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Help understanding Sims

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So I'm having trouble understanding how sim stat weights work. Let's say I have 20% haste, and versatility is simming to be more valuable than haste for me. If I then get a piece of gear with the same stats otherwise but versatility instead of haste, does this mean I should equip that instead and go UNDER 20% haste? 

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2 hours ago, Andell said:

So I'm having trouble understanding how sim stat weights work. Let's say I have 20% haste, and versatility is simming to be more valuable than haste for me. If I then get a piece of gear with the same stats otherwise but versatility instead of haste, does this mean I should equip that instead and go UNDER 20% haste? 

Not necessarily.  The way I think of it, simming is a snapshot of the state of your character *right now*. What it is really telling you is if you gear stays the *exact same*, and you want to increase your dps, in your case, your most value would be in increasing versatility *without* reducing any other stat, like haste.

Now, this is impractical for almost all situations because by gaining something with a new piece of gear you lose something else.

The only things you can do is swap other gear in and out, to hopefully make up for the loss, and re-sim and again....and again.


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The idea is, lets say you get a piece with a socket and you haven't gemmed it but already simmed it lets says vers in that case is best according to sims, put in a vers gem.

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6 hours ago, Drtain said:

The idea is, lets say you get a piece with a socket and you haven't gemmed it but already simmed it lets says vers in that case is best according to sims, put in a vers gem.

Exactly.  Problem is, from what Ive seen from frost at least, weights are always changing. So say for example, you get another piece that adds even more verse, its value as a gem potentially could go down. Thats a problem. But what else can you do?

-my own personal strategy is that I've bought a variety of crafted rings and kept other ring drops with different stat combinations as well as some stat stick trinkets.  I gem the crated piece to boost its best secondary, whatever it may be, so that way, if i get another gear piece I can test different stat combos with rings. Of course my gear ilvl allows me to use crafted pieces, if you get too high crafteds wont work unless they raise the ilvl again.

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@Sniz Yeah when i look at my bags I have over 20 pieces of gear in it all around similar ilvl to equip slot just to swap pieces in and out when needed. My rings I have on are only 865 but I have 2 875 with sockets in bag just in case even though they aren't great stat wise, in 'theory'.

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