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By Rafim
So I've got these two specific items. The ACI is one of the most used trinkets on shadow priest, but compared to the Infernal, it has a low ilvl. The effect of Infernal stacks every second, and since critical strike is now the bis stat for shadow priest, which one of the trinkets would you pick? ?
Thanks in advance! ?
By Susza
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1. Should I use bloodbath only with Battle Cry?
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Best regards
By Ashiraya
Hello! My priest has amassed quite the collection of trinkets and I am not sure which ones to pick.
I have:
925 Naraxas' Spiked Tongue with socket
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Which ones are best? I usually look at the guides for this kind of thing but strangely the spriest guide lacks trinket recommendations. :(
By WrexialMT
Hey all,
A small disclaimer first, I'm a BDK main in a pretty casual "heroic aimed" guild, basically we aim to get Ahead of the Curve HC and than relax, but I like to keep myself up to standard as much as possible, without doing the insane requirements some mythic guilds demand.
So we've been raiding TOS a few times now, and I would like a second or third opinion on trinkets so far? Is it just me, or are the defensive trinkets pretty bad in the raids this patch? Also maybe I'm underrating some of the other trinkets?
Currently I'm using a Str/Haste stat stick with a socket ilvl880 [will only replace with a higher ilvl haste stat stick] and I recently picked up a dps vers trinket ilvl925 which I'm testing out. I'm using these mainly due to not having any issues surviving fights (still not at Kil'Jaden HC, will probably use a defensive trinket at that point for the felclaws).
Some of my other trinkets which I've tried but seem to be under-performing are:
a 915 feverish carapace an 885 animated exoskeleton a 890 spiked counterweight a 885 memento of angerboda with leech an 880 entwined elemental foci good ole 865 unstable arcanocrystal I try to keep my unbuffed gear around the 35% haste, 25%mastery, 20% parry and then dump everything in versatility. So at this point, I'm using mostly haste/verst gear with the obvious exception of Legendaries (Shoulders and Waist) and 4 set tier.
Thanks for helping out
By PingChanGeR
Hello there guys.
So I was wondering if there's something like a top 10 list for SP trinkets because I'm switching trinkets like crazy and I don't recognize any difference at all. Switching between WitD/Haste-Stat and Haste-stat/Mastery-stat at the moment.
Now the next question is if we're using AS or SL and what stats to prioritize with them? Some of the top dps SP are using weird setups and confuse me. They all favor haste of course but some play with a crit heavy build and SL and some are playing with a mastery heavy build and AS. I don't get that tbh.
At least that's what their logs and their armory are saying.