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[Frost] Mage Leveling Guide 1 to 100!

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Please note, that there have been some heirloom changes in WoD, which has not been added to the guide yet!

Table of Contents



0.0 The fastest way of leveling!

Unarguably the fastest way of leveling is though the Level 90 character boost service provided by Blizzard for 50€, which can be purchased in the in-game shop. For further information about the service, please visit: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/level-90-character-boost .

For further information about the in-game shop, please visit: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/world-of-warcraft-shop


1. Preliminary Mentions

This guide is not meant to be a questing guide (although it will contain some suggestions). It will explain to you, in detail, how to play your Mage as you level it up: how to spend your talent points, what abilities to use, etc.


1.1. Specialization Choice

Since Mage is a pure DPS class all of the three specializations are viable in terms of DPS however, one specialization has slightly higher crowd control abilities, which are very useful for classes that cannot allow themselves to stand in fire (like Mages).

Because of this, the Frost specialization is the best choice for leveling up your Mage. It provides you with the ability to dispose of many enemies, with very little or no down-time and will also be strong in early LFRs. This guide will only focus on leveling as a Frost mage.


1.2. Questing

The choice between Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms is not very relevant, so you can choose where you wish to level based on personal preference.

When you reach Level 80, you will have the choice between two Cataclysm areas: Vash'jir and Mount Hyjal. We would suggest Mount Hyjal, because you can use your flying mount in that area, speeding the pace of leveling up significantly.

In capital cities, at certain levels, you have a Hero's Call Board, which offers quests and redirects you to questing areas of your level.

If you want to finish and see the whole story of the zone you are in at the moment, that is completely fine as well, and if you have never done it before we strongly suggest! The guide's suggestions are not set in stone in a way that you HAVE to do what we say. We however, intend to provide you with the fastest way of leveling.

As a Mage, you should avoid trying to complete quests designed for 3 or more players alone, unless you are very good at kiting mini-bosses.

In general, as you are a ranged, under-armored character, you should keep a distance from melee mobs. Kiting them and controlling them is essential if you want to survive.


1.3. Dungeons

Doing dungeons repeatedly is not an efficient way of leveling. Only do a dungeon once, after you have finished all quests in it. For most dungeons you can take all the related quests just inside the dungeon, near its entrance. There is no need to gather the quests before entering.


1.4. Professions

If this is your first character on a server, you should take two gathering professions Herbalism and Mining. It enables you to gather mats and use them for a crafting profession once you have reached Level 90. If you are worried about running out of bag space, you can simply make an alt character, send all your mats to it and leave them in the mailbox until you need them.

If you take gathering professions, doing dungeons is really bad because it makes you level up without any chance to do any gathering.

If you are leveling Mage as a future raiding character and you already have an alt with gathering profession, you can choose any of the other professions. Their benefits in raids are similar, thus choose the one you like the most!


1.5. Races

You can choose whichever race you like the most, but some races will be better than the others for certain specs. Races received a revamp for their racial abilities in Patch 6.0.2.


  • Troll
    • racial_troll_berserk.jpgBerserking - A decent cooldown for burst damage.
    • inv_misc_pelt_bear_ruin_02.jpgBeast Slaying - Increases the experience gained from killing Beasts by 20%.
  • Goblin
  • Blood Elf
    • spell_arcane_studentofmagic.jpgArcane Acuity is a new racial passive ability that increases Critical Strike rating by 1%, which is the best secondary stat for Fire spec.
    • spell_shadow_teleport.jpgArcane Torrent now restores 3% mana for Magi, which can be minor benefit for Arcane spec.
  • Orc
    • ability_warrior_warcry.jpgCommand increases pet damage by 1%, which can be beneficial for Frost spec's Water Elemental.
    • inv_helmet_23.jpgHardiness reduces the duration of Stun effects by 10%, which can be beneficial in PvP, and occasionally in PvE or raids.
  • Tauren
    • inv_misc_head_tauren_01.jpgBrawn is a new racial passive that increases Critical Strike bonus damage by 2%.
  • Undead
    • Undead can now breathe underwater indefinitely, which is decent for leveling.


  • Worgen
    • ability_racial_darkflight.jpgDarkflight - Speed boost for faster questing at low levels.
    • ability_hunter_pet_wolf.jpgViciousness - Extra crit will give you more DPS, especially if you choose fire specialization at maximum level.
    • ability_racial_runningwild.jpgRunning Wild - Gives you a free "mount".
  • Human
    • inv_misc_note_02.jpgDiplomacy - Faster reputation gains.
    • spell_shadow_charm.jpgEvery Man for Himself - Break out of stun effects, however Blink does the same for you. In fact, it might be on CD.. wink.png
  • Draenei
    • spell_holy_holyprotection.jpgGift of the Naaru is a nice self heal while questing. It heals you for 20% of you maximum health over 5 seconds.
    • inv_helmet_21.jpgHeroic Presence increases your Intellect by 1%, which is beneficial for every spec.
  • Dwarf
    • inv_hammer_05.jpgMight of the Mountain is a new racial passive ability that increases Critical Strike bonus damage dealt by 2%, which is beneficial for Fire.
    • spell_shadow_unholystrength.jpgStoneform removes magic, curse, poison, disease, bleed effects and also reduces physical damage taken by 10% for 8 seconds, which can be beneficial in dungeons and while leveling as a self-sustain ability.
  • Gnome
  • Night Elf
    • ability_racial_shadowmeld.jpgQuickness increases your movement speed by 2% while you are alive. Additionally, you also move faster when you are dead just like a Wisp. But just don't die. tongue.png
    • spell_holy_elunesgrace.jpgTouch of Elune increases Haste by 1% at night, and Critical Strike chance by 1% during day, which can be beneficial for fire spec... During the days.


  • Pandaren
    • pandarenracial_bouncy.jpgBouncy - Fall from higher, take less damage!
    • pandarenracial_epicurean.jpgEpicurean - Double intellect gain from food buff. (600 instead of 300 at max level)
    • pandarenracial_innerpeace.jpgInner Peace - Bonus experience!


1.6. Loot

As a Mage, you can either use a Staff, or you can use Wands, Daggers and One-Handed Swords in your main hand with an Off-Hand item with Intellect on it.

You will want to only use Cloth items with Intellect as their main statistic, without Spirit secondary statistic (those are healer items). Generally, the best secondary statistic for Frost Magi is Multistrike. However, such items only exist in Draenor, consequently during the leveling we are going to prioritize Haste+Crit as secondary stats.


1.7. PvP

Even on PvP servers, actual PvP fights while leveling up are quite rare. For this reason, we do not insist on PvP-oriented abilities and focus only on PvE-oriented abilities so that you can quest as fast as possible.


1.8. Heirloom Items

If you already have a Level 90 character, you can purchase Heirloom items. These items are bound to your account and you can freely send them from one character to another, even across realms by typing for example: Oltier-Moonglade. The stats that these items give scale with your level and approximately match the items you would get by questing. They also make you gain more experience and the bonus each item gives stacks with the bonus given by your other Heirloom items.

