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Anti-Aggro deck help needed

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Im f2p player on EU server. My meta never has more aggresive then now and i need for advice what deck may counter it. 

I have been tired of using dragon warrior and priest and im missing few cards for reno decks. Also i dont have nzoth and sylvanas for some deathrattle decks. 

Can somebody advice me what deck archetype could work? Im big fan of tempo mage but not sure if is viable now.

Sorry for my english, cheers

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1 hour ago, CzarnyAfgan said:


Im f2p player on EU server. My meta never has more aggresive then now and i need for advice what deck may counter it. 

I have been tired of using dragon warrior and priest and im missing few cards for reno decks. Also i dont have nzoth and sylvanas for some deathrattle decks. 

Can somebody advice me what deck archetype could work? Im big fan of tempo mage but not sure if is viable now.

Sorry for my english, cheers

Mid-range/ control shaman .. Tempo mage died after MSOG in favor of Reno mage

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Mid-range shaman is good, especially if you have White Eyes.

I've been doing well against them lately with a Taunt Warrior type deck, using Hozen Healer and Dopplegangster.

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I've found jade shaman to do the trick.

I am personally also enjoying playing aggro rogue atm. seems to take people by surprise. not really an aggro counter but quick on it's own.

Keep in mind that it might take some getting used to (the guide on it gives some very good tips though like keeping 1 drops for combo activators etc.)


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Depends on your collection.  Aggro shaman is probably the best deck to counter aggro, you just have to learn how to navigate the mirror match well.  Aside from that, control warrior is very strong.  Sylvanas is a pretty core card in it, but you can replace it with another taunt, like a bloodhoof brave.  Syl is important in control match ups but not in aggro so meh.  

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To be honest i don't really want play aggro. Control warrior is little too slow for grind and weak in reno matchups. Im fighting with miracle right now, and think about some classic zoo warlock. Anybody tries ?

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On 9-1-2017 at 0:27 AM, CzarnyAfgan said:

I have been tired of using dragon warrior and priest and im missing few cards for reno decks. Also i dont have nzoth and sylvanas for some deathrattle decks. 


Too bad cuz dragon priest and reno priest are seriously good against agro. Can you elaborate on what you're missing for reno priest.? 

Alternatively you could try and go for a shadowform priest, they're not really meta right now but they can be very devestating for agro.

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4 hours ago, CzarnyAfgan said:

To be honest i don't really want play aggro. Control warrior is little too slow for grind and weak in reno matchups. Im fighting with miracle right now, and think about some classic zoo warlock. Anybody tries ?

Classic zoo is really really bad right now.  It loses hard to both aggro and control.  You can steal some control wins because they mulligan poorly against you if you have an amazing start, but aside from that, it is pretty bleak.  Miracle rogue should have a pretty okay match up against every meta deck except for reno mage.  Granted their match up vs pirate shaman and warrior isn't the absolute greatest, its really only slightly in their favor.  Unless you aren't running the pirate package yourself and running one of the slower variants, then well your SOL.  Also, control warrior isn't that weak vs reno decks the match ups are just difficult to navigate.  Yes reno priest is almost unwinnable, but reno lock and reno mage (This is assuming they are running the slightly more freeze mage-y variation with alex and antonidas if they are running the mediv one it is more slanted in their favor) are relatively even, if not maybe slightly in your favor.

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18 hours ago, Shine said:

Too bad cuz dragon priest and reno priest are seriously good against agro. Can you elaborate on what you're missing for reno priest.? 

Ysera, Raza and Kazakus - thats deffinately too much to replace :)

Yeah, zoo looks really weak, sadly i had to swap decks between miracle rogue and pirate warrior.  Miracle looks terrible on 11-9 ranks - all my matchups (~30) was pirate shammy or warrior, i met 2 (yeah 2) renolocks aside from them

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3 hours ago, CzarnyAfgan said:

Ysera, Raza and Kazakus - thats deffinately too much to replace :)

Ysera is interchangeable for almost any late game value card (or even another tech card if the deck would be struggling with agro), Raza the Chained and Kazakus do make your life a lot better. I have been running without raza for a while and the deck is still pretty viable without him/her/ethereal. The biggest strength lies in the burst healing it can provide through Tournament Medic Garrison Commander and Justicar Trueheart synergy. additionally it can provide a good early game value against aggro since your heal will be free leaving your curve open or better contesting. All in all, you could play reno priest without raza (if mage and lock can do it, so can priest).

Kazakus is probably the biggest one. The value gained from this card is insanely good in any match up. combo-ing it with Brann Bronzebeard makes for even better value.

If you really want to play reno priest I'd suggest saving some dust for kazakus and then just making one. at least the play style is very appealing (at least to me).

Raza and ysera can both be replaced if needed.

just reading back now I see you also don't have N'Zoth, the Corruptor and Sylvanas Windrunner which is sad because they are popular choice too.

Well, I guess you're right when saying you're missing too much, just keep in mind that nothing is impossible. you can always make a viable build and especially priests and warriors are very well equipped against aggro. and once you get reno off pretty much any aggro deck is better off conceding.

I have been hearing about freeze mage gaining in popularity again (makes for the classic control warr vs freeze mage games again, yay). maybe that's something to look into.

Edited by Shine

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On 1/18/2017 at 7:56 AM, Shine said:

Ysera is interchangeable for almost any late game value card (or even another tech card if the deck would be struggling with agro), Raza the Chained and Kazakus do make your life a lot better. I have been running without raza for a while and the deck is still pretty viable without him/her/ethereal. The biggest strength lies in the burst healing it can provide through Tournament Medic Garrison Commander and Justicar Trueheart synergy. additionally it can provide a good early game value against aggro since your heal will be free leaving your curve open or better contesting. All in all, you could play reno priest without raza (if mage and lock can do it, so can priest).

Kazakus is probably the biggest one. The value gained from this card is insanely good in any match up. combo-ing it with Brann Bronzebeard makes for even better value.

If you really want to play reno priest I'd suggest saving some dust for kazakus and then just making one. at least the play style is very appealing (at least to me).

Raza and ysera can both be replaced if needed.

just reading back now I see you also don't have N'Zoth, the Corruptor and Sylvanas Windrunner which is sad because they are popular choice too.

Well, I guess you're right when saying you're missing too much, just keep in mind that nothing is impossible. you can always make a viable build and especially priests and warriors are very well equipped against aggro. and once you get reno off pretty much any aggro deck is better off conceding.

I have been hearing about freeze mage gaining in popularity again (makes for the classic control warr vs freeze mage games again, yay). maybe that's something to look into.

Freeze mage is a fairly poor choice, it has pretty abysmal match ups a crossed the board, Reno decks can generally answer your alex and reno on the same turn, and pirate decks get off to such a fast start that they kill you before you can stabilize.  It does have a good - amazing match ups vs most decks that are not pirate warrior, pirate shaman, and reno decks though.

Edited by VaraTreledees

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