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[Sargeras][A] <Currently Online> Come have fun again!

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<Currently Online> US - Sargeras - Alliance/Area 52 - Horde - Is recruiting players for 9 raid teams, 3 RBG teams, and social/casual players of all levels!


About Us:

<Currently Online> Now the largest World Of Warcraft guild in the world! Formed at the beginning of MoP by a core group of players that have been around since Vanilla, we are more than just a guild; We are a gaming community with our roots in World of Warcraft. Take a look at what we can offer!


What We Offer:

We are the largest and most active guild IN THE WORLD. With a roster of nearly 10,000 players, spread over 10 guilds with connected chats, you'll never have to say "There's nothing to do." 

In addition to a slate of activities that you will find listed below, we also have the most professionally organized guild in World Of Warcraft. 
Our 35 staff members and team leaders work tirelessly around the clock to ensure that your CoGuild experience is the best it can be! Here you can rest easy knowing that we are making a full list of events for you to enjoy, moderating chat, and providing an incredible gaming experience for our members.

In WoW:

  • * 9 Raid Teams - Ranging in difficulty from normal, to mythic.
  • * 7/7 Mythic EN progression.
  • * 3 PvP RBG Teams.
  • * Room for advancement as a staff member.
  • * Always active guild chat - 10 guilds linked via in-game addon.
  • * In-game activities and competitions: Mog contests, races, mythic dungeons, achievement runs, PvP tournaments, and more!

Out of WoW:

  • * Minecraft Server
  • * Communities on Steam, Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit.
  • * Awesome CoGuild merchandise like; Shirts, Hoodies, and more.
  • * Battlefield Clan
  • * Runescape Clan
  • * CoD Clan
  • * Destiny Clan
  • * FFXIV Company
  • * Game Marathon Weekends: Rust, Hurtworld, 7D2D, Rocket League, Tabletop Sim, and countless others.
  • * Always active Discord voice server. 
  • * Movie Nights


More Information:

<Currently Online> Has something to offer for everyone, if you are a hardcore raider or a hardcore casual, you can find a place here at CoGuild; leave your dying guild behind, and come have fun again! If you want more information about our group you can visit us at our website: www.coguild.com .

Contact Us:

You can contact us a number of ways! 

Add one of the following officers to your Btag list:





Email us at:




Be sure to follow Currently Online on twitter at @co_guild to stay up to date!


We hope to see everyone in game!

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