Some heirlooms can be obtained by buying them with gold from a Guild Vendor in a capital city, however you need to reach enough reputation with the guild first.. Some others can be purchased with Darkmoon Prize Tickets on the Darkmoon Island at the beginning of every month or by Champion's Seal at the Trial of the Crusader quarter masters.

The heirlooms bought from the guild vendor is going to work until level 85. Other ones, will only work until you reach Level 80. However, since Patch 5.3 for extra Darkmoon Prize Tickets, you can upgrade them at the Heirloom Vendor and will work until Level 85.

Heirloom vendors provide the following items of interest to Mage (you should remove them as soon as you reach level 80/85):

Guild vendors provide the following items of interest to a Mage (you should remove them as soon as you reach Level 85):

In Siege of Orgrimmar raid on Heroic and Mythic difficulties, you can get inv_stave_2h_pvphorde_a_01_upres.jpgHellscream's War Staff which is an excellent staff to level up with from level 90 to 100 and its drop is guaranteed until the release of Warlords of Draenor.

1.8.1. Heirloom Enchantments

  • All permanent item enhancements provided by Enchanting, Engineering, Leatherworking, Tailoring, and various vendors and quests are now able to be applied to items of any level. This means all enchantments can now be applied to heirloom items.
  • High level enhancements applied to items equipped by low level players have their power scaled down to be similar to enhancements intended for that level range.
  • Low level enhancements applied to items equipped by high level players do not grow further in power beyond their intended level range.

What enchantments you should use?

Slot Item Enchantment
Shoulder inv_misc_bone_taurenskull_01.jpgTattered Dreadmist Mantle inv_inscription_runescrolloffortitude_yeGreater Crane Wing Inscription inv_inscription_runescrolloffortitude_blCrane Wing Inscription (cheaper)
Chest inv_chest_cloth_49.jpgTattered Dreadmist Robe inv_misc_enchantedscroll.jpgEnchant Chest - Glorious Stats
Main hand inv_jewelry_talisman_12.jpgDignified Headmaster's Charge inv_misc_enchantedscroll.jpgEnchant Weapon - Jade Spirit inv_misc_enchantedscroll.jpgEnchant Weapon - Windsong (cheaper)
Back inv_misc_cape_05.jpgAncient Bloodmoon Cloak inv_misc_enchantedscroll.jpgEnchant Cloak - Superior Intellect
Legs inv_pants_08.jpgTattered Dreadmist Leggings inv_belt_42.jpgGreater Cerulean Spellthread inv_misc_thread_eternium.jpgCerulean Spellthread (cheaper)






1.9. How to gain extra experience?

1.9.1. Rested Bonus

Always log out in inns or major cities. While you are in there, you gain Rested Bonus.

One bubble of rested XP (5% of your current level) is earned for every 8 hours spent resting. A maximum of 30 bubbles (150% of your current level) may be earned. In other words, you can leave your character resting in an inn or capital city for up to 10 days (without gaining experience).

You will earn double XP from killing monsters, mining ore nodes, gathering herbs, collecting archaeology fragments, and opening chests while rested until your XP bar fills to the notch.

1.9.2. Darkmoon Faire

Every first Sunday of each month, you can attend the Darkmoon Faire from the portals nearby the main cities.

On the island, you will find the Darkmoon Carousel. Standing on the carousel grants you a buff. The more you use it, the longer the duration of your buff will become (the maximum is 60 minutes).

The buff is named spell_misc_emotionhappy.jpgWHEE! and increases experience and reputation gains by 10%. It's very fast to build up, and you don't actually have to ride the carousel itself to gain the buff, just be near to it. If you want to stand on it but not mount one of the carousel mounts, that is just fine too.

To access the Carousel, you will need at least one inv_misc_ticket_darkmoon_01.jpgDarkmoon Ride Ticket in your inventory. Fortunately, these can be bought 5 at a time in books from Kae Ti for 1money-gold.gif/5 tickets. The NPC in the tent through which you enter the Carousel. If you have a Darkmoon Ride Ticket in your inventory already, one will simply be subtracted from your total as you walk into the Carousel area.

This buff fades, in case you die. You can, however, buy a inv_helm_misc_fireworkpartyhat.jpgDarkmoon Top Hat for 10 inv_misc_ticket_darkmoon_01.jpgDarkmoon Ride Ticket (or actually get one from the Darkmoon Island dailies) that you can use to gain experience bonus without visiting the island. The buff granted by the hat will also last 60 minutes long and will fade if you die.

1.9.3. inv_alchemy_potion_04.jpgElixir of Ancient Knowledge

If you already have a level 90 character, this item can be farmed from Krol the Blade.

The buff disappears if you die, so use it wisely. I would suggest using it in zones that you hate the most and you want to get over quickly.

Also, here is a trick for you. Ask a mage for a portal to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and park your character next to Sara Finkleswitch / Gentle San who gives the Beasts of Fable I, II, III daily quests. Do the quest on your main character, log over to your toon and just turn in the quests as quickly as possible. The potion persists through log out, thus with minimum effort and patience you can level up by almost doing nothing.

1.9.4. World Events

Every year, between June 21st and July 5th, during the Midsummer Fire Festival you can visit many major and minor towns and dance near dancing poles for 10% experience bonus that lasts maximum of 60 minutes long.


Between the 18th October and 1st November, during the Hallow's End you can obtain spell_holy_divinespirit.jpgUnburdened / inv_mask_01.jpgGrim Visage and is easily gotten--just use the ashes on the ignited Wickerman bonfire outside Stormwind or Undercity. Unfortunately, the experience bonus works on mob kills only, but the reputation bonus works on everything. If the ashes are not available, wait for someone to finish A Time to Build Up or an NPC to rekindle it.


1.9.5. Recruit-a-friend

Recruit a friend

  • Recruit and veteran characters can summon one another to each other's locations.
  • While adventuring with your linked friend or family member, you will each gain triple experience while partied up to level 80, as long as your characters are within 4 levels of each other.
  • For every two levels the recruit's characters earn, one grantable level is gained. Recruit characters may then grant these levels to the veteran player's character as long as the character is lower in level than the level granting character.

For further information, please visit: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/recruit-a-friend-faq


1.9.6. Join a guild

There are many leveling guilds in the game, who offer good company while leveling and also a 10% experience bonus through guild perks. If you are in a major town, try typing "/2 LF leveling guild". You will get lots of whispers. Join one of the guilds and enjoy the increased experience gains along with other perks.


All your abilities require Mana to be spent. For WoD, the class has been designed in a way, that it should not have any issues like running out of mana.









2. Levels 1 to 9

You should start questing in your race's starting zone. Just follow the quest line and eventually you will get directed to one of your faction's main cities.


