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Hammer of the Righteous

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Just before the unscheduled maintenance today I was trying to set up my UI for my Prot Pally which I hadn't touched since BC. 

I went in my spellbook to grab Hammer of the Righteous and its not there.  Its not in my talents either.

A quick google entry and I found others have had the same issue but I couldn't locate a clear answer as to what the deal actually is.


Is Hammer of the Righteous now gone in 7.1?  Or is this just a bug?




EDIT: Solved. 

Edited by Sosee

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Hi there Sosee,


Make sure you check your tier 1 talents. If you have picked Blessed Hammer, then that talent will replace your Hammer of the Righteous as stated in the tooltip.


It is worth noting that while Icy-Veins recommends Blessed Hammer, I personally find that I am not underperforming by keeping Hammer of the Righteous and picking Consecrated Hammer instead. (Further backed up by logs where I am consistently placed high among Blessed Hammer users with similar item levels on similar fights). On top of this, Holy Shield will also be gaining a slight buff in 7.1.5.


I would definitely say that even though IV recommends otherwise, the other two choices are very valid if you insist on keeping Hammer of the Righteous and you should not feel "gimped" by not following IV's advice. In fact, I would like IV to re-evaluate the tier 1 choices, even without taking 7.1.5's changes into consideration.


Edit: Derp, I see you marked it as solved. Feel free to take my opinion into account though on the talent choices.


Edited by Yridaa

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Thank you! 
I feel like Blessed Hammer is pretty weak but then again, most of that conclusion is based on pre 110 levels so I will give it a few spins around the dungeons and raids to see if it still feels soft.

Thanks for the advice and rest assured, i will be giving your advice a honest try to see if I like it.  Can't know that until I give it a whirl, right?  hehe


Thanks again.



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I think the key to Blessed Hammer is the 15% reduced damage from mobs hit by it. Also, the hammer can hit a target more than one as it revolves.

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