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[Stormrage][A] <Imperium> - 3/7 Mythic - 7/7 Heroic - FRI & MON - 9pm-12am EST
VeeImperium, in US
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By Suicune
The Dark Swarm is looking for truly laid-back adults (18 and up) that want to have fun and be a part of a friendly, relaxed guild- perfect for people with the duties of full time jobs, families, and floating play time schedules due to the unpredictable availability life can cause.
We are always looking to meet new friends! We have an amazing group of people, and chat can be active in game and Discord (text), but we occasionally have lulls. Please be patient with us while we revitalize our roster!
Some things The Dark Swarm is:
► A guild who has been around since BC.
► A place for fun, mature people. You must be 18+ to join. Sense of humor strongly recommended ☺
► A guild interested in enjoying the game in our own ways. Some of us like to PvP, others like to run heroics, mythic+, and raids. Some like to level characters and professions, some love to collect things and camp rares. We welcome all styles of gameplay.
Some things The Dark Swarm is not:
► A raiding guild. If you are looking to raid on a team regularly, we are not for you. We have no interest in organizing progression raids for current content any longer. Any raiding outside of older content is done through PuGs/ LFG.
► A leveling guild. We accept characters of all levels, but we are looking for people who want to make us their permanent home, not leave once capped and geared.
► A hardcore PvP guild. Some of us do Arenas and Rated Battlegrounds, but if you want a guild who is strictly PvP oriented, we will not be a fit for your interests.
The Dark Swarm is interested in:
► Creating a tight- knit family of players who like to have a good time. Not a social butterfly? That's ok! If you are more comfortable with shutting off chat and just having a safe place for your characters, that is perfectly fine- we will be here for you if you want to interact or have questions.
► Guild events. We have had events in the past, and would be open to it again.
► Achievements. We enjoy getting groups together for achievements including metas for mounts, and guild achievements.
► Past content; we like to go back into some older content for fun from time to time as well. Examples are guild OS3D to get people Drakes, or BC raids for Transmog gear.
► Fun; most importantly, continue to be a relaxed environment to hang out in and meet fun people. Play when you want, the way you want.
Other Info:
▪ We have a Community of the same name for Cross- Faction invites. Don't forget to select 'cross- faction' in the search filter!
▪ We are listed in the Guild Finder for easy invites!
▪ We use Discord for voice/text. We are NOT active in our voice chats. Voice is generally only used when needed for groups or events, but are always available for members to use.
Interested in joining? Questions? Contact us by one of the methods below!
► Comment on this post
► Discord @ goddess_suicune (please tell me why you are messaging lol)
► In-Game (Suicune- Azuremyst)
By Whitedagger
Im playing rogue assa in cata classic and after read some guide I don't understand some things about stats.
I know as a rogue assa I have to priories hit rating until the spell hit cap of 17% (1332 if I remember) but i dont understand how to manage other stats like mastery and haste/crit or expertise.
Did I have to put full mastery ? and reforge all the crit chance, expertise and reforge haste at least ? Or did I have to balance mastery and haste ?
Can someone help me to understand in wich ordre and priority I have to manage stats as Assa Rogue in wow cata classic ?
By ztilleto
7/9 Amirdrasil
[wowprogress .com/guild/eu/tarren-mill/Breakfast+Raiders]
Past tiers:
8/9 Aberrus.
Who are we:
Breakfast Raiders is a morning raiding guild based on the Tarren Mill EU server with 2 raid teams, first team is currently 7/9M and 2nd team is curved and looking for more stable players to build a solid 2nd Mythic team.
This is a CE-focused guild, with both raiders and leaders with previous CE experience, Our main goal is to take on Mythic content, get CE for our raiders and to push ourselves as a collective getting it faster each tier.
We welcome players with similar background but not only, as long as we share the same goal: spending quality time together.
So if you are a social or a raider of HCs or just want to push M+ with people in the morning, then you are more than welcome here as well.
If you are interested in raiding Mythic Content, then please go to our #Raid-Application Channel in our discord and /apply for the raid.
Team 1 - DPS/Healer, (High Prio) Sub Rogue Havoc and Windwalker
Team 2 - DPS (ideally range), Healers
We offer:
A team of passionate raiders that work together towards a common goal. A home where we are playing together both in and outside raids. A place where you can grow if you don’t cut it right away. Our expectations:
English speaking, with microphone and willing to use it. High attendance. Strive to be as good as you can, and help others achieve it. Able to take constructive criticism. Be prepared on tactics, requirements and personal consumables. Schedule (server time):
Team 1 - Thursday: 09:30 - 12:30 (3 Hours), Friday: 09:30 - 12:30 (3 Hours)
Team 2 - Monday: 10:00 - 13:00 (3 Hours), Friday: 10:00-13:00(3 Hours)
Loot system:
We use loot council addon to help with distribution to those where the items does the most for progression. We believe in team play, and we are all pushing for progression.
If you are interested to start on our journey towards CE in the future updates, or if you just want a home with people that are online in the early mornings then please contact us on our Discord server.
Discord tags:
Guild Discord: []
By Tomseno
Raid/Class Spots Are Open To Any Applicant If The Player Is The Right Fit
A guild formed with an ambition for progression and a love for M+ we decided to make the move from Silvermoon Alliance and form a guild to take our focus to the next level, Cutting Edge in 10.1 being the next step.
We believe in building a guild by recruit players of a similar goal and mentality whether it be for raiding or for push score in Mythic plus. We value loyalty, honesty and a positive attitude towards setbacks. Communication skills are an absolute must.
Raid Schedule
Wednesday 20:30-23:00 Sunday 20:30-23:00
Current Progression
9/9HC 5/9M
What are we looking for recruitment wise?
We're currently open to recruiting DPS classes listed above, as we aim to solidify a stable 25-player roster. We're looking to provide competition to existing members and choose the best 25 players to proceed with for next tier.
Contact Information:
Discord; tomsen and lora1506
Think you'd be a good fit?
If you believe that you are a player that is looking to achieve the same goals as us then why not contact us and see if we can achieve our goals together!
By Madshot789
Children - Zul'jin - Horde - 3 nights/week (9 hours) - Hardcore
Vault of the Incarnates - M 8/8 (Cutting Edge)
Sepulcher of the First Ones - M 11/11 (Cutting Edge)
Apply here!
Raid Schedule:
Tuesday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Wednesday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Thursday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
We add a Monday raid to the first week of each raid tier.
Holidays will be rescheduled.
Current Recruitment Needs:
High Priority:
• Enhancement Shaman
• DPS Death Knight
Medium Priority:
• Rogue
Low Priority:
• Healers
All classes will be considered even if not listed in this post.
Server Information:
Chicago Datacenter
Eastern Realm Time
Contacts: Madness (Madness#12309) / Discord: Madness (Madness#5716)
About Us:
Children is a guild founded at the start of Shadowlands, we accomplished CE in all three raid tiers during the expansion, also obtaining CE in Vault. We are looking to continue this pattern for the rest of Dragonflight, and are looking to pick up new members to join us. We look forward to hearing from you.