At Level 1 and 2, all you can do is use ability_mage_frostfirebolt.jpgFrostfire Bolt to damage targets. This slows the target by 40%, so if you accidentally pull more than one mob, you can keep this up on both and keep distance from them.


At Level 3 you gain spell_frost_frostnova.jpgFrost Nova. If mobs gets close to you, use this to root them in a place and you get time to gain distance from them.


At Level 5 you gain a new ability spell_fire_fireball.jpgFire Blast. Only use it, if you can kill an opponent faster with it than casting a new ability_mage_frostfirebolt.jpgFrostfire Bolt. At level 22 spell_fire_fireball.jpgFire Blast will be replaced by another ability.


At Level 7 you gain spell_arcane_blink.jpgBlink. This is very useful for moving around, and you should make extensive use of it. You can combine it with spell_frost_frostnova.jpgFrost Nova: Root the mobs, spell_arcane_blink.jpgBlink away.


At Level 8 you gain spell_frost_iceshock.jpgCounterspell. You should use this to prevent caster opponents from casting, ideally interrupt their healing spells or very damaging attacks.


At Level 9:


New questing zones:You can pick up these quests in any major cities and you should start questing in either of these zones.







3. Levels 10-19

So far, your gameplay consists of spamming ability_mage_frostfirebolt.jpgFrostfire Bolt on targets.

You should also be making extensive use of spell_arcane_blink.jpgBlink and spell_frost_frostnova.jpgFrost Nova.


At Level 10 you can choose your specialization. You should choose Frost. This will grant you a new ability:


spell_frost_summonwaterelemental_2.jpgSummon Water Elemental will summon a pet fighting on your side.

  • The Water Elemental will spam spell_frost_frostbolt.jpgWaterbolts at your target if you set its stance to Assist.
  • If you set it to Defensive Stance, the elemental will only attack the opponents with spell_frost_frostbolt.jpgWaterbolt that hit you.
  • If you set it to Passive Stance, the elemental will just follow you around.

The Water Elemental also have an additional ability spell_frost_frostnova.jpgFreeze, which is like spell_frost_frostnova.jpgFrost Nova, but you can use it from distance and later on, it will generate charges of ability_mage_wintersgrasp.jpgFingers of Frost equal to the opponents hit by spell_frost_frostnova.jpgFreeze (but maximum 3).


At Level 12 you gain spell_frost_frostbolt02.jpgFrostbolt. You should replace ability_mage_frostfirebolt.jpgFrostfire Bolt with this (but don't throw it away, we will still need it later!). This ability will slow your opponents down by 50%.


At Level 14 you gain spell_nature_polymorph.jpgPolymorph. This is a Crowd Control ability that you can use to prevent your opponents from doing anything. Thus, you can easily run away from them. Keep in mind that spell_nature_polymorph.jpgPolymorph will heal the target to maximum health and most bosses are Immune to this ability.


New questing zone:You can pick up this quest in any major cities and you should start questing in this zone, if it is nearby you.

At Level 15 you gain a new talent point. We recommend spell_fire_burningspeed.jpgBlazing Speed, for the extra mobility and you should use it extensively just like spell_arcane_blink.jpgBlink. spell_mage_iceflows.jpgIce Floes is also a decent choice, but it doesn't give you a speed increase. ability_mage_netherwindpresence.jpgEvanesce can give you 3 seconds avoidance, which can give you some time to finish off an opponent, however compared to the other talent choices, this one is rather weak.


New ability: you gain spell_frost_frost.jpgIce Block, which is an excellent survival cooldown. It will make you immune to any damage for 10 seconds and also removes any debuffs from you. However, you cannot move or act while you are inside the block. Be prepared to spam spell_arcane_blink.jpgBlink when it is about to expire, if you are planning to run away from your opponents.

Alternatively, you can use spell_frost_frost.jpgIce Block to jump down from heights that would otherwise kill you, you will take no damage.


New dungeons:

  • Ragefire Chasm
  • The Deadmines

At Level 16 you gain a passive ability spell_frost_frostshock.jpgShatter. This will be very useful now and later on especially. You can use your Elemental's spell_frost_frostnova.jpgFreeze or your spell_frost_frostnova.jpgFrost Nova on your opponent, then use a spell_frost_frostbolt02.jpgFrostbolt on them, making it to be a critical strike most of the times.


At Level 17 you gain your Teleport abilities.




You can set your inv_misc_rune_01.jpgHearthstone to any inns (ideally in the zone where you are questing at the moment, and then use your Teleport spells from anywhere if you need to repair etc. Then, you will always be able to get back to your questing zone without spending hours on flight paths.


New dungeon:

  • Wailing Caverns

At Level 18:


New dungeon:

  • Shadowfang Keep

At Level 19:

New questing zones:You can pick up these quests in any major cities and you should start questing in either of these zones.







4. Levels 20 to 29

So far, your gameplay should be as follows:

At Level 20 you can learn spell_nature_swiftness.jpgApprentice Riding in every major city for 4money-gold.gif. You can also buy your first mount for 1money-gold.gif in the same town. This ability will allow you to ride mounts, increasing your movement speed by 60%. Worgens are automatically granted spell_nature_swiftness.jpgApprentice Riding at Level 20, as well, due to their racial ability ability_racial_runningwild.jpgRunning Wild.


At Level 22 you gain spell_frost_frostblast.jpgIce Lance that will be useful at later levels and it replaces spell_fire_fireball.jpgFire Blast.


New dungeons:

  • Blackfathom Deeps
  • The Stockade

At Level 24 you gain ability_mage_wintersgrasp.jpgFingers of Frost. This is a passive ability. Your successful spell_frost_frostbolt02.jpgFrostbolt casts have a 15% chance to trigger a ability_mage_wintersgrasp.jpgFingers of Frost charge, up to the maximum of 3. You should always use these charges with spell_frost_frostblast.jpgIce Lance, but you should never use spell_frost_frostblast.jpgIce Lance without these.


New questing zones: You can pick up a Hero's Call/Warchief's Command pointer quest to these zones in any major cities of your faction and you should start questing in either of these zones.

  • Arathi Highlands
  • Northern Stranglethorn Vale
  • Stonetalon Mountains

At Level 25 you unlock a Major and Minor glyph slot.

  • We suggest taking inv_glyph_minormage.jpgGlyph of Momentum as a Minor glyph. This allows you to spell_arcane_blink.jpgBlink in the direction that you are moving, instead of where you are facing.
  • As a Major glyph, you should take inv_glyph_majormage.jpgGlyph of Splitting Ice which will cause your spell_frost_frostblast.jpgIce Lances to hit an additional target for 50% damage, allowing you to kill multiple mobs faster.

At Level 26:


New dungeon:

  • Gnomeregan

At Level 28 you gain spell_frost_glacier.jpgCone of Cold. This spell reduces the movement speed of every enemy target by 60%, in front of you for 6 seconds. Use this, to move away from opponents.


