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[Tarren Mill] [H] Fallout 8/8 HC 2/8 M

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In September 2007, two guilds originating from Skullcrusher EU decided to merge and build a team with people dedicated to both raiding progress and our community.
Fallout has managed to remain active on the raiding scene ever since and cleared (almost) all current content on every expansion.

We are now aiming for consistent cutting edge in Battle for Azeroth and beyond.
At the moment we have closed recruitment for now, but we are always on the lookout for exceptional players to strengthen our raiding team.
We are a mature raiding guild with our ages ranging from 23-35+. Since we want our raiders to fit in and feel at home, applicants are required to be at least 18 years old.

Currently NOT recruiting

But all exceptional applicants will be considered

Raiding schedule:

Wednesday: 20:00 – 23:00
Thursday: 20:00 – 23:00
Sunday: 20:00 – 23:00

Raid invites start at 19:45

What we offer:

*Experienced officer team, that can support you with anything you need.
*Great community in- and outside of WoW (you can often find us playing other games together).
*Solid raid leading and a raid team with years of experience.
*A good guild atmosphere, both in- and outside of raid hours.

What we expect:

*Great knowledge of your class. Talent builds, stats, class changes, etc.
*Always be fully prepared for raids (consumables, enchants, gems, tactics, required addons and proper talents etc)
*A working microphone, the ability to communicate in English and whatever voicecom we are using (currently Discord).
*That you learn from your mistakes and won't repeat them.
*You need to be able to handle valid criticism when it is offered.
*You are on time and respect each members time and commitment in the game and guild.
*You're a team player.

If you want to be a part of our team, feel free to contact any of the people listed below or make an application at our website: www.fallout-guild.enjin.com/
Don´t hesitate to apply, even if your class and/or spec is not listed, we´ll always consider a strong application.

Melee Roleleader - Flodo (Flodo#2410)
Healing Roleleader - Scorpie (Scorpie#2213)
Ranged Roleleader - Starbane (Starbane#2750)
Recruitment Officer - Luylu (MrsSkywalker#2337)

Good luck and we hope to welcome you to our team soon!

Edited by Luylu

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