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[Burning Blade/Lightning's Blade/Onyxia][H] <Exterminatus> (7/7 H) Semi-Casual Guild Looking for Members

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(Horde) Exterminatus is recruiting members for raiding, mythic keystones, and other occasional events.  We have full cleared Emerald Nightmare on Normal and Heroic.  We will be attempting Trial of Valor and Mythic Emerald Nightmare fairly soon.  Our keystone groups range from doing quick +2's to tackling +10's.  Mostly we are looking for people who have a positive attitude and want to enjoy the game.

We raid Thursday/Friday 7:00PM for progressing content.  With a new raid scheduling for Monday 7:00PM for undergeared/alt runs in currently Normal Emerald Nightmare.  In our progressing group we will try to bring guildies but at points we will have to cut some if they aren't performing as well.  Our second group, however, will never cut players as its goal is to get people ready for progressing content.  

Raid Openings (Main Group):
Tanks: Primary slots are filled, we have one bencher normally
Healers: Most primary slots are filled, we can use a healer off spec for 4th healer on a boss like Cenarius
Melee DPS: We need more Melee DPS to fill our core ranks.
Ranged DPS: We need more Ranged DPS to fill our core ranks.

If you are interested, and are on Burning Blade, Lightning's Blade, or Onyxia.  Please leave your Name, Server, Class, and Spec as a reply.  As soon as we can, we will talk in game.

Edited by positiv2

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