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[Tarren Mill][H] <Invictum> - 3 days a week!

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<Invictum>, 4/7 Mythic EN, 2/3 Heroic ToV

We are a semi-hardcore guild on Tarren Mill. The guild was formed at the release of Legion and is building itself stronger and stronger for each day. The Raid Leaders has been playing WoW since Vanilla and has lots of experience from high level raiding. The guild is aiming for high server ranks in The Nighthold and further.

<Invictum> is a small community of players from all around Europe and even outside of Europe. We enjoy the game and takes raiding very seriously. Hardcore thinking with a healthy raiding schedule!

Raid Days:
Wednesdays 18:45-23:00 Server time.
Sundays 18:45-23:00 Server time.
Mondays 18:45-23:00 Server time.

We think the personality of a player is just as important as his skills. We're looking for mature players with a sense of humor that enjoys the game and takes it seriously!

Holy Priest
Windwalker Monk

We are ALWAYS recruiting ALL classes/specs to improve our core raiding team! We will always consider a great application even if we're not really in need of that class/spec at the moment.

You can read more about the guild and our requirements at our website, where you also can fill out an application: www.invictumwow.enjin.com.

Contact for more info:
Wokow - Guild Master/Raid Leader - BattleTag: Dugehick#2483

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