New Dungeon:

  • Scarlet Halls

At Level 29 you gain spell_nature_removecurse.jpgRemove Curse. Use it on yourself or on your Elemental if you get a Curse debuff.


New questing zones:You can pick up a Hero's Call/Warchief's Command pointer quest to these zones in any major cities of your faction and you should start questing in either of these zones.

  • Desolace
  • Southern Barrens
  • The Cape of Stranglethorn
  • The Hinterlands







5. Levels 30 to 39

So far, your gameplay should be as follows:

At Level 30 you gain a new talent point. We recommend spell_ice_lament.jpgIce Barrier and you should always keep it up. inv_elemental_primal_fire.jpgFlameglow is a passive defensive ability, but its absorption amount is capped. The worst choice for leveling is spell_mage_altertime.jpgAlter Time, but it will be the best in raids.


New dungeon:

  • Scarlet Monastery

At Level 32 you gain spell_magic_featherfall.jpgSlow Fall. This is a pretty straightforward ability.Use it to avoid taking fall damage.


New dungeon:

  • Razorfen Kraul

At Level 34:


New questing zones:You can pick up a Hero's Call/Warchief's Command pointer quest to these zones in any major cities of your faction and you should start questing in either these zones.

  • Dusthallow Marsh
  • Feralas
  • Western Plaguelands

At Level 36 you gain spell_frost_coldhearted.jpgIcy Veins. This is a DPS cooldown and should be used when you want to kill your opponents faster, than they kill you. In dungeons, you should use this ability on cooldown, preferably on bosses.


New dungeon:

  • Maraudon

At Level 37:


New dungeon:

  • Uldaman

At Level 38 you gain spell_mage_conjuredmanapudding.jpgConjure Refreshment. This conjures a stack of mana food that restores your Health and Mana while eating it. The food (like any other food) can only be used while being out of combat.


At Level 39:


New questing zones:You can pick up a Hero's Call/Warchief's Command pointer quest to these zones in any major cities of your faction and you should start questing in either of these zones.

  • Eastern Plaguelands
  • Thousand Needless







6. Levels 40 to 49

So far, your gameplay should be as follows:

At Level 40 will have the possibility to purchase spell_nature_swiftness.jpgJourneyman Riding for 50money-gold.gif in any major cities. This will allow you to ride mounts, with 100% movement speed increase.


New dungeon:

  • Scholomance

At Level 42 you gain your Portal spells. This will allow you to open portals to your faction's cities. The portal can be used by you and your party members.




New dungeon:

  • Razorfen Downs

At Level 44:


New questing zones:You can pick up a Hero's Call/Warchief's Command pointer quest to these zones in any major cities of your faction and you should start questing in either of these zones.

  • Badlands
  • Felwood
  • Tanaris

New dungeon:

  • Diremaul

At Level 45 you gain a new talent point. We recommend spell_frost_frostward.jpgIce Ward. You should use it on yourself to Freeze your enemies in place, then use the spell_frost_frostshock.jpgShatter combo just like with spell_frost_frostnova.jpgFrost Nova and your Elemental's spell_frost_frostnova.jpgFreeze. ability_mage_frostjaw.jpgFrostjaw is rather a PvP talent, while spell_frost_ring-of-frost.jpgRing of Frost will not benefit from spell_frost_frostshock.jpgShatter combos.


At Level 46:


New dungeon:

  • Zul'Farrak

At Level 47:


New questing zone:You can pick up a Hero's Call/Warchief's Command pointer quest to this zone in any major cities of your faction and you should start questing this zone if you are in Eastern Kingdoms.

  • Searing Gorge

At Level 48:


New dungeon:

  • Stratholme

At Level 49:


New questing zones:You can pick up a Hero's Call/Warchief's Command pointer quest to these zones in any major cities of your faction and you should start questing in either of these zones.

  • Burning Steppes
  • Un'Goro Crater







7. Levels 50 to 59

So far, your gameplay should be as follows:

At Level 50 you gain inv_enchant_essencemagiclarge.jpgWizardry. This increases your Intellect by 5%. Additionally, at level 50, you unlock one new Major and Minor Glyph slots. We recommend using inv_glyph_majormage.jpgGlyph of Cone of Cold to burst down your enemies. There are no minor glyphs that we recommend for this, but you are free to browse your own glyphs and choose something that you like.


At Level 51:


New questing zone:You can pick up a Hero's Call/Warchief's Command pointer quest to this zone in any major cities of your faction and you should start questing in this zone, if you are in Eastern Kingdoms.

  • Swamp of Sorrows

At Level 52 you gain spell_frost_icestorm.jpgBlizzard. This ability if one of your main AoE abilities.

Horde characters will also gain spell_arcane_teleportstonard.jpgTeleport: Stonard and spell_arcane_portalstonard.jpgPortal: Stonard abilities that work like any other teleport and portal abilities mentioned above.


New dungeon:

  • Sunken Temple

At Level 53:


New dungeon:

  • Blackrock Depths

At Level 54 you gain a new passive spell_frost_frostarmor02.jpgFrost Armor.  This armor has a chance to slow your enemies down when they hit you. Making escaping and kiting easier. It also increases your Multistrike rating, which is extremely useful to Frost Mages.


New questing zones:You can pick up a Hero's Call/Warchief's Command pointer quest to these zones in any major cities of your faction and you should start questing in either of these zones.

  • Blasted Lands
  • Silithus


At Level 56 you gain ability_mage_invisibility.jpgInvisibility. Use it to disappear from the sight of mobs, making you able to get out of combat. Alternatively, you can use it to sneak into heavily guarded areas. Keep in mind that some NPCs will have a bluish eye above their heads. If you go near these, they will see through your Invisibility and will attack you.


At Level 58 you gain spell_holy_magicalsentry.jpgArcane Brilliance. It increases your, and your party members' Spell Power and Critical Hit Chance for one hour. Keep this up always.


New questing zone:You can pick up a Hero's Call/Warchief's Command pointer quest to this zone in any major cities of your faction and you should start questing in this zone.

  • Outland

New dungeon:

  • Blackrock Spire

At Level 59:


New dungeon:The dungeon itself is available 2 levels earlier, but you will not be able to pick up the quests at that level.

  • Hellfire Citadel: Hellfire Ramparts
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8. Levels 60 to 69

So far, your gameplay should be as follows:

At Level 60 you gain a new talent point.

  • We recommend spell_fire_rune.jpgCauterize, which is a perfect "Oh My God" passive ability. After it saved your life, you can use spell_frost_frost.jpgIce Block to remove its dot from you.
  • ability_mage_greaterinvisibility.jpgGreater Invisibility will let you use ability_mage_invisibility.jpgInvisibility more frequently and it will also become an instant cast spell. This is a strong choice as well.
  • spell_frost_wizardmark.jpgCold Snap is not bad as it heals you for 22% of your maximum health and resets the cooldown of spell_frost_frost.jpgIce Block and spell_frost_glacier.jpgCone of Cold, but spell_frost_frost.jpgIce Block will put a debuff on you and you cannot benefit from it once again for 30 seconds after using it, reducing spell_frost_wizardmark.jpgCold Snap's usefulness a lot.

