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Help with Assassination DPS

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My logs:https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/ac92pfFLkr7AvYC3#fight=9&type=damage-done

I am Mindassassin http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/kelthuzad/Mindassassin/simple

 Other rogue to reference is Sin http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/kelthuzad/Sin/simple

I have been playing assassin rogue for a while and I have ran across a few different articles on how to perform well with different schools of thought. Some articles say to maintain Elaborate Planning (EP) with near 100% up time even if it means throwing a 1x Combo Point Envenom at the mob. Other documents say to only try and use 3/4+ Envenoms. How should this be handled? Is there an actual minimum crit % for EP/Agonizing Poison (AP) build? I feel like it has to be around 42-45%+ or something like that. Can anyone confirm? 

I have another rogue in my guild that has good legendaries and similar gear but significantly parses higher than me. I feel that there is something I am missing between our actions. Can someone help assess and help me pin point what to change. Thank you in advance for any help. 


UPDATE 1/4/17: 

Updated Logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/G8Vk6dYrLRW1f9AQ#fight=2&type=summary

Thank you all for the contributions to this post. I have been working on some of my flaws that have been pointed out and would like to update the logs. There is still a significant difference but I hope to bridge that gap soon. 

Things I know to work on are

1. Cast more Kingsbane ( he is getting more off than me in a fight)

2. Need to figure out how to maximize Kingsbane usage and gain more overall dmg

       (his kingsbane dmg is much higher than mine I assume i have poor usage or setup on my part)

3. I need to cast more envenoms

       (there is a number disparity between his number and mine)

4.Maintain higher uptime on garrote w/o clipping.

5. I need to finish out my artifact weapon to gain the dmg buff from  Slayer's Precision

If there is anything else that I have missed or techniques I don't know please point them out thank you in advance.

Edited by Teliotec

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From a quick look at wowprogress and judging by the looks of artifact levels the other rogue is ahead of you. I don't know how accurate wowprogress is on this. Thats my guess though, cause it's quite a bit of damage %.


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  On 12/28/2016 at 7:28 PM, Teliotec said:

My logs:https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/ac92pfFLkr7AvYC3#fight=9&type=damage-done

I am Mindassassin http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/kelthuzad/Mindassassin/simple

 Other rogue to reference is Sin http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/kelthuzad/Sin/simple

I have been playing assassin rogue for a while and I have ran across a few different articles on how to perform well with different schools of thought. Some articles say to maintain Elaborate Planning (EP) with near 100% up time even if it means throwing a 1x Combo Point Envenom at the mob. Other documents say to only try and use 3/4+ Envenoms. How should this be handled? Is there an actual minimum crit % for EP/Agonizing Poison (AP) build? I feel like it has to be around 42-45%+ or something like that. Can anyone confirm? 

I have another rogue in my guild that has good legendaries and similar gear but significantly parses higher than me. I feel that there is something I am missing between our actions. Can someone help asses and help me pin point what to change. Thank you in advance for any help. 


One of your trinkets is for Bleeds (crit) and the other is just bad.  Probably makes a huge difference in output.

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  On 12/29/2016 at 7:51 PM, MrEdren said:

One of your trinkets is for Bleeds (crit) and the other is just bad.  Probably makes a huge difference in output.


I think you don't know what your talking about. How is Eye of Command solely for Bleeds? Assassin Rogues need alot of crit to function properly with EP/AP build along with a lot of Mastery. How would the Nightbane Urn be bad? Comments with no intellectual backing will  not be looked at with seriousness.

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Sin has 5 artifact trait points in to Slayer's Precision, you have none. There is your delta. However, with your shackles you should be able to overcome his artifact trait advantage. He's getting more from his Rupture than you, but you both are doing good with uptime. He used a Pot of the Old War and you did not (you should be prepotting one and using another with your Vendetta during the fight, blah blah). His Kingsbane usage is crushing  yours. Be sure to be pooling energy in prep for Kingsbane and keep Envenom buff up the entire duration. I didn't look in depth at relics, but there could be some synergy between his relics and his stat/legendary makeup giving a boost? Maybe he is saving a full cloak pop when the boss is at .5% giving him a 600k dps spike (grasping at straws now)?

I concur with you that the crit sweet spot seems to be ~43% +/- a few percentile. I was surprised to see his Mastery so low, but maybe he has another set on at the time I looked at armory.

Oh and your trinkets are what they should be...BIS.

Edited by Jaredius

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  On 12/29/2016 at 9:12 PM, Teliotec said:

I think you don't know what your talking about. How is Eye of Command solely for Bleeds? Assassin Rogues need alot of crit to function properly with EP/AP build along with a lot of Mastery. How would the Nightbane Urn be bad? Comments with no intellectual backing will  not be looked at with seriousness.


Good on you. lol.

Your trinkets are basically BiS, although the Urn isn't great if you play Exsanguinate. I see you were playing Agonizing Poison on Ursoc so you're good with that.

For Ursoc specifically, and really any fight where you have to change targets, Eye of Command is kind of a pain because it rewards you for sticking to 1 target. You'll notice a HUGE improvement in damage for these fights if you apply Rupture to the Nightmare Image without auto attacking it which would reset your crit buff stacks. You can accomplish this with a focus macro, a stopattack macro, or anything like that. Really up to you how you do it.

That said, Jaredius above has a good comment. If you're that far behind with your AP, there will be a huge difference in how much damage you do. Which relics do you have? Which does the other Rogue have? Those will make a very very significant difference for Assassination in particular 

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  On 12/30/2016 at 3:57 PM, Carrn said:

You'll notice a HUGE improvement in damage for these fights if you apply Rupture to the Nightmare Image without auto attacking it which would reset your crit buff stacks. You can accomplish this with a focus macro, a stopattack macro, or anything like that. Really up to you how you do it.



Interesting. Would you mind posting the macro you use that allows you to switch targets and apply Rupture to an off-target without losing your crit stacks on your main target?

Edited by Jaredius

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  On 1/3/2017 at 11:43 PM, lipsinch said:
/use [@focus,exists,nodead]Rupture

Real quick google. :P


Google didn't turn up anything when I searched "Eye of Command macro" before asking which is why I asked here. Thank you for your macro, but you can keep your snark. :|

Edited by Jaredius

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  On 1/4/2017 at 1:38 AM, Jaredius said:

Google didn't turn up anything when I searched "Eye of Command macro" before asking which is why I asked here. Thank you for your macro, but you can keep your snark. :|


To be clear: it isn't a macro for Eye of Command, it's a macro to cast Rupture on your focus target. You'll need to set each Nightmare Image as your focus each time one spawns

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  On 1/4/2017 at 1:35 AM, Jaredius said:

This mouseover also works:

/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][@target] Rupture


This is the superior macro to the focus  target as Tricks of trade should be focus target of tank and allows more flexibility of use.

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  On 1/6/2017 at 7:29 PM, Teliotec said:

This is the superior macro to the focus  target as Tricks of trade should be focus target of tank and allows more flexibility of use.


One is not superior to the other.

I have a mouseover macro for TotT that I use on my raid frames, which allows for more flexibility in which tank or other person I send things to, and so I don't struggle with awkward situations where an enemy is under my focus frame or anything like that.

It's a personal decision and there are many ways to do it, there isn't one right answer

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  On 1/4/2017 at 1:38 AM, Jaredius said:

Google didn't turn up anything when I searched "Eye of Command macro" before asking which is why I asked here. Thank you for your macro, but you can keep your snark. :|


No sarcasm, broski. Just sayin' what I did. Hope it helped. :)

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