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    • By lion206
      As the title already said I'm needing help understanding how to make the build like the guide says, i somehow need to get the full set bonus of bones of Rathma but i also need the full Captain Crimson's trimmings bonus for cd reduction i can get that with ring of royale grandeur but i also need to use fate's vow helm but if i use it i cant get the full Bones of Rathma set bonus or Captain Crimson's trimmings bonus. 
      If anyone know how i can get that build to work please say how, I'm open to any suggestions.
      Link to the guide I'm  talking about: https://www.icy-veins.com/d3/necromancer-rathma-army-of-the-dead-build
      (this is my first post on icy-veins and i don't fully understand if I'm doing this right) 
    • By Daevilmonkie
      Welcome Adventurers! The time has come upon us, FINALLY! The moment in Classic WoW history us diehard, loyal WoW nerds have all been waiting for. WRATH CLASSIC! Arthas Did Nothing Wrong (ADNW) has just begun recruiting (For WotLK Classic) hard-core, casual, rp, pvp, pve, raiders, anything you can think of, you are welcomed here. Although our main focus in ADNW will be progressive raiding, 10 and 25 man and pvp content, we look to have someone for just about anything. Currently we are recruiting for our CORE 10M team composed entirely of irl / internet homies. We are in need of just 1 HEALER (Highly prefer a disc priest with a shadow off spec) and another DPS. Preferably lock or Shadow priest. We are looking to fill our B 10m team entirely, so we can pool together for 25 man’s when it comes time to crush 25m. This guild was founded by a group of tight nit friends recently, who have been around since TBC. WOTLK was our turning point in WoW, and we CANNOT wait to get another crack at this and MAKE IT RIGHT. Come join the adventure of a chill environment full of helpful hands and knowledge. Feel free to reach out to me Via Discord: Daevilmonkiexp#9239 OR Bnet: Daevilmonkie#1280 just let me know you are interested in the guild and we can have a convo! ARTHAS DID NOTHING WRONG!
    • By Insanity
      <Insanity> are looking for new inmates to expand our asylum...
      Region : EU
      Server : Mirage Raceway
      Faction : Horde
      Raid Times
      Tuesday 19:30 to 23:00 Realm Time
      Thursday 19:30 to 23:00 Realm Time
      Approach to Raiding
      We have a relaxed and chilled approach to raiding, but still expect people to make an effort.
      As long as you don't show up freshly dinged in levelling greens, and make an effort to improve your gear and skills and show up to raids,
      that is all we expect. We are here to enjoy ourselves, not push logs.
      About us
      We are a chilled community who enjoys hanging out in discord while playing the game.
      Karazhan is on farm, we are now looking to bolster our ranks to create a solid reliable 25 man raid team moving forward.
      What We Offer
      A mature environment for levelling and group play
      Progressive but relaxed end game experience
      A fun, helpful and inclusive atmosphere
      What We Expect
      People willing to help build and grow a serious, successful and fun TBC raiding guild. We don’t care about your spec, everyone is welcome. While we are a casual guild, we still expect people to make an effort. Showing up freshly dinged in levelling greens won’t make the raiding experience fun for anyone.
      Our Aims
      Our aims are to clear all the raid content in tbc in a relaxed and fun way. We were close to 25 raiders at 70 and ready to start raiding, but a lot of people quit the game and we are in need of new recruits for our 25-man raid teams. Anyone just interested in chilling in discord and to get to know new people are also welcome.
      Recruitment Status
      Tanks : medium
      Healers : high
      Ranged DPS : high
      Melee DPS : high
      Contact Us
      Feel free to jump on the guild discord and get in touch
      Discord - discord.gg/8c6DW5Su
      Twitter - guild_insanity
      You can also contact an officer in game for further info :
      Thank you for reading, and we hope to hear from you soon
    • By Tsukoyomi
      I am going the corpselance support build for Necromancer and the build has me taking Corpselance with Brittle and the pestilence set on top of that, if I were to take off the ability Corpselance and change it to another ability say for example Bone Spikes with Frost spikes, would the damage decrease an amount that it would not be worth it?
    • By Lyican83
      You read that correctly, one of the most iconic and long-standing guilds within the realms of Quel’Thalas and Azjol’Nerub is looking for new players to bolster its Mythic ranks.
      Tell me more, tell me more!
      Scion is a longstanding World of Warcraft guild consisting of both social and raiding players. We are a group of friendly people that are open for any player who is looking to improve his or her performance in the game while having an enjoyable stay. 
      Did you get very far?
      Our guild is currently progressing through the Mythic version of Shadowlands. We aim to get as much progress as possible before rushing into the new raiding content.
      Enough Grease. Time for some raiding information.
      We currently raid on Wednesdays and Sundays from 8PM-11PM server time with a raiding team that is constantly evolving into a strong example of leadership and teamwork. If you are looking to be part of this experience we are definitely looking for you!
      What are the requirements?
      Preferably, you already have experience with Mythic raiding and obviously with raiding itself. The core requirement of Scion is that you are a well-organized player who can tend to the needs of a Mythic raiding team. Those needs consist of hard work, being self-critical and have a determined slash patient mindset.
      What’s in it for me?
      The guild offers you an enjoyable and memorable time within the World of Warcraft. We are friendly bunch of social talkers who take joy out of a little banter from time to time. However, we strive to be as professional and hard-working as possible during raid hours and any time it takes to prepare for the challenge that raiding offers. Obviously, we look to provide assistance within this preparation by supplying resources and valuable information.
      You won me over. I’m in it, to win it. Ha-ha.
      That’s great! We are always eager to get in touch with curious and interested possible new recruits. Please contact one of the officers or guild master by adding either one of the following people: Beasted#2936
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