend more time as a corpse than as a raider, we are not the guild for you. Punctuality, consistent attendance, playing your class skillfully, keeping yourself up-to-date on the mechanics of both your class, and of bosses, and self-preservation during encounters are strict requirements for our core raiders, as is a good attitude.

If we're what you're looking for, send recruitment officer Aeleas/Galadrenai/Maeraxis a tell, or an ingame mail if I am not online, and we'll get a recruitment interview underway ASAP.

Galadrenai#1703 You can get in touch with me from my battletag as well.

Thank you for considering Draconus Noir, and we look forward to seeing you ingame!

Edited by Maeraxis

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Requirements for Consideration for Membership for Draconus Noir for Core Group for Raiding for All Kinds of Sorts of Things and Stuff:

1: Must know Klingon, English, or Gobbledygook as a primary language.

2: Must know your spellbook thoroughly, because there's always those obscure little abilities that turn out to be a signifigant help on some encounters.

3: Must play from a computer more recent than a Commodore. The Commodores are still angry that Lionel Ritchie left.

4: Must not be offended by jokes of Murloc or Gnome genocide.

5: Must be open to constructive criticism, and able to admit to a mistake, the better to learn from it and improve as a player.

6: Must be able to use a Panda Monk roll without coming out of the roll between the legs of angry raid mobs and getting one-shot (really, Longstach? Really?? REALLY?!?!?!).

7: Must know the signifigance of colorful, angry circles on the floor, and able to react accordingly. Seriously, folks, be aware of your surroundings. What is wrong with you?

8: Must know, and pretend to strictly adhere to, the guild motto: It's All About Kelley.

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