You will also gain a few more pets to spell_nature_polymorph.jpgPolymorph your opponents into.

You will also get the possibility to learn spell_nature_swiftness.jpgExpert Riding for 250money-gold.gif in any major cities. This will allow you to use flying mounts with 150% movement speed increase and to fly in Outland. In the same town you can also buy a flying mount for 50money-gold.gif.

For an extra 250money-gold.gif you can learn inv_scroll_11.jpgFlight Master's License, which will allow you to fly in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms.

New dungeon:The dungeon itself is available 2 levels earlier, but you will not be able to pick up the quests at that level.

  • Hellfire Citadel: The Blood Furnace


At Level 62 you gain two new spells.

spell_arcane_teleportshattrath.jpgTeleport: Shattrath. This work just as the other previous teleport abilities.

spell_frost_frozenorb.jpgFrozen Orb is a strong AoE cooldown. When it first touches a mob, it will create a ability_mage_wintersgrasp.jpgFingers of Frost charge. It has a chance to create more charges later. If you use it on big pack of mobs, be ready to spam spell_frost_frostblast.jpgIce Lances with ability_mage_wintersgrasp.jpgFingers of Frost.

New dungeon:The dungeon itself is available 2 levels earlier, but you will not be able to pick up the quests at that level.

  • Coilfang Reservoir: The Slave Pens

New questing zone:

At Level 63:

New dungeon:The dungeon itself is available 2 levels earlier, but you will not be able to pick up the quests at that level.

  • Coilfang Reservoir: The Underbog

At Level 64 you gain spell_arcane_arcane02.jpgSpellsteal. Use this to steal a beneficial spell from your opponent. We recommend using an add-on that tracks what spells you can steal, for example: Spellstealer.

New dungeon:The dungeon itself is available 2 levels earlier, but you will not be able to pick up the quests at that level.

  • Auchindoun: Mana-Tombs
  • Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts

New questing zone:

At Level 65:

New dungeons:The dungeons themselves are available 2 levels earlier, but you will not be able to pick up the quests at that level.

  • Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls
  • Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad Foothills - Rush to Thrall in the cellar before someone starts the escort quest

New questing zone:

New questline: Ring of Blood



This questline takes place in Nagrand at 43,21. You can acquire the first quest from Gurgthock. This quest line is a huge XP boost and you can also get a nice weapon if you don't have the heirloom one. These quests require a group to be successful on lower levels, however you can invite a high-level friend of yours to just burst your opponents down quickly.


At Level 66 you gain two new spells.

ability_mage_deepfreeze.jpgDeep Freeze is a 5 seconds single target stun. You can use it when you have a ability_mage_wintersgrasp.jpgFingers of Frost charge, or if the target is rooted by spell_frost_frostnova.jpgFrost Nova, Elemental's spell_frost_frostnova.jpgFreeze or spell_frost_frostward.jpgIce Ward. Opponents ability_mage_deepfreeze.jpgDeep Freezed, will be affected by your spell_frost_frostshock.jpgShatter (passive ability), however damage may break this effect.

spell_arcane_portalshattrath.jpgPortal: Shattrath is a portal that works like any other portals mentioned before.

At Level 67:

New dungeons:The dungeons themselves are available 2 levels earlier, but you will not be able to pick up the quests at that level.

  • Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth
  • Caverns of Time: The Black Morass
  • Coilfang Reservoir: The Steamvault
  • Hellfire Citadel: The Shattered Halls
  • Magisters' Terrace
  • Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz
  • Tempest Keep: The Botanica
  • Tempest Keep: The Mechanar

New questing zone:

At Level 68 you will get the possibility to purchase spell_frost_arcticwinds.jpgCold Weather Flying for 500money-gold.gif which will allow you to use your flying mounts in Northrend.

New questing zones:You can pick up a Hero's Call/Warchief's Command pointer quest to this zone in any major cities of your faction and you should start questing in one of these zones.

  • Borean Tundra
  • Howling Fjord

At Level 69:

New dungeon:

  • Utgarde Keep: Utgarde Keep


9. Levels 70-79

So far, your gameplay should be as follows:

At Level 70, you will have the possibility to purchase spell_nature_swiftness.jpgArtisan Riding for 5000money-gold.gif in any major cities that will allow you to ride flying mounts with 280% movement speed increase.

A flying mount can be purchased in the same town for 100money-gold.gif.

At Level 71 you gain spell_arcane_teleportdalaran.jpgTeleport: Dalaran. It works just like any other teleport spells.

New dungeon:

  • The Nexus: The Nexus

At Level 72 you gain spell_arcane_massdispel.jpgConjure Refreshment Table. You summon a table that your party members can click on to receive mana cookies.

New questing zone:

New dungeon:

  • Azjol-Nerub: Azjol-Nerub

At Level 73:

New dungeon:

  • Azjol-Nerub: Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom

At Level 74 you gain a passive ability called inv_elemental_mote_mana.jpgNether Attunement. This increases your Mana gained from Mage spells and your Mana regeneration from Haste.

You also gain spell_arcane_portaldalaran.jpgPortal: Dalaran spell that works just as any other portal spells mentioned before.

New questing zone:

New dungeon:

  • Drak'Tharon Keep - Loot mobs in the instance for quest item for the last quest in the zone.

At Level 75 you gain a new Talent Point and new Glyph slots.

  • We recommend using spell_mage_icenova.jpgIce Nova during leveling. However, spell_mage_icenova.jpgIce Nova will replace spell_frost_frostnova.jpgFrost Nova, so you cannot use the spell_frost_frostnova.jpgFrost Nova Shatter combo anymore. Here is a handy macro for this ability:
  • #showtooltip Ice Nova
    #showtooltip Frost Nova
    /cast [mod:alt, talent:5/3] ice nova
    /cast [talent:5/3,@target, exists, harm] ice nova
    /cast [talent:5/1] frost nova
    /cast [talent:5/2] frost nova
    What this does is prevent you from casting spell_mage_icenova.jpgIce Nova without an enemy target around, or it will cast spell_frost_frostnova.jpgFrost Nova if you do not have the talent and alternately you can press alt and still cast it (perhaps theres a rogue nearby). Thanks to Tipseh for the tip (https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/7303-frost-mage-602/#entry78352).
  • Minor glyphs are again irrelevant. As for Major Glyphs we suggest taking Glyph of Water Elemental. This glyph will ensure that your Water Elemental will always be in range of your Freeze target, since it can now cast while moving.

