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which packs to buy

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Fairy new player.  

I'm still missing some of the older epics and legendarys and have no dust.

Should i buy older packs hoping to get lucky with those cards or just buy the new MSG packs?

I'm only buying with gold,  no additional cash.

Of course it could be more beneficial to play the arena instead of buying packs.  3 wins is my best so far






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Are you playing standard, not wild? Classic cards will not ever rotate out of standard, and MSG will be here for the next two years. There are heaps Iof critical cards in the classic set. They'll be better value over the long term, but I don't get quite as excited about them as the newest expansion. How long have you been playing and what interests you the most about Hearthstone?


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been playing about 4 months standard

I'm a mtg player from way back.  love the strategy.

Also a former WoW player, so the names and lore keep it interesting


I've been mostly playing hunter smack em in the face.

Although, paladin murlocs are fun also.


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Currently Hunter's/ Paladin have the lowest win rate in Constructed .. There are good decks out there for them (mid-range/maly hunter, Hand-buff/Anyfin Paladin with Finja) .. Face hunter now can't use the Pirate package from MSOG as effectively in Standard, so you will get out damaged ( by aggro shaman/ warrior), out valued by the rest .. Everyone runs weapon destruction so Hunter's suffer the most ..

Everyone will say that Classic is the best and safest  option .. I would suggest looking up cards for the MSOG expansion and going from there .. 

In the end just enjoy .. Since you like murlocs might want to give shaman a go .. doesn't require any legendaries and is hella fun thanks to call in the finishers (MSOG) .. Not a ranked deck just loads of fun to play .. 

Arena is alot more balanced after MSOG but unless your really good I would suggest not doing arena for card packs atleast .. 


Edited by peekaboo

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Just like everyone said, buy classic packs. They are a safe bet and since you have been playing for only 4 months, I assume your classic collection isn't full. 

Also yes, hunters and paladins are the worst classes as of now. You should focus on shaman or warrior instead. I personally recommend pirate warrior as it's fairly easy to play once you read the guide. As you can see from the decklist, most of the cards are from standard set. 

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I personally take the approach of only only buying the lates xpac packs, MSoG in this case. I will get my occasional classic packs from tavern brawls and if I need any more I'll just craft em.

that said, I do already have almost all classic cards I want. Now I'm just waiting for the next set to roll out so I can dust more ^^

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