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[Ravencrest][A] <Brothers of the Naaru> (7/7m 3/3h) - 2 nights

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Guild Website link: http://botn-ravencrest.enjin.com/home
WoWProgress link: http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/ravencrest/Brothers+of+the+Naaru


TLDR Version:

Raid Days:
* Sunday and Tuesday from 20:00 ST to 23:00 ST.
* Thursday optional Heroic clear's + boosts.

Currently we are recruiting all dps and healing classes with an aim to have a strong roster to clear mythic Nighthold.

Currently recruiting 4 dps, all classes with emphasis on the following:
* Mage
* Hunter
* Rogue
* Balance Druid
* Warrior

However we encourage that exceptional players always apply!

Contact us at DanielRieske#2728 or Nition#2706 for more information!


Guild Information:

Brothers of the Naaru is a 20 man PvE raiding guild established on Nagrand - EU. We transferred to Ravencrest - EU in 2013, because Nagrand is a low populated server with not many people who want to raid on it.

Brothers of the Naaru is established in the middle of 2012, with people who wanted to raid in a fun and serious atmosphere.
In 2014 we changed from a 10 man guild to a 25 man, because we wanted to have a bigger challenge. When Warlords of Draenor was released we were working on getting a 20 man team ready for Mythic Raiding.

In July 2015 our guild decided to go on a break for half a year because of personal reasons. We decided in February 2016 to revive our raiding team.

History raid progression (everything listed below is pre-nerf):
Firelands 7/7
Dragon Soul 8/8 Heroic

Mogu'shan Vaults 2/6 Heroic.
Heart of Fear 6/6 Normal.
Terrace of endless Spring 4/4 Normal.
Throne of Thunder 2/13 Heroic
Siege of Orgrimmar 11/14 Mythic

Highmaul 2/7 Mythic
Blackrock Foundry 9/10 Heroic
Hellfire Citidal 9/13 Mythic

The Emerald Nightmare: 7/7 Mythic
Trial of Valor: 3/3 Heroic


Recruitment Info:

At this moment we're recruiting the following classes to complete our roster:

DPS (4, all classes, with emphasis on the following):
* Rogue
* Arms/Fury Warrior
* Mage
* Hunter
* Balance Druid

Nevertheless exceptional applications will always be considered.

Make sure to make an application at our website http://botn-ravencrest.enjin.com/forum
Copy the template in " RAIDING APPLICATION TEMPLATE - Read the Raiding Rules first! "
Make a thread in " Applications " , and fill in the questions.
The officers will be as soon as possible with answering it.

Socials are always welcome!

What are we expecting from our raiders:
* You have a sense of humor!.
* You have a mature and tolerant attitude.
* We're using Discord, and we expect you to use it and talk on it.
* You know your class inside out.
* You are able to come on all of our raid days without problems ( Sunday and Tuesday from 20:00 - 23:00 Server Time ).
* You come online on time ( at least 15 minutes before the raid starts ).
* You always have enough flasks / runes / potions / food with you.
* At-least item level 880+
* Artifact Trait Level > 40

What can you expect from us:
 - A serious but fun atmosphere during progression raids.
 - A stable raiding team

For more information on how to apply, please go to our website : http://botn-ravencrest.enjin.com/home
Or contact us on battle.net: DanielRieske#2728, Nition#2706

Edited by positiv2

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