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[EmeraldDream][A]<Coast to Coast>(7/7M 2/3M) LF HEALERS, RDPS and 1 TANK

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<Coast to Coast> 7/7M (Realm First mythic Xavius) 2/3M (as of 12/29/16)

We are a social Mythic Raiding guild with over 800+ members, 2 mythic teams and 2 normal and heroic runs hosted weekly for our members.

Raid Info Mythic Team Group 1: Tuesday: 8-12am server (6-10pm PST Time Zone) Thursday: 8-12am server Sunday: 8-12am server

Mythic Team Group 2: Tuesday 8pm-12 server Thursday 8pm-12am server Sunday 8-12 server

Normal / Heroic Runs: Wednesday 8-11/12 server (Normal) Friday 8-11/12 server (Heroic)

We are currently looking for our Group 1: RPDS (No Hunter), Healers (No pally) and we are also looking for 1 exceptional TANK player that can play multiple classes on a Mythic level.

Team 1 and Team 2 are looking for ALL SKILLED PLAYERS, do not be scared to apply (Even if your class is not listed above). Both groups will take the 20 best into Mythic. Also we do have a ladder system so if you get accepted into group 2 and work in improving yourself up to group 1 level, you will be brought into the main group, we do not play favourites and we are always bringing the best comp available to progress through mythic encounters

What are we looking for

We are looking for players that want to have fun while progressing through cutting edge mythic content, we are not only looking for a raider, we are looking for members that we can call our familiy.

As a raider you´re expected to have a 90% attendance and thoroughly research your class and the encounter before stepping into any progression fight.

What can you expect from us A great and friendly raiding enviroment, whether you are a new player or a seasoned veteran we do have an spot for you, offering daily raids for players outside our mythic teams as well ocassionally other guild event non-PvE related.

We have a drama free enviroment, and we use a loot council system for our mythic teams. Negative actitude is not tolerated inside the guild!

If you are interesting on learning more or applying to the guild please do it at <Coast to Coast>

If you would like to ask us any question or have any doubts regarding our guild or application process, leave a comment on this Thread, PM me or add me on BTAG: Fandrarick#1252

Edited by Fandrarick

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Dawnßringer - ED 880prot Paladin 7/7h 1/3h with knowledge of all fights up to 7/7m and 1/3m. Strong Competent, Knowledgeable player with tanking xp dating back to WOTLK and end game BC. battle net is Nic#1407 ialso have a 871 ww monk alt.

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