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[Arthas][H] <Big Floppy Noodle> 7/7 H EN 3/3 H ToV - 2 day raid guild LF RDPS + Heals for Mythic

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Big Floppy Noodle on Arthas-US(Horde):

The noodliest of the Arthas Horde guilds, we are finally getting our noodles wet heading into mythic content. We’re looking to recruit the last few to dive into mythic raiding. If you think you’re a player who is seeking a challenge, and your noodle is strong enough, we’d love to give you a shot!


Current Raid Progression: 7/7 H Emerald Nightmare and 3/3 H Trials of Valor


Raid Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. server time (Eastern Standard Time). Invites start at 7:45.


Current Needs: We’re currently looking for big noodle ranged DPS and 2 non-druid healers to fill out our ranks. Boomkins and Warlocks get special consideration, because you’re a unique snowflake.


Guild Philosophy: Sure we have a silly name, but when it comes to progression we’re very serious. We like having fun and enjoying ourselves, but we make sure that we are always pushing gear to the limit and really moving ahead at all times. We all strive to make each other better and carry our fair share of the weight.

IF THIS sounds like the magical place you’ve been waiting for, than we’d love to hear from you! Just add any one of our officers to your friend list and tell them your life story (just need gear score and raid experience, your story can wait).

Cactuspie#1574 – BigJuju

Jaxsus#1974 - Twoinchtotem

Kngcrab#1465 - Kngcrab, aka Great Leader

Looking forward to hearing from you all and hopefully we’ll see some of you this Thursday for the recruiting run of heroic EN.


Edited by Lvl99WizardIRL

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We are still looking for more players interested in mythic content. we are more interested in skilled players and class at the moment. 


If you have have any questions please contact us.  We are hosting a full clear H EN tonight for anyone interested in a trial run. We will begin inviting at 7:45 est.  If you intend on coming please reply to this thread or pm. 

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