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By Lihamylly
Critical Experiment of Draenor EU - a late night raid guild
LFR Raiders for 9.2. Especially DPS
Current Recruitment can be found at : http://critexp.enjin.com/recruitment
-note: We will consider all good applications
-socials are welcome to join.
Critical Experiment is based on the Horde side of Draenor - est 2007. We are a late night raiding guild. We are looking for mature players with good knowledge of their class and role within a raid environment.
We raid (21.00-00.00) one day per week ( Monday). We are mature players who have other commitments at 'normal' raid times, so we take the opportunity to get together and play at a later hour.
What you can expect to get from us?
* We aim to clear all content atleast on Heroic difficulty. When we can, on top of that we try getting some Mythic kills too.
* A relaxed but firm raiding atmosphere.
* A group of skilled raiders who enjoy seeking progression in PvE raiding.
* A friendly home. Our members are sociable players and enjoy raiding old content, doing challenge mode, achievement runs and alts runs wherever possible. As such, a raiders friends/family are welcome in CE
* A semi-hardcore raiding guild whose aim is to use our limited hours in the best way that we can, maintaining progress with a decent atmosphere.
* We provide all "raiders" with free repairs from the Guild Bank 24/7. Members can also make use of the extensive mats available in the Guild Bank, all of which are provided for raiding.
What do we expect from you if you raid with us?
* Maturity in both age and attitude towards your fellow team mates.
* A high level of skill and sensible raiding. Know your role, class and the encounters.
* Punctuality - Showing up for raids in good time and being well prepared with flasks, food buffs, etc (though supplied by GB better be safe then sorry).
* Able to attend most of the scheduled raids
* You’re able to take constructive criticism during raids and subsequently able to use that criticism to improve your level of skill, and play.
* We expect all members to be able to connect to "Discord". Mic is optional.
For questions, feel free to contact one of the current Officers of Crit exp in game or on our forums (Where you can also apply to Critical Experiment)
To make your apply go to "http://critexp.enjin.com/recruitment".
Joní(GM)(T1000#11957) Officers: Snakesblood
By Rhythrael
We Were Prepared is a Horde guild (Mug'thol) recruiting for Heroic farm and Mythic raiding progression, as well as aiming to build a core RBG team.
Currently we raid Tuesday-Thursday nights at 10pm PST until 12 Midnight.
We're seeking active and engaging members for our core team to begin mythic progression.
If you have any questions or would like an invite or have questions about the guild please PM me or message Rhythrael, Rhyker or Xchaos in game
By Airykameow
Our WoWprogress link: http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/kazzak/Limit
Our website link: http://www.limit.wtf
Our raid times (based on server time):
Thursday: 19.30 to 23.00
Sunday: 19.30 to 23.00
We do not extend this schedule further for progression / mtyhic raids.
Players who excel at their class/spec, whichever that may be, are more than encouraged to apply regardless of our current recruitment needs.
What we are looking for in our raiders:
* You love raiding and love progressing through Mythic.
* You are both communicative and independent as a player. (actively prepare yourself for encounters, know about them and ask when you do not.)
* Raiding experience and skill in your respective role/class/spec. (please reconsider applying here if you have little experience, despite the casual aspect we are not a guild for beginners.)
* Near 100% attendance is expected.
* Your English is good enough for clear communication.
* You have a stable connection and no hardware hiccups.
* Being able to listen to and actively speak on Discord when needed is required.
* You are willing to stay up to date with our important topics related to raiding which are discussed and concluded in our Discord text channels.
How to join?
Click the "Apply" button on our website - www.limit.wtf and fill in our google form. You will be notified if you've passed.
If you would like to contact us in-game, you can do so via:
* In-game mail / whisper.
* BNet add.
Contacts: Deveridum & Airyka
Main BNet: Hideki#21219
Our WoWprogress link: http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/kazzak/Limit
Our website link: http://www.limit.wtf
By Lebron23
Legion of Boom is recruiting healers, ranged dps, and a third off tank for our mythic progression group. We currently have 16 people consistently in our core and just need to round out our comp. All our raiders are 860+ and we expect you to be the same. Raid times are Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30 PM-10:30 PM Server time. If interested, please add LeBron23#1807 to friends and send me a message with your ilvl, main spec, availability, and raid experience.