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7.1.5 Tuning

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Does this make the old Hailstorm/Boulderfist build viable again?

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The problem with Boulderfist in the current meta is FoA. It is very thirsty and does not work with the lower maelstrom generation from Boulderfist vs. Rockbiter; you are forced to change your T5 talent as well if you want to use Boulderfist. Also, Boulderfist does not work with Overcharge for the same reason. So you are back to exactly the same cookie cutter build, but at a still lower power level than before.

And the new build is getting nerfed via FoA, when it is already parsing below every other DPS class at high gear levels. That is utterly baffling.

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9 hours ago, Tarazet said:

The problem with Boulderfist in the current meta is FoA. It is very thirsty and does not work with the lower maelstrom generation from Boulderfist vs. Rockbiter; you are forced to change your T5 talent as well if you want to use Boulderfist. Also, Boulderfist does not work with Overcharge for the same reason. So you are back to exactly the same cookie cutter build, but at a still lower power level than before.

And the new build is getting nerfed via FoA, when it is already parsing below every other DPS class at high gear levels. That is utterly baffling.

Dear Tarazet,


I am not sure I understand what you are saying because Boulderfist generates a lot more malestorm than rockbiter

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5 hours ago, Khag said:

Dear Tarazet,


I am not sure I understand what you are saying because Boulderfist generates a lot more malestorm than rockbiter

It honestly does not. Boulderfist generates 28 maelstrom and is locked by a 2 charge cd system of roughly 5s (based on your haste) whereas rockbiter generates 23 maelstrom with no cd. Your resource generation is significantly higher when you use rockbiter.

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So simulationcraft ist now up to date. The new playstile ist still active and hits alot of damage. I am simcrafting with 550k dps with my Enha gear.

Talents for the most possible damage:


With T19:


I hope this is helpful ;)


Edited by Kneggi

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17 hours ago, Elementss said:

It honestly does not. Boulderfist generates 28 maelstrom and is locked by a 2 charge cd system of roughly 5s (based on your haste) whereas rockbiter generates 23 maelstrom with no cd. Your resource generation is significantly higher when you use rockbiter.

It's also bolstered by Windsong, if you take that talent. The 4-piece bonus will push us towards Hot Hand as a matter of course, so it will be worth getting used to dealing with that second proc.

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I tried out several different builds, each with identical 880 gear, no consumables or bloodlust. Almost every build sustained around 400k. But, some builds definitely have much better burst windows and will be more adaptable to different situations.

Let's start with T7. There we have Ascendance, Landslide and Earthen Spike. We can strike Ascendance off completely. Even going out of the way to maximize the potential synergy with Windsong, AS, FoA and Tempest, there is no getting around the fact that this cooldown effectively does nothing in PvE. There is no cost reduction or damage increase; it effectively just increases your range to 30 yards, and bypasses armor (which has no effect in PvE). It is a completely unusable DPS ruiner. That leaves us with Landslide and Earthen Spike. They are close in value on single target fights, and Earthen Spike can contribute to an eye-popping opening salvo, but Landslide screams ahead in value as soon as there is more than one target. Also, maintenance is easy with your basic generator. So effectively, you have only one choice in T7 in Landslide regardless of your build.

Going back to T6, we have Crashing Storm, Fury of Air and Sundering. First let's address Sundering. In the situations where it really shines - packs of squishy adds - there is rarely any real danger anyway. Unless your group has no other burst AoE (Demon Hunter, Fire Mage, Ele Sham etc), and the 40 second cooldown works particularly well in the encounter, you'll want to use one of the other talents. Fury of Air is the best talent to use, by a substantial margin, as long as you are not using Boulderfist. If you are, then I advise to avoid FoA and use Crashing Storm instead. The constant maelstrom bleed is more difficult to support with a Boulderfist build. Also, if you have Emalon's Charged Core and you will be able to cleave 3 targets consistently, Crashing Storm will provide a massive DPS gain.

Continuing back in line, in T5 we now have 3 viable choices. Overcharge adds Lightning Bolt to your rotation, and generally makes it your #1 source of damage, but it only hits a single target. It is a lot of getting used to for a talent that only shines on a single target fight. It is, however amusing to mouse-over and one-shot a squishy add while you're still beating on the boss. Tempest allows you to use Stormstrike 3 times in a row instead of 2 upon a Stormbringer proc. This provides a great boost in both single target and AoE, and with T19 4-piece it will be the mandatory choice. There is always some wasted potential with this talent because of Stormbringer chaining, though, and if you are OCD about it, then use Empowered Stormlash. This talent is surprisingly solid even in 5-mans.

T4 is fairly clear cut. Lightning Shield can be used only in fringe situations, such as the Serpent of Old encounter in Brawler's Guild, where you will sustain consistent melee damage. Otherwise, you will not be maximizing the value of the talent in PvE. Hailstorm has been hotfix-tuned back up a bit, so if you have legendaries that call for keeping it up - namely the bracers and the ring - use Hailstorm and keep Frostbrand up. If you don't, use Ancestral Swiftness.

T1 is the last choice we have that impacts DPS. Windsong provides an attack speed buff; it synergizes elegantly with Doom Winds and helps to provide enough Maelstrom to support Fury of Air. Hot Hand gives you free, supercharged Lava Lashes; this is most likely going to become the go-to talent with the T19 4-piece bonus. Boulderfist is your choice for dungeons, and generally if you want free GCD's for utility spells like Rainfall, Lightning Surge Totem, and Braid of Gamon.

Strongest synergistic builds:

Boulderfist - Ancestral Swiftness - Tempest - Crashing Storm - Landslide (general use / AoE / dungeons)

Windsong - Ancestral Swiftness - Tempest - Fury of Air - Landslide (single target or mostly single target)

Hot Hand - Hailstorm - Tempest - Fury of Air - Landslide (T19 4-piece plus Legendary bracers and/or Legendary ring)

Hot Hand - Ancestral Swiftness - Tempest - Fury of Air - Landslide (T19 4-piece without Legendary bracers or Legendary ring)

Edited by Tarazet
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