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[Aerie Peak][A] <War Front> 10/10 H - 7/7 M - 3/3 H[T]/[Thu] 7:30-10:30 EST

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<War Front> Mythic Team from Aerie Peak recruiting for Nighthold

Raid Info: Semi Hardcore raid group from Convert To Raid Omen on Aerie Peak. We have been around for 2 years, dedicating most of our play time to pushing the hardest content available in the game. We are currently 10/10 Heroic NH, 7/7 Mythic EN, and 3/3 H ToV. Our roster is very flexible to meet our group needs and therefore use a rotation system for our roster, this way everyone gets loot and a chance to raid. However, we are looking to increase the size of our roster stepping into Nighthold.

Raid Environment: We are a group of hardcore minded raiders, while still being relaxed and enjoying difficult content. We love to joke around throughout the week in our Discord, and bring that relaxed attitude to raids. We believe it is better to be relaxed and focused during progression. As tensions can run high, we still want to make sure everyone is having fun while giving it their best.

Raid Philosophy: Progression can be done in a fun and relaxed environment. We have proved that. This was one of our founding core values as a raid group. This value has kept us together as a cohesive team, bringing out the best in our players.

Recruit Expectations:
All recruits go through a 2-4 week trial phase. During this trial phase, attendance requirement is 100%, no exceptions. All recruits must also be familiar with SimCraft and Warcraft Logs. We analyze logs daily, and we expect recruits and raids to do the same. After two weeks, we evaluate the recruits and determine if they are ready for a core spot. If not, the recruit is given another two weeks to improve, and re-evaluated. If no improvements have been made, we will ask you to leave. We have very many resources available to help raiders, and performance is very important to us. 

If any of the above information interests you, and you wish to put in an application, please contact Zue#1530 for any questions, we will get you set up with an interview in Discord, or in-game.

Edited by Zue
Updated progression

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