New questing zone:

New dungeon:

  • The Violet Hold

New questline: The Amphitheater of Anguish



This questline takes place in Zul'Drak at 47,57. You can acquire the first quest from The Champion's Call!. This quest line is a huge XP boost and you can also get a nice weapon if you don't have the heirloom one. These quests require a group to be successful on lower levels, however you can invite a high-level friend of yours to just burst your opponents down quickly.


At Level 76:

New dungeon:

  • Gundrak

At Level 77 you gain a passive ability called ability_mage_brainfreeze.jpgBrain Freeze. ability_mage_brainfreeze.jpgBrain Freeze highly boosts your ability_mage_frostfirebolt.jpgFrostfire Bolt's damage and ability_mage_frostfirebolt.jpgFrostfire Bolt should always be used with this proc. Your spell_frost_frostbolt02.jpgFrostbolt casts have a chance to generate a ability_mage_brainfreeze.jpgBrain Freeze. ability_mage_brainfreeze.jpgBrain Freeze can stack up to twice.

New questing zone:

New dungeon:

  • Ulduar: Halls of Stone

At Level 78:

New questing zones:

At Level 79:

New dungeons:

  • Caverns of Time: The Culling of Stratholme
  • The Nexus: The Oculus
  • Ulduar: Halls of Lightning
  • Utgarde Keep: Utgarde Pinnacle


10. Levels 80 to 84

So far, your gameplay should be as follows:

At Level 80 you gain spell_frost_iceshard.jpgMastery: Icicles.

  • spell_frost_iceshard.jpgMastery: Icicles is a passive ability:
    • One Icicle is produced for each spell_frost_frostbolt02.jpgFrostbolt orability_mage_frostfirebolt.jpgFrostfire Bolt and their multistrike damage event.
    • You can have a maximum of five Icicles.
    • Generating a sixth Icicle will automatically fire the oldest one.
    • spell_frost_frostblast.jpgIce Lancewill rapidly fire all currently held Icicles, and any Icicle generated before that barrage ends, at the target.
    • Icicles themselves cannot crit, but a critical strike with spell_frost_frostbolt02.jpgFrostbolt or ability_mage_frostfirebolt.jpgFrostfire Bolt will generate a larger Icicle.
    • They disappear after 30 seconds, if you do spend them or do not gain new ones.
    • Your mastery also increases the damage of your Water Elemental's spell_frost_frostbolt.jpgWaterbolt ability.

You will also get the possibility, to purchase spell_nature_swiftness.jpgMaster Riding for 5000money-gold.gif, which will allow you to ride all flying mounts with 310% movement speed increase.

New questing zones:You can pick up a Hero's Call/Warchief's Command pointer quest to these zone in any major cities of your faction and you should start questing in either of these zones. We however, strongly suggest Mount Hyjal, because you can use your flying mounts in that zone.

  • Vashj'ir
  • Mount Hyjal

New gear vendor: You should visit Iris Moondreamer in Mount Hyjal at 62,24, who sells iLvL 232 uncommon items for Gold and upgrade your gear. Replace only the non-Heirloom items according to the 1.5 Loot section.

New dungeons: There will be several WotLK HC dungeons unlocked as well. You should not go into those.

  • Abyssal Maw: Throne of the Tides - You should avoid this dungeon, because it has no quest giver inside it and you have to complete the Vashj'ir zone quest line for it.
  • Blackrock Caverns

At Level 82:

New questing zone:You can pick up a Hero's Call/Warchief's Command pointer quest to this zone in any major cities of your faction and you should start questing in this zone.

  • Deepholm

New dungeons:

  • The Stonecore
  • The Vortex Pinnacle

At Level 83:

New questing zone:You can pick up a Hero's Call/Warchief's Command pointer quest to this zone in any major cities of your faction and you should start questing in this zone.

  • Uldum

At Level 84 you gain ability_mage_timewarp.jpgTime Warp. This spell has a 5 minutes cooldown and will place a 10 minutes long debuff on you that will not allow you to benefit from ability_mage_timewarp.jpgTime Warp or any similar buffs for its Duration. ability_mage_timewarp.jpgTime Warp is a very strong DPS cooldown and should be used when you have to kill a strong opponent. The usual kill it, before it kills you style. In dungeons, use it only on bosses. If you do not know when you should use it in a boss encounter, you should ask your party members about it.

New questing zone:You can pick up a Hero's Call/Warchief's Command pointer quest to this zone in any major cities of your faction and you should start questing in this zone.

  • Twilight Highlands

New dungeons:

  • Grim Batol
  • Lost City of Tol'vir

New questline: The Crucible of Carnage



This questline takes place in the Twilight Highlands at 50,58. You can acquire the first quest from The Crucible of Carnage: The Bloodeye Bruiser!. This quest line is a huge XP boost and you can also get a nice weapon if you don't have the heirloom one. These quests require a group to be successful on lower levels, however you can invite a high-level friend of yours to just burst your opponents down quickly.



11. Levels 85 to 90

You can find rotation tips for the other two specs from this part in the already existing mage leveling guide.

So far, your gameplay should be as follows:

At Level 85 you gain spell_arcane_teleporttolbarad.jpgTeleport: Tol Barad and spell_arcane_portaltolbarad.jpgPortal: Tol Barad. These work just like any other teleport and portal spells.

New questing zones:Go to Stormwind/Orgrimmar. You will automatically accept The King's Command or The Art of War quest pointing to Pandaria.

  • The Jade Forest

New gear vendor

  • Alliance
    • You should visit Silkweaver Rui in The Jade Forest at 58,84 or Singegruff in The Jade Forest at 46,45, who sell iLvL 372 uncommon items for Gold and upgrade your gear. Replace all of your items according to the 1.5 loot section. Prioritize Haste+Crit as secondary statistics.
  • Horde
    • You should visit Rivett Clutchpop in The Jade Forest at 27,50, who sells iLvL 372 uncommon items for Gold and upgrade your gear. Replace all of your items according to the 1.5 loot section. Prioritize Haste+Crit as secondary statistics. NOTE: This NPC will only be available after you finished the Instant Messaging quest.

New dungeons:There will be several Cataclysm HC dungeons unlocked as well. You should not go into those.

  • Temple of the Jade Serpent
  • Stormstout Brewery

At Level 86:

New questing zone:

At Level 87 you get spell_magic_managain.jpgAmplify Magic. This is a 6 seconds long healing cooldown, which is quite useless in solo scenarios, however is extremely useful in dungeons and raid. Use it whenever you feel like it can save your group from a wipe.


New gear vendor: You should visit The Metal Paw in Kun-Lai Summit at 71,92, who sells iLvL 393 uncommon items for Gold and upgrade your gear. Replace all of your items according to the 1.5 loot section. Prioritize Haste+Crit as secondary statistics.

New questing zones:We advise you to choose Kun-Lai Summit, because the following questing zone will be nearby it.

