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Which cards should I craft next?

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20 minutes ago, positiv2 said:

Entirely depends on what deck(s) you want to play. Is there a specific deck or archetype you want, or any idea in general?

As you can probably see, I can make Jade Druid, most variations of Aggro Shaman or Midrange Shaman (although I'm missing Spirit Claws which is vital), Miracle Rogue, and Pirate Warrior. However, playing these four decks is getting boring so I'm looking for suggestions for a deck, and what I should DE and craft to make it.

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1 minute ago, somecanadian said:

As you can probably see, I can make Jade Druid, most variations of Aggro Shaman or Midrange Shaman (although I'm missing Spirit Claws which is vital), Miracle Rogue, and Pirate Warrior. However, playing these four decks is getting boring so I'm looking for suggestions for a deck, and what I should DE and craft to make it.

So I assume you want a deck that's either slower midrange or control. My first suggestion would be Renolock, but given that you do not have Reno Jackson, getting the deck together would take too long and Reno would rotate out in the meantime. Next deck would be N'Zoth warrior, but you lack all the core cards. Sadly, the rest of good control decks are way out of your budget range as well.
That said, I'd suggest you to start saving dust for Sylvanas Windrunner and then N'Zoth, the Corruptor. In the meantime, save gold for Karazhan in order to obtain Spirit Claws, which should allow you to climb faster and more consistently, allowing you to get to rank 5 or legend to get a better ranked chest, which should let you progress faster.

At this point I don't recommend dusting anything, as a lot of cards will rotate out soon, which means that cards that are considered "nearly almost good but not quite" will be used in decks as a lot of the cards that are good enough won't be usable anymore.

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I have always loved dragon priest but you are missing far too many cards to make it a viable option.

I would say. decide on your decks first and then on the cards. you can make a "cheaper" version of almost any deck and still play it quite competitively. MY personal favorites go to dragon priest, reno priest, reno mage, jade shaman. You are missing a bunch of vital cards for most of these though.

I would say, don't craft anything yet. wait for the next set of cards to rotate out, dust most of those when they do and keep collecting. it can go slow at times but it's the only real way imo. If you start discenhanting cards now you might end up regretting it when new adventures/sets come out.

Last tip, if you truly want to go faster, consider spending 20 euros or dollars on a bunch of packs. usually will yield you some pretty good stuff. Remember when buying packs that it's currently only really worth taking Classic or Mean streets packs.

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Reno decks are very expensive and require a decent skill level to play (personally I hate Reno decks, love anything with dragons) ..  I'm assuming yours is a F2P seeing that you haven't unlocked all adventure levels ..

If you plan to ladder in standard, current renostone meta demands either aggro deck or a OTK version to be decent .. Dragon Priest is a great deck but because it lacks the ability to finish games unless you put in Mind blasts because of Kazakus/ Twisting/ Shadowflame ..

In the end it comes down to one thing make a competitive deck for ladder or make a chuckle deck like Egg Druid/ Murloc Shaman ..

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If you want to play a control deck, my suggestion would be to work towards a control warrior deck.  Control warrior pretty much always finds its way into the meta somewhere.  The one warning I will give is that control decks are not as easy to pick up as most decks.  I wouldn't say that they are necessarily harder, but they are certainly a different sort of difficulty then aggro and mid range decks, and I feel they take a lot more getting used to.  Personally I find reno decks to be very fun, but they are somewhat expensive and it is yet to be seen how viable they will be without their namesake in the coming x-pac, so sinking 10,000+ dust into one might not be the best idea.

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