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UH DPS help

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Hey guys,


I seem to be struggling quite a bit on the UH rotation. I don't have the bracers, but I still know that I Should be pulling more dps with my stats/gear. (ilvl 883, 24%crit, 18% haste, 75% mastery) I am using the new heavy mastery, CS build/rotation and i just don't seem to picking it up the way I had hoped. ANY advise here would be most helpful, here are a few of my recent logs:



As well as my armory link:


Thanks in advance for the help!

Edited by Deadly

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While I haven't had too deep of a look into your logs, I did notice quite a few areas where you could improve. Statwise, you seem to be doing okay, although you might want to try to put a bit more of your crit into haste, so you reach the desired 21%. Fightwise, I noticed that you used no Pots on the Ursoc Kill, and only 1 pot on the Guarm kill, which results in quite a substantial DPS Loss. Also, you are neither flasked nor fooded for your kills, which is rather surprising.


On the Ursoc kill it also seems like you had a pretty bad opener, since you only really start dealing damage 15s into the fight. You want to open with Army on ~6s, Dark Transformation on 2 and your prepot on 1s. After that, you open with Gargoyle into applying your plague and then you FS until you have 6 Runes up and SR + Apoc afterwards continue with your normal rotation/priority.


Im sure there are a few more things that could be improved, but these few areas should already result in 50k+ DPS increase in my opinion. I might have another look tomorrow if I find the time, otherwise im sure other, far better Unholys like @Drtain can help you out, too.




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Thanks for the input, I realized I didn't have a food buff or flask later on, just being dumb there. I'll keep in mind my lack of opener dps, and work on getting that done properly. 

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What @godsilla94 said was basically all correct, I really can't do say much else advanced combat logging wasn't used so it makes looking at logs harder. But you didn't use your sephuz's during your first apoc which your pet stun lines up with it so it's worthwhile to do gives you a short lust with soul reaper. Your soul reaper casts seems low, or spread out more than they should be. (this is for guarm) without advanced combat logging it doesn't allow me to watch your replay which is where i get most of my data from.


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