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Tank rankings - opinions & thoughts

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Hello everyone!

I was just curious at how people rank tanks currently and the statistics behind it.

Why am I asking this? Well I'm considering switching tank class. 

(Went from blood dk to prot pala)

Dont get me wrong the prot paladin is great but the playstyle just doesn't suit me that well. Also the damage output is miserable or at least mine is. 

I have the possibility to pick up any tanking class available but again curious at what the general consensus is. 

From what I've heard and seen this is how I'd rank them.


Sidenote: apparently the brewmaster is capable of insane things if you're in that 1% of players who have mastered the class.

I'm the type of guy who tries to make it as easy as possible for the guild to progress and we will soon hopefully start clearing EN mythic (a bit late but hey that's life)

So if I would switch what should I switch too? 


Any help is appreciated ! :)

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Well, for me the Druid has been the best tank since I've been playing. 
Went to bear in TBC - Has been awesome ever since.

Currently happens to be flavour of the expansion but tbh, can't go wrong with them as a class.
Instant cast travel/flight form...  Tauren gives quicker herbing (herbing in flight form = godly) and an extra stam flask/stun.
Stealth, can heal / ranged / melee...


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How much of a challenge do you want to set yourself?

The snag with bear tanking is looking at a bear's ass for the next few months of your life. Its not great.


There you , thats my view on them. 

Bear is rock solid and once you master it you can fall asleep and be ok. It can be pretty boring and while your currently OP, I reckon that will change with 7.1.5. 

Pally = DK, both do different things well. Depending on what content your after each has its strengths and weaknesses.  Pallys can do great dps but that means that their survivabillity suffers.  If the content is on farm then go for more dps, go for less for progression

Warrior is solid but boring, according to some. It got some nerfs which might have pushed it down the scales a bit, again depends on you and your playstyle.

DH is due a buff and the PTR notes show it getting a major buff. I dont think that Blizz wanted its new hero class to be so weak so its going to get a massive boost to make it competitive again. Not sure if you want to wait that long.

Brewmaster is very very good, if you know how to play it correctly. If you dont, just step away and dont look back. Again this is due for some more buffs and a more simplified play-style is on the cards but if you can master it, it can do amazing things. 


My advice, coming from a BDK , go back to the BDK , dont overlook insane self healing and a CR, always a good thing. We have nicer behinds too than the bears which is always good. 


(Play what you want to a high level and they will all be good, play them bad and well you get the idea)

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