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Need help deciding gear-Prot paladin.

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Obviously the  current gear I am using in this is what I have thought is best.

My two questions are in regards to the ring and trinket. Obviously heathcliff's will stay but I cant decide between my current other ring and the Seal of darkshire nobility with a socket filled with quick dawnlight(http://www.wowhead.com/item=142171/seal-of-darkshire-nobility).

Other question I have is with my trinkets. In armory profile you can see two I have equipped. The third I am deciding upon is a Mythic Warforged 870 Raven Eidolon(http://www.wowhead.com/item=142169/raven-eidolon).

I always use 375 haste food and Stam flask when tanking, and most of my focus is on runing Mythic + dungeons. Not really a lot of time for pure raiding so most of my gear is tuned towards that and I have been reading in the higher level Mythic+ you want to start getting more versatility. Any suggestions for which might be better would be greatly appreciated. Pretty torn on what is best. Thanks!

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Keep both rings and trinkets. The Seal of Darkshire is too low in terms of ilvl to outweigh the loss of haste from your other ring.

I also wouldn't take the Raven Eidolon since its stats aren't really great (no haste) and i wouldn't look for stam-trinkets at all. As Prot-Pallys we have pretty much the lowest health pool of the tank classes, but you won't face problems just because of that. The on-use effect isn't that great either. Look for trinkets with haste as a stat or on procc, like Unstable Arcanocrystal, Chains of the Valorous, Chrono Shard, ...

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I mostly use Unstable Arcanocrystal (865ilvl) and Chrono Shard (880ilvl). I actually had the luck for strand of the stars to drop as 870 ilvl so i am using both right now and it works really nice. I only use Raven Eidolon for some affixes in Mythic+, mainly on Tyrannical (only some bosses) and Necrotic.There are only a few scenarios where stamina is better than haste. 

Ring wise, Seal of Darkshire is not worth loosing that amount of haste mainly because at the beginning of a fight you're always top hp with your active mitigation abilities available anyway.The spike damage appears later on and you'll need that extra heal or shield of the righteous. Maybe in some extreme M+ cases where you want to chain pull alot or mass pull an entire room but other than that it's not worth loosing haste.


Hope it helps.

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