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By Chumani
Inevitable Destiny (H)Corrupted Destiny guild Skywall/Drak'thul US realm? Corrupted Destiny IS one of Skywall's oldest and largest standing guilds - very active with a large player base! We’ve always got something going on: mythic dungeons, normal runs for alts, Island Expeditions, Warfronts, Incursions, Transmog runs (aka 'Chu's Shopping Trips), Raiding, Brawler’s guild activities... Even random activities like fishing at Darkmoon Faire while standing on water and wearing a fish head side by side!! All adult guild 18+ years old.
Raid-wise we are 9/9 N Dazar'alor and have members with 9/9 H experience. Our raid schedule currently is 5:30pm PST (8:30pm EST) to 9pm PST (11pm EST) Thursday and Monday. (Subject to change as we try to accommodate more members).
We have an active FB page and Discord server that is up to date on ALL game info as it happens, and of course fun stuff... as it happens as well!
As always, we are recruiting. Looking for raiders (healers preferred but all are welcome), casuals, in betweens, anyone who is looking for a guild! Do NOT be intimidated to ask to join us even though you are not level 120! Come and join us! We maintain a ZERO drama policy!!
Come experience the reason a guild as old as CD continues to stand and stand strong year after year after year! Come...... and get.... CORRUPTED!!!
Chu#12466 - Wanheda#11925
By Xanah
Guild: Dawn of the Dead | Faction: Horde | Server: Zul'jin (PvE) | Timezone: EST Current Progression: 8/9M BoD | 2/2H CoS | 8/8M Uldir CE We've been raiding max size raids continuously since WoW has been released and are the only guild to have done so here on Zul'jin. We have strong leadership, no drama, and plans to keep raiding for years to come. Unlike many guilds, we're not recruiting for the short term, and we don't over-recruit. Website:
Raid Times: Our schedule is 8-11 EST Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Needs: We are a small guild, and we expect high attendance. As such, we recruit people to raid, and desire people who can step in and contribute immediately. We don’t recruit people to sit around, so all spots are for raiders who can expect to be in most every raid. We are currently looking to add skilled and reliable:
Ranged DPS: High: Shadow Priest, Mage Medium: Warlock 1 Healer:
High: Resto Shaman, Mistweaver Monk
*ALL exceptional applicants will be considered regardless of the class. What we ask of you: Effort: Not all applicants come from highly progressed guilds, and that’s okay, but it does mean that you need to be prepared. We recruit the player, not the gear, but we do ask that you have some current experience. You need to have the best gear available to you with top end enchants and gems where available. You also need to be able to display an understanding of your class mechanics, role in a raid, and ability to learn new fights. Attitude: It’s a game. We play for fun. How you fit in with the guild is taken very seriously. We’re a bunch of mostly 18-30 guys and girls who have fun playing together. While we have a good time, we also know when it’s time to buckle down and work hard. Skill: The best way to determine skill is to see you in a raid. Because we don’t wish to have anyone transfer that we’re not serious about, be able to express your knowledge of your class and why you’re an exceptional player who would be an asset and is worth a shot. Gear will come with time. Skill will not. Impress us with your knowledge of your class and gameplay mechanics. Feel free to share any logs, theorycrafting, or other work you've done. Commitment: We make a commitment to you, and ask you to do the same to us. A raid takes a team of more than 20 individuals working together. We rely on you to show up to raids, research your class and new fights, respect your fellow players, and notify us when you are unavailable. You rely on us for gear, experience, and coordination. It's a large investment of our time to train and gear new players, and we ask the same investment on your part so that we can each benefit. We have a variety of informational resources available to prospective applicants on our web site: please refer to our "Applications" forum for detailed information. Also feel free to visit us on WoWProgresss for more information and kill videos! Should you wish to speak to someone in-game, please don't hesitate to reach out to an officer directly, whisper Alloren (Alloren#1606), Xanah (Xana#1662) or Jeare (Jeare#1759). We look forward to hearing from you soon!
By Bubbleskank
Guild: <Nocturnal>
Server: Zul'jin(Horde)
Raid Times: Tue, Wed, Thur 10:30-1:30 PST (1:30-4:30 EST)
Progression:3/8M Uld
Current Needs
Boomkin - HIGH
Elemental Shaman - HIGH
Warlock - HIGH
Shadow Priest - HIGH
Hunter - HIGH
Fire Mage - Low
Fury/Arms War - Closed
Surv. Hunter - Closed
Ret Pally - Closed
Frost DK- Closed
Havoc DH - Closed
WW Monk - Closed
Enh. Shaman - Closed
Feral - Closed
Rogue - Closed
Resto Shaman - Closed
Holy Pally - Closed
Disc. Priest - Closed
R.Druid - Closed
MW Monk - Closed
Any Exceptional DPS
1. Good Attitude – Our raids are high-pressure situations a lot of the time. Mistakes can and will be made by anyone in the raid. Your attitude must allow for identifying such mistakes, the willingness to admit failure, and the drive to correct such failure. Criticism can and must be met with a level head and the determination to amend your play accordingly. Nobody is above being called out for a mistake. Getting angry at your fellow raiders for pointing out errors during farm or progression will achieve nothing except the re-opening of recruitment.
