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[2.4.3] Del'Rasha CC Blaster Build (Arcane Orb)

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I play in Asia, since I got back to China, with the great firewall of China, its such a pain to still stay in US servers.


please note that this is not a power build, but can perform pretty well.


Anyway, lets start.


The game is full of archon wizards and flashfire wizards, it will be fresh to see some new variations, after some testing, so I came up with this: the CC Blaster.

A build can CC the entire screen and hit really hard while teleport around untouched with 5 times of your life shield on! Sound to good to be true ;)

Read on.




  • Primary: Magic Missile: Conflagrate
  • Secondary: Arcane Orb: Obliteration
  • Button 1: Blizzard: Frozen Solid
  • Button 2: Black Hole: Supermassive
  • Button 3: Teleport: Calamity
  • Button 4: Slow Time: Point of Return




  • Galvanizing Ward; 
  • Arcane Dynamo; 
  • Evocation; 
  • Unstable Anomaly;



(Teleport: Reversal is also an awesome rune, but it is really bad for travel and easily messed up when in dire situation making panic error happens a lot, if you perform well, Reversal can makes you pop out from nowhere and gone for the mobs with infinite teleports 1 second CD, seeing mobs mindless chase you back and forth, especially with Slow time to Slow/stun and making enemy missile slow motion, managing the battle field )


You hit pretty hard with Obliteration rune, can 2-shot anything in TX including Rift Guardians, most will die in one hit.



Tal Rasha 6 set proc with the following skills:


  • {Fire} Magic Missile: Conflagrate
  • {Arcane} Arcane Orb: Obliteration
  • {Cold} Blizzard: Frozen Solid
  • {Lightning}: Black Hole: Supermassive
  • {Option Arcane}: Teleport: Calamity





  • [Tal Rasha 5 sets] with [Royal Ring] for full set bonus
  • [Delsere 3 sets] with [Royal Ring] for up to 4 set Bonus
  • [Bastion will Ring set] for signature spell & spenders alteration damage increase.
  • [Unstable Scepter Wand] for Arcane Orb double trigger.
  • [Triumvirate Source] for 600% Arcane Orb damage increase.
  • [Ashnagarr's Blood Bracer] for 520% life of shield increase



(Note: tal belt & tal amulet must be taken, as it is a un-conflicting slot; others are by choices as long as the two sets bonus goal is achieved, tal armor also need to be taken for the IAS roll)



In Cube:

  • Mirrorball (3 conflagrate missile)
  • The Shame of Delsere (AP Rege & Faster Speed of Magic Missile)
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur (make wearing two sets possible)



(you may use the aether walker teleport no cd in weapon slot. but with so many spell u need to cast and rotate, its pointless to have a no-cd teleport in most situations.

also, since you cast so many magic missiles so might as well increase its damage potential.


in-geom is not needed, since spawn cc will have diminishing returns, and you can't use teleport too often with spells need to rotating.


The Furnace in the other hand is a good choice if you need more elites damage.)




  • Molten Wildebeest's Gizzard (200% life shield)
  • Simplicity's Strength (increase signature damage and reliable heal)
  • Gogok of Swiftness (for IAS & CDR)




Basic function layout as below:


Offense (with Gogok Gem IAS)

  • 1. Arcane Orb: Obliteration 
  • 2. Magic Missile: Conflagrate /with Mirrorball & Simplicity Gem
  • 3. Tal set meteors
  • 4. Arcane Dynamo Passive & Triumvirate Souce Combo
  • 5. Bastion Will Ring Set.




  • 1. Tal set 4 set bonus
  • 2. Tal set 6 set bonus
  • 3. Del set 4 set bonus
  • 4. Galvanizing Ward with Blood Bracer
  • 5. Molten Wildbeest Gem with Blood Bracer




  • 1. Teleport with CDR & Gogok Gem



Life Rege

  • 1. LoH with fast IAS
  • 2. Life Rege with not taking damage (Molten Wildebeest Gem)
  • 3. Magic Missle with Simplicity Gem




  • 1. Freeze CC with {Blizzard: Frozen Solid}
  • 2. Disable CC with {Blackhole: Supermassive}
  • 3. Stun CC with {teleport: Calamity}
  • 4. Slow CC with {Slow Time}
  • 5. Stun CC with {Slow Time: Point of No Return}



With all five CC you can make the whole screen disabled!



Build favors Cooldown reduction & Attack Speed


IAS makes your AP Rege super fast, and making magic Missile a viable AOE skill, and you can move out your location faster.


CDR makes your an acceptable teleport cooldown and can span blackhole to gather for Arcane Orb Obliteration kill.

Obliteration also is the fastest travel rune.


That concludes the guide, I'm on low paragon level and can not test beyond TX Rift. If anyone interested, can test it out on high GRs for end game performance.

So far it is a fun build to play.


Just keep in mind that you are a ranged Blaster build, need CC to survive. You will be crashed if you go into Melee range. So be careful with your teleport as it still has close to 4 secs CD with CDR. 

If you need to teleport on top of mobs to disable mob skill, followed by blizzard freeze is recommanded.


Any feedback is welcome.

Edited by Lavarose
format change

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