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Problem with frozen pulse

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So I've been having problems with my dps and after checking the logs from the best dks, I've found that what I'm mainly lacking is frozen pulse damage. I've been trying my best to keep my runes low and constantly on cd but having the legendary belt makes it so difficult for me to keep frozen pulse going without overcapping my runic power. The other dk from my guild told me that it's better for my dps to overcap my runic power if that means keeping my runes at 2 or less. This is my armory, all the stat weightings are right except haste which is at 21% not 37%. My rotation currently is frost strike(for icy talons)>obliterate>frost strike(if I'm out of runes). Is this how i should play the spec? I've seen a huge difference in frozen pulse damage but I haven't had the chance to test on a long enough fight to see if it's an actual dps increase. 

Edited by acidoxyde

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Well I'll be honest even with the belt it shouldn't be to big a of a deal. Frozen pulse has to be 2 or lower not 0.  So you can FS if you have 2 runes, but if you have 3 runes Obliterate. Using 1 gcd to not over cap on runic is also not a big deal.  1 tick of frozen pulse damage is no where near the damage a single obliterate does.

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