2. Awareness – Encounters in this game will consistently find ways to kill you, ranging from simple fire mechanics to meteor strikes to sonic discs. If your awareness is lacking in any department, it will become readily apparent. We do not want people that cannot adapt quickly and efficiently to the challenging Mythic encounters of this tier and beyond.
3. Performance – Every boss fight is different. How quickly you are able to form a solid, consistent DPS (or HPS) strategy around the challenges of the encounter means everything. Maximizing output is a must. People who can adapt to any encounter, old or new, on the turn of a dime, are the people we want.
4. Attendance – The same players consistently showing up is one of the greatest keys to fast progression and reliable farm. Our final roster will be under 30 players, and we only raid 3 hours a night, 3 nights a week, so our schedule should be easy to make with 100% attendance, barring real life circumstances that can and will happen to everyone from time to time.
Trial Period
Once accepted into the guild, you will be placed into a trial period that lasts 2-4weeks. During this time, you will be evaluated and see how well you perform in our raid environment. Once we see how you play, we will have a brief talk with you and let you know if you passed your trail or not.
Contact Info
Bubblesmitey - Bubbleskank#1537
By Fwankk
<Raw> - Area 52 (H) - 2day/week Mythic Progression Raid team.
TLDR; (you'll find all of our recruitment needs here.)
Emerald Nightmare -- 7/7H 5/7M
Trial of Valor -- 3/3H (no mythic progression here, we were focused on EN at the time)
Nighthold -- 10/10H 8/10M
Small guild break (transferred from Thrall (H) to Stormage (A) )
Tomb of Sargeras -- 9/9H 4/9M
Antorus, the Burning Throne - 11/11H 10/11M
BFA Pre-patch (transferred from Stormrage (A) to Area52 (H) )
Uldir -- 8/8H 2/8M
Tuesdays: 8-11 Server (EST) Progression
Thursday: 8-11 Server (EST) Progression
Saturday: 7-9 Server (EST) Optional Farm (Normal/Heroic)
We are currently looking for people that can commit to all raid days. We are interested in players that will show up prepared, focused, and ready to kill bosses.
We understand that real life happens, but we do ask that our raiders maintain at least 90% attendance and be able to raid without frequent interruption.
We don't have a strict attendance policy, however it is important for us to keep our progression as strong as possible, which relies heavily on raid wide attendance. We only raid two days a week for 6 hours total, so it's imperative that we are all prompt and focused for raid.
At the current moment we are seeking any spec Warlock, Mage, Hunter, and a WW Monk. As always, we will are interested in ANY competitive/mythic oriented raiders despite spec/role. We're happy to talk to anyone interested.
Ranged -- MM/BM Hunter / Mage / Warlock!
Melee -- Arms War / Surv Hunter / WW Monk
For our 20m roster we have four 5m mythic+ teams that do one max level key a week. These teams are made up randomly and will be mixed up every two weeks. This system allows for us to make sure that our raiders are staying up to date with gear/Azerite, and it also helps build chemistry within the core. These are 100% MANDATORY and will be conducted after raid on raid days. Same attendance requirements as raid days.
We expect all raiders to come to raids prepared. This means:
- Having the correct gems and enchants.
- Class knowledge.
- Raid preparation.
We only raid 6 hours a week, so it is important to us that we don't waste time. All underpreforming players, regardless of rank or class, will be benched until performance can be brought up to par for the current content. We are not interested in carrying anyone, and if you cannot perform raid mechanics, then we are not the guild for you. Flask and food is something that the guild will eventually be supplying. With prices and demand here on A52, it's been tough getting those donations. We do try our best to take care of our guild members when it comes to raid mats, this is primarily done through donations. One team one dream.. we all have to donate a little to help the team as a whole. Our guild is a small community and we all pitch in to get things done.
Not a lot to this really. Personal loot is Personal loot. At this current time we have no structured system for non-upgrades. You're welcome to pass loot, but we will not concern ourselves with it. Our focus is killing bosses.. everyone will end up getting everything they want... eventually ?
Raid Leader - Fwansis (CrispyD#1823)
Officer - Fruitcake (Fruit#11335)
GM - Beanboss (funny story ? )
Recruitment Officer - Mönty (moooooonty#1899)
Anyone listed can answer any further questions you may have pertaining to the guild as well as conduct your interview in our guild discord.
By Kaatra
Hi everyone,
We are a guild that transferred from Alexstrasza to join the progression raiding scene as that server is very low population now. We are currently 8/8N and 4/8H uldir, and looking to move into heroics soon and mythic just after.
We do more than just raid, we love to do keys, transmog runs, and even some PvP. We have a large range of players from several walks of life and have a unique and fun atmosphere, we are friendly and love helping people.
We are looking for a few more members for our Sunday/Monday 5-8pm PST, and our tue/third 5-8pm PST. If anyone is interested in raid leading that will work too.
We are primarily east coast based but have a plethora of players that are on at all times of day.
Main needs for our raid team:
ranged dps
Exceptional players
Of course all players as welcome as we do other guild activities such as world PVP, keys, xmog and other social activities.
So come join this very active guild and we hope to hear from you.
If you would like more information please add my btag at Kaatra#5865.
I look forward to hearing from all of you.