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Views on Unholy Death Knight

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What are everyone's views on the new unholy death knight? Currently, I hate it. The flow of the crit build is horrendous and I find the spec quite boring. Does anyone know if the mastery build is better than the crit build?

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Clawing shadows is vastly superior like by miles. I don't dislike it I think it's fine, it feels like how unholy should be playing where I don't just sit at full RP the entire fight and only use my runes. 

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Just looked at your logs for guarm how do you do so much dps I must be doing my rotation wrong :/ Could you look at my logs? Since tonight was the first time I used this build I am unfamiliar with rotation etc. Also looking at dps difference I was doing a lot more than the other dk in my grp that was using castigator.


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53% is fine @Avexia

@lethality 50% uptime on boss, 100% uptime is realistic for guarm. Runic capped, being runic capped doesn't really work anymore gotta go back to that old play style, of using both runic/runes. Those are the main/biggest problems.

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@Pagan While I'm not 100% sure, i'm pretty sure that claw shadows is better for you regardless of your mastery unless you have something super low like 30%. When I simmed my character with clawing shadow was providing over a 9k dps increase, depending which pieces i put on i.e more mastery vs more crit would be higher. With my highest crit chance achievable in my gear without losing an insane amount of ilvl, it was at lowested a 9k increase.

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I don't think changing all crit haste to mastery haste is wise, but i think changing majority of it is.

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What would you say is the lowest amount crit needed to be functional? I currently have 24.25%. I think this is enough considering I have 66.03% mastery buffed. My haste is at 18.42%

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Currently looking into Unholy DPS and trying to fit a mastery build with Dark Arbiter but cant seem to find  the base line for it.
ATM i have 30.42% crit / 19.38% haste / 35.16% mastery / vers 2.11%
Trinkets are memonto of angerboda(860) and Eye of command (875)
Was thinking to go more for mastery but then  it feels i lack crits to maintain 400-450 k dps, Any Suggestions?

Edited by Schugga

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@Schugga Dark arbiter isn't wortwhile. I would say like 50% mastery is ideal, but you want to be using clawing shadow is you go mastery build.

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Greetings to all DK lovers

Do i understand it right, that DA is way weaker than SR? Even when i'm running the mastery build from here?

And is necrosis the go to for the mastery build? I found it lacking sometimes. Mostly of the time it works fine but in longer fights there are holes in my RunicPOWER so i have to cast CS without the buff.
When I messed with the other talents it looked like they were way inferior to necrosis.

Link to armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/blackmoore/Aithel/advanced

I know the mog sucks, forgot to change it yesterday night, when i got the bracers. :D

I hope the wall of text is understandable. :P

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@Vorguz DA just isn't worth it. While it was buffed, SR is still far more consistent and reliable and also helps us a lot with Rune regen etc. Necrosis does sim quite well, however, it is not the easiest thing to execute properly and therefore can result in varying effectiveness. Also, it plays shit in my opinion :D I would recommend Infected Claws, since it does not require additional thought and still has a lot of value, especially in AoE sitautions.

Edit: Just saw you got the bracers, therefore Infected Claws gets even better for you.

Edited by godsilla94
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@godsilla94 Thanks. :) You are right Necrosis plays like shit, but it does boost my dps so much. :/
Do you think DA will be worth picking if you get the Cooldownreduction Trinket?

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@Vorguz With you having Bracers, I honestly don't think Necrosis will be much better for you, even if sims might suggest otherwise. On your DA question, while I cant guarantee it, I'm fairly sure even with the Trinket it wouldn't be worth. If at all, it might be worth w/ the trinket on a boss that has phases of increased damage taken, like Skorpyron, although Defile and SR would both be excellent choices on that fight, as well.

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