New dungeons:

  • Mogu'shan Palace
  • Shado-Pan Monastery

At Level 88:

New questing zone:

New gear vendor: You should visit Supplier Xin in Towlong Steppes at 74,57, who sells iLvL 408 uncommon items for Gold and upgrade your gear. Replace all of your items according to the 1.5 loot section. Prioritize Haste+Crit as secondary statistics.

At Level 89:

New questing zone:

New dungeon:

  • Gate of the Setting Sun

At Level 90:

New questing zone:

  • Shadowmoon Valley (Alliance) or Frostfire Ridge (Horde)
  • Upon reaching level 90, you should get the following pointer quest: The Dark Portal. Just follow the quest line which will lead you through the introduction in Tanaan Jungle and you will eventually end up in either Shadowmoon Valley or Frostfire Ridge, where you will get access to your Garrison.
  • To read more about the Garrisons, I suggest you having a look at this guide: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1599068-Comprehensive-guide-to-building-up-your-Garrison
  • I am not going to make suggestions about what to build, because you are the only one who know your goal in the game. (Raiding, pet collecting etc.) This guide also gives suggestions about the outposts, so check it when you need it! :)
  • You can also buy trade_alchemy_dpotion_a15.jpgExcess Potion of Accelerated Learning at your Garrison, but keep in mind, that this will set you back in the further Garrison development at max. level.
  • If you have ability_mount_waterstridermount.jpgAzure Water Strider you should use it whenever necessary.

New dungeons:

  • Heroic MoP dungeons.
  • Bloodmaul Slag Mines (WoD)

New talent point:

  • In this tier we suggest taking spell_magic_lesserinvisibilty.jpgMirror Image, because in Draenor there are rares on every corner. Use this as a DPS boos and defensive ability. The mobs will hit your images and your Water Elemental before hitting you.

New abilities:



12. Levels 90 to 100


So far, your gameplay should be as follows:



During this section, at every even level (92, 94, 96, 98) you will get a perk, which has been introduced in Warlords of Draenor in the place of new spells. The perk you get at these levels can be one of the following, chosen randomly:

  • spell_frost_frostbolt02.jpgEnhanced Frostbolt is a nice buff to our spell_frost_frostbolt02.jpgFrostbolt. Since it's passive perk it doesn't require too much attention from you if you get it.
  • spell_frost_icestorm.jpgImproved Blizzard is a nice perk for AoE, but most of the times this will only be beneficial in dungeons. Again, this perk will also not change your AoE rotation significantly.
  • spell_frost_coldhearted.jpgImproved Icy Veins also requires no special attention.
  • spell_frost_summonwaterelemental_2.jpgImproved Water Elemental is the most interesting perk we can get as a Frost mage. Your Water Elemental gets the spell_frost_chillingblast.jpgWater Jet ability, which should be used on cooldown, whe you are fighting against a single enemy, or you cannot trigger Fringers of Frost by the use of the Water Elemental's Freeze spell.

At Level 92:

New abilities:

New questing zone:


New perk! Read above!


At Level 93:

New dungeon:

  • Iron Docks


At Level 94:

New questing zone:

New perk! Read above!


At Level 95:

New dungeon:

  • Auchindoun

At Level 96:

New questing zone:

New perk! Read above!


At Level 97:

New dungeon:

  • Skyreach


At Level 98:

New questing zone:

  • Nagrand. Visit the Hero's Call board in your Garrison and pick up Arakkoa Exodus.
  • You should also start working on the legendary ring quest line by picking up the following quest in your Garrison: Call of the Archmage.
  • Loot every beast in Nagrand! They drop Meaty Soup Bones, which can be turned in at an endless quest in the Ring of Trials.

New perk! Read above!



New dungeons:

  • Grimrail Depot
  • Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
  • The Everbloom
  • The Upper Blackrock Spire
  • In addition to this, you get access to all of the WoD Heroic dungeons, where you should start gearing up for raids, however in order to solo-queue for these, you must complete Proving Grounds: Silver at least. Have a look at this guide: http://www.wowhead.com/guide=2691/guide-to-proving-grounds-silver-in-warlords

New perk!

You get a new talent point. You should have a look at our Class guides, accessible from the upper menu for raiding talents and glyph choices for Level 100s. That being said, for further leveling (=soloing) spell_mage_cometstorm.jpgComet Storm is probably the best choice. It's an instant cast AoE, which is always pretty nice.

  • You can decide to go for specialization other than Frost.
  • For information about rotations etc. you can reach the guides by clicking on one of the following links: Frost Mage;  Fire MageArcane Mage.


I hope you found this guide useful! Please leave a feedback below, especially if you find any typos or bad grammar! Compliments are welcome as well, or course. wink.png

Cheers, Oltier!

Edited by Oltier
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2013. August 09.: Fixed formatting errors

2013. July 14.: Several typo fixes, and some clarifications.

2013. Sept 29.: Fixed confusion about recruit a friend and scroll of resurrection. Added Ring of blood quests.

2013. Oct 12.: Corrected mastery to reflect 5.4 changes.

2013. Nov 21.: Corrected Frostbolt healing Water Elemental at level 13 instead of 55.

2014. July 19.: Fixed several BC dungeons' quest level.

2014. Oct 23.: Edited the Races section to reflect 6.0.2 changes.

2014. Oct 29.: Updated the guide up to level 60 to reflect 6.0.2. changes.

2014. Oct 31.: The guide has been updated completely for patch 6.0.3.

2014. Nov 12.: Added levels 90-100.

2014. Dec 11.: Changed Mirror Image as suggested talent at level 90.

2015. Feb 16.: Fixed level 65 Nagrand pointer quest.

Edited by Oltier

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This guide is awesome. A few notes:


You should only do this dungeon once, until you finish the quests in it.

You should probably mention here that almost all dungeon quests are found inside the dungeon, there is no need to gather quests before doing the dungeon anymore.

Heirloom Enchantments (5.4 patch changes)

Some people who are in need of a leveling guilde might not know that we are only at patch 5.3 now, so you might want to spell out that this is only possible when patch 5.4 arrives later this year.

You should only do this dungeon once, until you finish the quests in it.

You should write this in the beginning in 1.3. Then there should be no need to repeat it every single time you mention a new dungeon. Keep the info about quests in the Outlands dungeons.

You can pick up a Hero's Call/Warchief's Command pointer quest to these zones in any major cities of your faction and you should start questing in either of these zones.

Same, you should put this in 1.2, instead of writing it every single time a new zone is available.

And, maybe a note for new players that it is a good idea to finish a zone if they want to see the end of the story line for that area, and possibly get a blue item, instead of just rushing on to the next zone as soon as it is available.


You can also use Posted ImageAlter Time Icon Posted ImageAlter Time to increase the duration of Posted ImageTime Warp IconPosted ImageTime Warp by 6 seconds.

This sentence needs fixing :)

Just a few thoughts and suggestions, but all in all, this guide is great.

