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Needing advice to improve DPS

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I am 871-873 ilvl and pretty sure following my rotation well, but seems like I am still behind in what my DPS should be.  Any advice to help improve be greatly appreciated.   Got a good focus on Mastery with portion to Haste.  Rotation Boulder fist- frostbrand - flametongue- stormstrike (especially at proc) - dump crash lightning Lava Lash.  Feral Wolves and Doom Hammer when off CD. 



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Something weird is going on at the beginning of each kill, it looks like you're not going in right away because the buffs aren't up for several seconds afterwards. Always make sure to get your buffs up before anything else in the opening sequence. If you're doing it right, you will start slightly slow, then after 5 seconds you will race way ahead in DPS.

I'm not sure if it is the best opener, but I usually do prepot + Feral Spirit at 1.5 seconds while running in, Flametongue at 10y, Boulderfist + racial, Frostbrand, Stormstrike, Doom Winds, and spam Stormstrike. Then another potion 2 minutes later after Feral Spirit is off cooldown again.

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The opening rotation I use is as follows; Boulderfist -> Frostbrand -> Feral Spirits -> Crash Lightning (to trigger Alpha Wolf) -> Flametounge -> Doom Winds.

After that, if I have a Stormbringer proc I start spamming Stormstrike, otherwise I fit in another Boulderfist. Remember to be prepared to spam some Lava lashes if you do not get a Stormbringer proc, as you will generate tons of Maelstrom when Feral Spririts is up.

Your buffs are all on a sub 90% uptime, try to get these higher, and prioritize Stormstrike when you got all your buffs rolling.

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