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Thanks for the feedback! This is exactly what I would like to see here! I will make the editions once I have a bit of time. :)

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Btw, you might want to mention the class quests at 20 and 50 (and recommend that people don't do the dungeon with the quest items until they have the class quest), and the Ring of Blood and other arena quests for their weapons, if people don't have the heirlooms.

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I truly appreciate this guide :), I've been looking to start playing a mage but wasn't entirely sure where to start. And as this guide has helped me greatly already, I thought i'd create an account to express my thanks. Great job Oltier.

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  On 7/15/2013 at 12:21 AM, 'trapper33 said:

I truly appreciate this guide Posted Image, I've been looking to start playing a mage but wasn't entirely sure where to start. And as this guide has helped me greatly already, I thought i'd create an account to express my thanks. Great job Oltier.

I am so happy that I made you happy! : D

  On 7/14/2013 at 11:54 PM, 'Gambolputty said:

Btw, you might want to mention the class quests at 20 and 50 (and recommend that people don't do the dungeon with the quest items until they have the class quest), and the Ring of Blood and other arena quests for their weapons, if people don't have the heirlooms.

Good suggestion, although I don't think there are any benefits of those class quests any longer in the game. I am not sure if it is worth mentioning.

But the ring of blood is definitely a good idea. Those are big DPS boosts.

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  On 7/15/2013 at 3:57 PM, 'Oltier said:

Good suggestion, although I don't think there are any benefits of those class quests any longer in the game. I am not sure if it is worth mentioning.

But the ring of blood is definitely a good idea. Those are big DPS boosts.

If you do Shadowfang Keep below level 20, you can do the four in-dungeon quests starting with this one. The XP from these quests with no guild and heirloom bonuses will be 1000+1100+1150+1250 = 4500 XP.

If you wait until level 20 and get the class quest, it will give you an extra 3100 XP.

I think that extra chunk of XP makes it worth mentioning the class quests in the guide.

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This looks like a great guide, but I can't read much past the leveling 1-9 section.  The problem is an indentation that shifts the text to the right, past the border.


Of course this may be my computer setup.  An iMac running OS 10.8.4--although I have the same problem on my iPad.

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The layout of the forum pages has been changed recently, i think that's the issue.

Edited by D4n13le

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The topic should be fixed!


Enjoy it once again, soon I will update it with the suggestions made here. Now let us be glad that it's readable. :P

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I'm leveling a gnome mage atm. At level 17 I only got Teleport: Ironforge. I had to visit the portal trainer in IF and pay to learn the other teleports. Old school.

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  On 8/22/2013 at 9:18 PM, Gambolputty said:

I'm leveling a gnome mage atm. At level 17 I only got Teleport: Ironforge. I had to visit the portal trainer in IF and pay to learn the other teleports. Old school.

It can be any other portal trainer as well. (At least I have never been to IF as human mage)

Thanks for the report

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1.9.5. Recruit-a-friend


Not only one of your characters gets boosted to level 80, but you also gain a 300% experience bonus if you play with the person who invited you to the game.

For further information, please visit: https://us.battle.ne...it-a-friend-faq

I believe you have confused the benefits of Recruit a Friend with those of Scroll of Resurrection.  


Recruit-A-Friend: your recruited friend can grant you 1 level for every 2 levels they progress.  

Scroll of Resurrection: only the recipient of a scroll can boost one character to level 80 instantly.  

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  On 9/27/2013 at 11:02 PM, AbeHubbard said:

I believe you have confused the benefits of Recruit a Friend with those of Scroll of Resurrection.  


Recruit-A-Friend: your recruited friend can grant you 1 level for every 2 levels they progress.  

Scroll of Resurrection: only the recipient of a scroll can boost one character to level 80 instantly.  

Thank you for drawing my attention to this. I'll fix it right now.

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  On 10/12/2013 at 3:48 PM, Gambolputty said:

Heya, just a reminder to change the frost mastery at lvl 80 from Frostburn to Icicles.

thank you, editing it now :)

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  On 10/25/2013 at 10:43 AM, Havoccc said:

Great piece.


May I ask why Blizzard is not used in aoe rotation?

It forces you to stand still. That is not something what you want to do while pulling lots of mobs. :)

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I rolled a mage following this guide (he is currently level 63) and here are some things that I'd like to share so far:


-I know most of the guys heard this a hundred thimes, but go with the race that you actually like (unless you are hellbent on min/maxing your character). Personally, I went with dwarf because the other mage races are too mainstream. Plus, they have awesome beards.


-Pay attention to your surroundings. Pulling additional (neutral) mobs with frost nova or blinking blindly can easily kill you. You need some space to maneuver and to kite mobs.


-Even when you have two gathering professions and you are mostly leveling by questing, I advise you to use the dungeon browser every once in a while. A blue item or two make things a lot easier if you don't have access to heirlooms.


-I personally found skilling first aid useful as the mage's healing ability is next to non-existant.


-If this is your first character, unless you are prepared to spend countless hours and unfathomable amounts of gold to get your hands on metric tons of silk/frostweave and to produce worthless stuff until very high skill levels, DO WHAT OLTIER TELLS YOU AND SKILL THE GATHERING PROFESSIONS. It makes you rich and it will prevent you from falling into a spiralling depression. Gathering nodes also provides a little extra experience.


-You get a dungeon quest from the mage class trainer in SW (don't know the horde equivalent) at levels 20 and 40 that provide a nice weapon/headpiece.


-Glyph of Cone of Cold is very, very useful in dungeons.


-You can even freeze critters to trigger Fingers of Frost.


-When you get the teleport/portal spells of your faction's capitals, you only get the one of your own race for free. You have to buy the others from the portal teacher.


This guide rocks and I can advise any new mage to read it.


Edit: I have forgotten the most important point: Screaming 'FRAAAAASTUUUUUU BOOOOOOLLLTUUUUU!' from the top of your lungs at every occasion increases your damage by 3000%. I swear.

Edited by Andwari

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Hi, thanks so much for this guide. I just got to 85 on my mage following this guide and so far this is one of the most fun characters I have played. I am able to keep up in DPS with the OP tanks at lower levels (using either CoC glyped with AE or later once you get the amazing FO spell)


The Frost Mage spec always feel like their are options available, which I love. Most other specs in the game is much more whack-a-mole style play when compared to this spec.


I can choose to use my pet's Freeze to get procs, use FO to get procs, use Nova to get procs, or just put a bomb on them and freeze them with Blizzard when I can stand still.


Extremely fun spec and great guide!

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The recommendation for lvl 25 glyphs: "Glyph of Ice Lance" does not exist, but the same effect is given by "Glyph of Splitting Ice".  Not sure when this was changed, but it tripped me up for a few minutes.

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Oltier what is this?


  On 5/24/2014 at 7:33 PM, Lovestorybro said:

The recommendation for lvl 25 glyphs: "Glyph of Ice Lance" does not exist, but the same effect is given by "Glyph of Splitting Ice".  Not sure when this was changed, but it tripped me up for a few minutes.

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